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What do you know? What do you think?

What do you know? What do you think?. quote of the day: “You have achieved success if you have lived well, laughed often, and loved much .”. fact of the day:

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What do you know? What do you think?

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  1. What do you know? What do you think? quote of the day: “You have achieved success if you have lived well, laughed often, and loved much.” fact of the day: A kind of jellyfish (Turritopsis nutricula) upon reaching adulthood can transform itself back to childhood by converting its cells. It may repeat this to live forever. Would you like to live forever?

  2. welcome to Instructor: Kim Crouse Room: 1101 Email: kcrouse@ofsd.k12.mo.us Phone: 314-972-0034

  3. Biology Rationale: • appreciate advances in health care, disease prevention and nutrition • opportunities for employment in biology-related fields • background to be good community citizens who will be able to make informed decisions

  4. course outline – semester 1 • introduction to biology and the scientific method • animals • biochemistry • biosphere and food webs • population and human impact • cell structure and function • bacteria, fungi and viruses

  5. course outline – semester 2 • mitosis and meiosis • genetics and human heredity • evolution • EOC test review - EOC • taxonomy (classification of life on earth)

  6. expectations • Be here as often as possible. Every day is nice. • Have class materials and homework. • 3-ring binder to stay organized – 2” minimum • 5-subject notebook • colored pencils • pens and pencils • pocket folder • assignment book • Ask for extra help if it is needed.

  7. BINDER/NOTEBOOK: • The notebook will be worth 50 classwork points per unit. • It will have daily notes, root words, book work, drawings, and research notes. • Your binder will be worth 20 classwork points each time it is graded and will be collected twice a quarter. • Use it to keep all tests, quizzes, and handouts in order by unit.

  8. CLASSWORK: • In class we will have lecture/discussion, quizzes, labs, lab practical/identification tests, and written exams. • Most of the class lectures will be Power Point presentations, and you will be able to access them from any computer on campus as well as on my web site. • If you do not complete a lab or activity within the time allotted or if you miss an activity or lab, you will need to come in before or after school http://www.ofsd.k12.mo.us/esites/kcrouse/default.aspx

  9. HOMEWORK: • All homework should be neatly completed and turned in on time with name, date, and block at top of page • Work with no name will go in a box at the front of the room. You should check there if you do not get a grade in SIS on an assignment. • should include title of assignment with page numbers where appropriate • Please staple papers together neatly if it is more than a one-page assignment. • USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY. • In addition to other assignments, you will do the chapter review located at the back of each chapter. • You may need to schedule time to get help. • Please read directions carefully.

  10. PROJECTS: Each unit will have a project or activity to supplement the unit. Larger projects will be graded as assessments and given the same importance as an exam. Semester 1: animal project, nutrition project, owl pellet project, pollution/human impact project Semester 2: microbes and disease project, gel electrophoresis activity, plant project, fast plant lab, dissection project

  11. WRITTEN AND PRACTICAL EXAMS: • comprehensive - will cover lecture, reading, guest speakers, and videos • will include multiple choice, matching, short answer, and essay questions as well as occasional drawings to label • if you do not complete a test within the allotted time, it will be graded as is. • If you miss on the day of a test, you should be prepared to take it on the day you return. • You should not plan on making up tests during our class time.

  12. GRADING: • assessments - 45% homework - 15% • class work - 20% semester exams - 20% The EOC will count as half of the spring semester exam.

  13. Golden Rule: • Treat everyone in the classroom with respect, and do not do anything that interferes with teaching or learning.

  14. general classroom procedures • get in seat and start the day’s warm-up activity • get materials out to begin class • focus on lesson and make honest effort • ask sensible questions – raise hand when appropriate • no permission needed to sharpen pencil, otherwise stay seated

  15. general classroom procedures • have something else to work on if finish early • wait to be excused after bell • find out what you miss when absent • makeup work must be turned in when return • plan times – • food and drink – o.k. unless trash is left • Dress appropriately for school.

  16. HELPFUL TIPS: • Keep an assignment book. • Don’t cram. Try to study a little each day, and relate new material to previously learned material whenever possible. • Get regular sleep, and eat regular, well-balanced meals. • Make note cards (flashcards) to help you review alone. http://www.flashcardexchange.com/ • Use a study partner to prepare for tests. • Try to help someone else understand the material. It will make you learn it too. • Say terms and other material aloud as often as possible. • Do not plagiarize. Everything you do should be in your own words or in quotations with source cited. • ALL PROJECTS WILL NEED TO INCLUDE A WORKS CITED PAGE.

  17. Take pride in your work. BE NEAT. Include visuals and color wherever possible. • Work on your spelling. Sound words out. You should especially spell words correctly that are unit vocabulary terms and words that are given in the question. • Reread the question, and proofread your answers to see that you have answered what was asked and that it makes sense. • If I ask for an example, don’t give me a definition. • Use specific nouns, and write in complete sentences whenever possible. Work on good sentence structure. • Be sure you write out the units when giving measurements. • Try to learn from corrected homework and tests. Finals are cumulative.

  18. notes: • You should not take notes in place of listening. • Taking notes from the text or other resource is easier because there is no time issue. • If you can stay ahead on the reading and note taking, you can just supplement your reading notes with your lecture notes. • Skim through the chapter before reading. • Remember that your goal is to interrelate facts and ideas.

