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Meet the Teacher!. Priestman Street School ( M. Vidal’s Grade 5 class) September 9 th , 2014. Welcome Parents!. Goals and Objectives: To help you understand the work your child will be doing throughout the school year. To explain my expectations of your child.
Meet the Teacher! Priestman Street School (M. Vidal’s Grade 5 class) September 9th, 2014
Welcome Parents! • Goals and Objectives: • To help you understand the work your child will be doing throughout the school year. • To explain my expectations of your child. • To share information about how you can support your child’s learning.
Curriculum Goals • Student’s will be developing their French skills for the first half of the year. Emphasis is on speaking, reading and writing through authentic conversations, modeling and lots of projects, presentations and practice! • Math is in English throughout the year. The main areas we will be studying are Number Sense, Patterns and Relations, Shape and Space and Statistics and Probability. • We will be using the “Daily 3” model in English literacy that will have your child read a lot in class. They will be focusing on individualized goals and conferencing with me one on one. We will also be writing on a daily basis during writing workshops and focusing on word work (spelling & grammar). • The 2 units of study in science are “Properties and Changes in Matter”, and “Forces and Simple Machines”. • In social studies we will be focusing on First Nations societies in Atlantic Canada. • Please refer to the handout for detailed information about what we will be learning this year. For more information, please visit the Dept. of Education website at http://www.gnb.ca/0000/anglophone-e.asp • Ways to help your child succeed: • Reading together for at least 20 minutes every night (This cannot be emphasized enough!) • Discussing what was accomplished in school (Don’t accept “nothing” as an answer!) • Showing your child the “real world” application of math (for example, letting your child figure out the change when shopping) • Working on mental math practice nightly (especially multiplication facts)
Class Information • Students will be evaluated in four ways: • Through observations/anecdotal notes, • Through monitoring of in-class work and participation, • Homework completion, • Through various tests (primarily math and science) and projects/portfolios (primarily Intensive French, social studies and science as well). • Report cards are new this year! Please find more information in the gym! • Students will have less homework than usual in the first half of the yearsince none will be sent home for French. They will be required to complete math assignments. The main things to expect at first will be: • At least 20 minutes of reading in English every night, • Math review sheets (always due Friday), • 5 minutes of nightly practice of multiplication and division facts, • PLEASE let me know if you are finding homework a hassle! (especially in the English half of the year)
Class Expectations • I expect students to be ready to learn throughout the day, be well rested, be punctual, have homework completed, participate in class activities, put in their best effort, treat others with respect and to speak in French as much as possible (especially during Intensive French periods). • 5V is a “safe zone”. I want my students to be calm and positive when faced with adversity, so I choose to model this. I feel that discipline needs to be logical and respectful of the child. For example, if a child forgets to do homework, they will simply stay in later to do it. If they are disruptive, then they will make up the class time they misused later or simply sit out the activity they are disrupting. • I use the 6 levels daily with my students. It’s important for kids to know WHY we are in school – what the point of it all is. These levels are: • Level 1 – I do the right thing out of fear of getting in trouble • Level 2 – I do the right thing to get a reward/privilege • Level 3 – I do the right thing to please someone • Level 4 – I do the right thing because it’s the rules • Level 5 – I do the right thing because I am considerate of others • Level 6 – I do the right thing because I have a personal code of behaviour and I follow it. I know that what I do will make me a better person!
Technology in 5V • We use technology frequently in grade 5. I use the interactive whiteboard daily, and I would like to encourage you to check out our class website frequently! (http://priestmanstreet.nbed.nb.ca/teacher/m-vidal) • In addition, I will post links to interesting websites that will allow students to review and practice math and science concepts, french songs / vocabulary, and much more! • When possible, we will be using ipads and netbooks for research and skill reinforcement activities. • Three primary sites that I would like to encourage all students to use at home are: • Xtra Math (basic fact practice with an emphasis on speed and mastery) • Kidblog (a private blogging site where students can post and read each other’s work) • Raz Kids (a reading site that provides several leveled books and encourages reading comprehension)
Get Involved! • Priestman Street School has a very active Parent Association. If you are interested in getting involved, we would appreciate your time! • Anyone interested in becoming a Den Parent (to help with class parties or organizing field trips / events) is encouraged to sign up! • Parents who would like to share their skills and knowledge by being a classroom volunteer are welcomed as well! • Please let me know if you want to get involved!
Questions? • This is your time to ask questions!
In-Class Activity Let’s have a little fun! Please take the paper and pencils provided and write an encouraging letter to your child. Try to include: • Your child’s strong points, • How you plan to help your child succeed, • Some ways you and your child can relax and unwind during times of stress this year, • Anything else you would like to add! • Please leave these letters at your child’s spot so they can find them tomorrow! • And…..GO!
Thank You! • Please don’t forget your handout!