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Am Is + V ing Are. Present continuous (I am doing) or present simple (I do) ???. V (s /es). Present continuous (I am doing) When you talk about something which is happening at or around the time of speaking: I am doing
Am Is + V ing Are Present continuous (I am doing) or present simple (I do) ??? V (s /es)
Present continuous (I am doing) When you talk about something which is happening at or around the time of speaking: I am doing Past now future The kettle isboiling. Can you turn it off, please? Listen to those people. What language are they speaking? “Where is Tom?” “He is playing tennis.” (You find a stranger in your room) What are you doing here? Silvia is in Britain for three months. She is learning English. For a temporary situation: I am living with my friends until I can find a flat. That machine isn’t working. It broke down this morning Present simple (I do) When you talk about things in general or things which happen repeatedly: I do Past now future Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Excuse me, do you speak English? Tom plays tennis every Sunday. What do you usually do at weekends? What do you do? (=What’s your job?) Most people learn to swim when they are children. For a permanent situation: My parents live in London. They have been here for20 years. That machine doesn’t work/ it hasn’t work for years. Study this explanation and compare the examples
Present Continuous can be also used to express a usual, customary action. When it is used to express a repeated action, it expresses praise, blame, or impatience They always arrive late./They are always arriving late!
Rabbits never dance But this one is dancing now. How could it be?
Birds alwaysfly to the south in autumn. Birds always fly to the souse in autumn It’s autumn. Birds are flying to the south.
Cats always try to catch mice. Tom is trying to catch Jerry at the moment.
Molly wants to be slim. So she jumps every morning. It’s 7 o’clock in the morning. She is jumping.
Some verbs are used only in Simple tenses. For example, you cannot say “I am knowing” you say I know Want Need Prefer Like Love Hate Belong See Hear Know Realize Believe Suppose Mean Understand Remember Forget Seem Have = possess Think = believe
ФОКУС!Что делать, когда запутался в глаголах и не помнишь, что с чем употребляется, а что с чем не едят? ВContinuousможно ставить только те глаголы, скоторыми можно сказать фразу:«Я вот тут сейчас немножко…»(посидеть за столом, пообедать, почесать затылок и т.д., но не полюбить мороженое): например: (To want) ice-cream: Я вот тут сейчас похочу мороженого. – Глупость. Только Present Simple. – I want ice-cream.
А теперь попробуйте сами! The rose (to smell - пахнуть) good: Я вот тут сейчас собираюсь немного попахнуть. – Глупость. – The rose smells good.
I (to smell – нюхать) the rose: Я вот тут собираюсь немного розу понюхать. – Звучит хорошо, значит, I am smelling the rose.
I (to think) about you: Я вот тут собираюсь немного о вас подумать. – К ситуации вполне уместно. I am thinking about you.
I (to think) that you are a liar. « Я вот собираюсь немножко подумать, что вы лжец». - I think that you are a liar.
ЧТО БУДЕТ, ЕСЛИ НЕ СОБЛЮДАТЬ ПРАВИЛА ВРЕМЕН: Посмотрите на следующие фразы, поставьте их в форму Present Simple, затем переведите и посмотрите, как странно они будут звучать. • My darling, what are you talking about? • John is sleeping. • Stop shouting, I’m trying to concentrate. • I am listening to you attentively, but I’m afraid you are not telling me the truth. • He is watching the dancer admiringly. • Charles and Bob are eating the soup she cooked the day before yesterday. Что получилось? • Моя дорогая, о чем ты говоришь (систематически, каждый день)? • Джон занят сном (профессионально). • Перестаньте кричать, я пытаюсь сосредоточиться (изо дня в день, постоянно). • Я слушаю тебя регулярно, но боюсь, что ты мне лжешь (постоянно, систематически, каждый раз). • Чарльз и Боб едят позавчерашний суп регулярно и систематически.
Use the verb in brackets in the present continuous or the present indefinite and comment on the difference in the meaning of the forms, if any. 1) Father usually (to drink) coffee in the morning but today he (to drink) tea. 2) Kate (to make) herself a new dress. She (to make) all her own closes herself. 3) “A watched pot never (to boil)” says the proverb. But look, the kettle (to boil) already, shall I make tea? 4) You (to enjoy) yourself, or would you leave now? 5) I never (to wear) hats in summer but I (to wear) a hat today because the sun is very hot. 6) John and David (to have) a long conversation. I (to wonder) what they (to talk) about? 7) “You (not to recognize) this man?” “Let me see, I (to think) I have seen him before, but I (not to remember) his name.” 8) ”You (to understand) what the lecturer (to say)?” ”No, I (not to understand) him at all, though I (to listen) with great attention.” 9) “You (to hear) what he (to say)?” “No, I (not to listen)”. 10) He (to promise) always to mend the window but he never (to do it). Do it together, will you? 11) The continuous aspect (to differ) from the indefinite in form and meaning. 12) Hurry up. The train (to start) at six thirty. 13) I always (to buy) lottery tickets but unfortunately I never (to win). I (not to buy) any more tickets.14) we (to have) visitors tonight, so I must get the dinner ready