  19. TEST TAKING: ALL TESTS SHOULD BE KEPT IN YOUR BINDER! • Be calm and methodical. Avoid being pulled into confusing discussions with classmates just prior to the test. • Be an active learner daily. Ask questions, and try to understand material as you go. If something doesn’t make sense, ask a question. This will eliminate the need to cram. • Review notes and other materials frequently. • Use progressive elimination on multiple choice questions. • Cross out used choices on matching items. Do the ones you are certain of first. • Be sure that completion/fill-in answers are correct factually as well as in relation to the statement.

  20. On short answer/essay questions, look at the point value, and try to make that number of statements. • Take time to think and organize your thoughts on short answer/essay questions. • Allot time at the end of the test to go back over it checking for completion and accuracy as well as grammar and punctuation. • IF YOU REALLY BOMB A TEST, ASK FOR A RETAKE! EXPECT A DIFFERENT VERSION OF THE TEST. • YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SCORE ABOVE A 75% ON A RETAKE.

  21. Herd of Buffalo Mentality


  23. The Blind Men and the Elephant by John Godfrey Saxe American poet (1816-1887) based on a fable which was told in India many years ago

  24. The Third approached the animal, And happening to take The squirming trunk within his hands, Thus boldly up and spake: “I see,” quoth he, “the Elephant Is very like a snake!” The Fourth reached out an eager hand, And felt about the knee. What most this wondrous beast is like Is mighty plain,” quoth he; “ ‘Tis clear enough the Elephant Is very like a tree!” The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear, Said: “E’en the blindest man Can tell what this resembles most; Deny the fact who can This marvel of an Elephant Is very like a fan!” It was six men of Indostan To learning much inclined, Who went to see the Elephant (Though all of them were blind), That each by observation Might satisfy his mind The First approached the Elephant, And happening to fall Against his broad and sturdy side, At once began to bawl: “God bless me! but the Elephant Is very like a wall!” The Second, feeling of the tusk, Cried, “Ho! what have we here So very round and smooth and sharp? To me ’tis mighty clear This wonder of an Elephant Is very like a spear!”

  25. Moral: So oft in philosophic wars, The disputants, I ween, Rail on in utter ignorance Of what each other mean, And prate about an Elephant Not one of them has seen! The Sixth no sooner had begun About the beast to grope, Than, seizing on the swinging tail That fell within his scope, “I see,” quoth he, “the Elephant Is very like a rope!” And so these men of Indostan Disputed loud and long, Each in his own opinion Exceeding stiff and strong, Though each was partly in the right, And all were in the wrong!

  26. Is this cheating or just being smart? Helping each other accomplish the goal of learning is a good thing. “If I have been able to see farther than others, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants.” Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

  27. Group 1: Design your biology binder and notebook covers. It can be your own original art or cut out words and images from magazines. It must visually show others the meaning of biology as well as demonstrate your personality. BIODOODLE ART CONTEST: Biology 2011-2012 Kim Crouse

  28. Bio Glyphs Group 2: Draw your own bioglyph following the instructions on the following pages and handout. We will hang the bioglyphs in the hall, and you will be allowed to ask 3 yes or no questions to each of your classmates to figure out which bioglyph matches up with which person. The person with the most correct will win a soda.

  29. Bio = Life + Glyph = Symbols What do we know about this person from their bioglyph?

  30. 1st – Choose the right face shape. 2nd – Add the hair to show your hair color and length as well as the month you were born. # of strands = Month - Jan = 1, Feb = 2, etc. Style = Color of your hair Length = Short (Less than 1”) Medium (Between 2 - 4”) Long (More than 4”) 3rd – Add the eyes to show the color of your eyes and whether or not you wear glasses or contacts. Oval = Glasses or contacts Circle = Perfect vision Position of the eyeball = Color of your eyes

  31. 4th – Add eyebrows to show your favorite color. 5th – Add a nose to show how you get to school MOST days. 6th – Add charms to show the sports you play or the clubs and groups you are in this year. Add one shape for each one you are in or plan to be in this year. For example, someone who played football, is playing basketball, and is in Science Club, would have two circles and one star.

  32. 7th – Add ears to show if you have brothers and sisters as well as if they are older or younger than you. Sisters = ear on the left side and brothers = ear on the right side Add dots to show the number of older or younger sisters or brothers. 8th – Add a mouth to show if you like science. 9th – Add cheeks to show your favorite kind of ice cream.

  33. 11th – Add eyelashes to show the number of different kinds of pets you have. For example, someone who has three dogs, two cats, a bird, and some fish, would have four eyelashes total since they have four different kinds of pets. Put all your eyelashes on one eye or split them between the two eyes. 10th – Add freckles to show the day of your birthday. For example, someone born on January 26th would have a total of 26 freckles. Put them all on one cheek or split them between the two cheeks. 12th – Write your name lightly on the back of the page so that it does not show through. Turn it in to your teacher.

  34. Bioglyph ChallengeCan you identify your classmates? • RULES: • You can only ask questions that require a YES or NO answer. • You cannot ask, “Is this your bioglyph?” or similar questions. • Use your quiet voices and keep your papers covered to prevent people from getting easy answers. • Write the person’s name on the line on your worksheet that has the same number that is on their bioglyph page. • Questions?

  35. homework: • Read chapter 1 sections 1 and 2 and do the section reviews at the end of each section. • Do the Biology and Society activity on page 16. • lab skills 1-6 plus bookwork and notes • BE SURE TO HAVE 5-SUBJECT NOTEBOOKS AND BINDERS NEXT CLASS!

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