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Regional and Urban Statistics Working Group meeting. 8-9 October 2009 The ESPON 2013 Programme: Prospects and Achievements. The ESPON 2013 Programme. Role in Structural Funds 2007-2013
Regional and Urban Statistics Working Group meeting 8-9 October 2009 The ESPON 2013 Programme: Prospects and Achievements
The ESPON 2013 Programme Role in Structural Funds 2007-2013 Support policy development with evidence on territorial structures, trends, perspectives and policy impacts Mission Provide comparable information on territorial dynamics Reveal territorial capital and potentials Budget 47 mill. Euro, 34 mill. Euro from the European Commission 13 mill. Euro from 31 countries participating (EU 27 + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) Programme structure 5 Programme priorities
5 Priorities The work programme is structured in five priorities: P1. Applied Research on territorial development, competitiveness and cohesion: Evidence on European territorial trends, perspectives and policy impacts; P2. Targeted Analysis based on user demand: European perspective to development of different types of territories; P3. Scientific Platform and Tools: Territorial indicators and data, analytical tools and scientific support; P4. Capitalisation, ownership and participation: Capacity building, dialogue and networking. P5. Technical Assistance, Analytical Support & Communication
Open Calls in 2009 On 16 September Calls for Proposals and Expression of Interests are opened - deadline: 11 November 2009 P1. Applied Research 6 projects running 11 new projects are in call for proposals P2. Targeted Analysis 6 projects running 2 new projects are in call for proposals 10 new stakeholder ideas are called P3. Scientific Platform and Tools 1 project running 1 project is in call for proposals scientific tools and map updates P4. Capitalisation 7 Transnational Networking Activities in call for proposals
Priority 3: Scientific Platform and Tools Four types of action: ESPON Database and data development Territorial Indicators/Indices and Tools Territorial Monitoring System and Reports Targeted Actions for Updates of Indicators and Maps Triad: Territorial Indicators /Indices Database Monitoring
Outline • Strategic approach of the ESPON 2013 DB project - Enlarge time, space and thematics - Overcome lacunas • Practical examples of progresses achieved with the current deliveries - Harmonisation of NUTS changes - Integration of socio-economic data with Corine Land Cover - Methods for detecting errors and exceptional values - Thematic structure: Towards an ESPON thesaurus? - From UMZ to Urban Audit LUZ
Enlarge time, space, and thematics Scale dimension: • Local (1 to 10 km ) • Medium (10 to 1000 km) • Global (1000 to 10 000 km) Time dimension: • Short term (1995-2015) • Medium term (1980-2020) • Long Term (1950 – 2050) Thematic dimension : • Economic competitiveness • Sustainable environment • Social cohesion Geographical object : • Administrative units • Grids • Cities & Networks
... identify lacunas in comparison with to the previous ESPON database Scale dimension: • Local (Zooms) • Medium (Nuts2 / Nuts3) • Global (Europe in the WOrld) Time dimension: • Short term (1995-2003) • Medium term (demography) • Long term (Europe in the World) Thematic dimension : • Economic competitiveness • Sustainable environment • Social cohesion Geographical object : • Administrative units • Cities & Networks • Grids
Strategic approach for the ESPON 2013 DB ESPON DB 2006 ESPON DB 2013
Strategic approach for the ESPON 2013 DB Enlarge time series Enlarge scales and levels Enlarge cross-cutting themes
Harmonisation of NUTS changes Formalisation of NUTS change at NUTS 2 level in Finland (version 1999 and 2003) GDP/inh evolution 1995-2004 GDP/inh 1995 GDP/inh 2004 1. Implement common data in each NUTS version by using historical databases 3. Creation of time-series by proposing different methodologies 2. Identification of NUTS changes 2004
Harmonisation of NUTS changes: historical databases • Explore historical databases, namely NewChronos database • A common methodology has been defined in order to sistematically check what is temporal, geographical and thematic coverage of indicators
Harmonisation of NUTS changes for temporal databases • NUTS entities (name, code, geometry, and hierarchical level) from NUTS 1995 to NUTS 2006 have been identified • Next stages will involve the production of typologies of changes in order to propose adapted solutions to harmonise time series
Harmonisation of NUTS changes for temporal databases Static NUTS 1 units between 1995 and 2006 Static NUTS 1 units between 2003 and 2006
Enlarging scales and levels EVOLUTION OF POPULATION 2000-2005 Local – Medium - Global Local – Medium - Global Local– Medium - Global Average anual growth rate (%)
Combining socio-economic data with Corine Land Cover GDP per inhabitant, 2002
Statistical methods for detecting expectional values (i.e. boxplot filter) High (blue) and low (red) aspatial outliers High valued outliers seem to be prevalent in the more recent accession countries Italy has a mixture of high valued outliers neighbouring low valued outliers Britanny region looks interesting too Spatial analysis tools applied to data control GDP in EU27+4 by NUTS3 regions, 2000-2005
Thematic Structure: Towards an ESPON thesaurus? Publications corpus (>200 reports) Goal • Thesaurus for organizing and facilitating data retrieval via metadata keywords fields Methods • Review of database thematic structures (ESPON, OECD, ILO) and thesaurus building methods (ESTAT, EUROVOC) • Text mining methods (frequency, co-occurrence, cluster analyses) applied to comprehensive list of reports, studies, policy notes that make reference to ESPON evidence and results (EC, EP, CoR, EESC, …)
Urban issues: From morphological zones to urban objects UMZ + Population Density grid (last version) + Local Administrative Units
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