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Session Leaders: Kristin Pierce, CTE Specialist Kelly Amy, CTE Specialist

Volusia County Schools Career & Technical Education Career Connection Career Academy Progress Monitoring. Session Leaders: Kristin Pierce, CTE Specialist Kelly Amy, CTE Specialist. Elluminate Session #3. Volusia County Schools 200 N. Clara Ave. DeLand, FL 32721.

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Session Leaders: Kristin Pierce, CTE Specialist Kelly Amy, CTE Specialist

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Volusia County SchoolsCareer & Technical EducationCareer ConnectionCareer AcademyProgress Monitoring Session Leaders: Kristin Pierce, CTE Specialist Kelly Amy, CTE Specialist ElluminateSession #3 Volusia County Schools 200 N. Clara Ave. DeLand, FL 32721

  2. Volusia Progress Monitoring Targeted Professional Development Four proactive sessions to take directors through the Academy Progress Monitoring cycle. Specific standards are discussed in each meeting. September November January March Final academy evaluation takes place in May.

  3. Volusia Progress Monitoring 12 Standards

  4. Volusia Progress Monitoring Professional Development: Session 3 Standard 1: Integrated Curriculum Standard 5: Enrollment Standard 11: Capstone Project Standard 10: Work-based

  5. Volusia Progress Monitoring Professional Development: Opening Moves Putting the Pieces Together/FORD Protocol

  6. Volusia Progress Monitoring Professional Development: Session 3

  7. Volusia Progress Monitoring Professional Development Session 3 • January 12, 2012

  8. Volusia Progress Monitoring Standard 1: Integrated Curriculum Definition: A minimum of 25% of at least 1 out of 4 of the academic courses integrated with the career area. Unit Reflections to be completed at the conclusion of each integrated unit. A minimum of 2 Curriculum in Action visits per school year. Curriculum in Action (CIA) visits for spring Deland Engineering CIA Visit (wiki) Deland Unit Reflection

  9. Volusia Progress Monitoring Standard 5: Enrollment / Application Database Definition: Goal of 90+ students in all grades with less than 50% of students from out-of-zone. REVISED Application Timeline Accessing Student Records Application Review Process Question and Answer Director Sharing

  10. Volusia Progress Monitoring • Director Sharing: Dru Urquhart • Academy of Information Technology and Robotics Standard 11: Captstone Projects Definition: Goal of 95% of students at each grade level complete a capstone project. Mission:The AITR creates a collaborative learning environment where students and facilitators work together in meaningful, rigorous and engaging real-world curriculum.

  11. Volusia Progress Monitoring • Director Sharing: Leesa Holloway • Academy of Finance Standard 10: Work-Based Learning Definition: Goal of 90% or more of students at each grade level participate in a real world experience, on or off campus (Field Study; Job Shadowing; Internship; On-the-Job Training)

  12. Volusia Progress Monitoring Breakout Sessions Wiki Posting Application Database Entry Team Planning CAPE funding Model

  13. Volusia Progress Monitoring Question & Answer Contact Information: 386-734-7190 x20640 Kelly Amy – klamy@volusia.k12.fl.us Kristin Pierce – kcbowle1@volusia.k12.fl.us Dru Urquhart – dhurquha@volusia.k12.fl.us Leesa Holloway – lfhollow@volusia.k12.fl.us www.career-connection.orgwww.volusiaacademies.wikispaces.net Volusia County Schools 200 N. Clara Ave. DeLand, FL 32721

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