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By : Alegría Echeverría, Valeria González and Paola Romo. 8th E. A description of the energy source, including whether it is renewable or non-renewable, the form of energy in which it is found ( eg . thermal, chemical, etc.), and where in Ecuador you will gather/set up your energy source.
By: Alegría Echeverría, Valeria González and Paola Romo 8th E
A description of the energy source, including whether it is renewable or non-renewable, the form of energy in which it is found (eg. thermal, chemical, etc.), and where in Ecuador you will gather/set up your energy source • Wind energy is a renewable source of energy because it is not a fossil fuel, it doesn’t run out and it is made naturally. Wind energy is kinetic energy of motion that then gets to your house in the form of electricity. This happens because it is kinetic energy when it moves and transform, and then is motion when it heats the floor. It gets to your house as electricity because wind turns the turbine blades; the turbines generate electricity, then the energy travels to the inverter that turns the energy from DC to AC. And finally the energy gets to the main power of the house. We plan on recovering our energy source in the lower parts of Ecuadorian mountains such as the moors. In this parts of Ecuador there is more wind making it the best place to put wind mills.
The energy comes from the sun which causes wind, wind makes the turbine blades to turn and generate electricity. Wind is caused by air flowing from high pressures to low pressures. This happens because of the sun, first the sun hits the surface of earth, then it depends of the inclination of the rays, also if it in land that has vegetation the wind would be less intense than if it would be in land that doesn’t have any vegetation and the land is free. Most of the renewable sources come from it.
A brief history of the energy source • In early history people have always used wind energy. They used the energy in boats through the Nile River in Ancient Persia. This was earlier than 5000 B.C, by 2000 bc, people in Persia started using wind machines that had vertical-axis windmills with woven reed sails. After this the new ideas of the wind energy, started expanding through the entire world. In the 11th century in the Middle East people were using the same windmills and they used it for produce food. When the people that were settlers saw this invention, they started doing them in the new world in the 19th century. They used only to pump water and to produce food in farms but then because of technology, they started using them for generate electricity in homes and in places that were needed.
Where and how the energy source is used today? • There are many countries that use wind energy such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Wales, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, England, India, Japan, New Zealand, and South Africa. The countries that most use Wind energy is Germany and Denmark. Also Europe uses a lot of Wind energy; Europe uses more wind energy than the United States. In 2010 Europe had 70,488 onshore wind turbines and 1,132 offshore turbines. The main top three countries that use wind energy in Europe are Germany, Spain and France. Europe uses more wind energy than United States because Europe has a more favorable climate and because U.S.A traditional relying on fossil fuels.
Where the energy source is found and how it is recovered/harnessed • Energy It is recovered by making windmills. Wind energy is found in the lower parts of the mountains. Also in the higher ones because it helps the windmills to have more power. We can find were is a lot of wind, were the wind never stops and flows all the time, we can find it in open areas or a grassy plain. In hills, small mountains or in the coast.
How energy is stored in the source and how the energy is released • The energy stored in the source is wind. Wind is caused by air flowing from high pressures to low pressures. This happens because of the sun, first the sun hits the surface of earth, then it depends of the inclination of the rays and if the land has vegetation or doesn’t. Also wind is motion and this is how energy is stored in the source. Energy is released when the turbine blades move because of the wind, then the turbines generate electricity, the energy travels to the inverter and the inverter converts the electricity from DC to AC. And finally electricity is connected to the main power of the house, the electricity grid and the battery bank.
Advantages and disadvantages of the energy source • DISADVANTAGES: • In the manufacture and maintenance of wind turbines, some carbon dioxide is released. • It costs a lot of money to build and maintain wind turbines. • Wind turbines are huge. They take approximately 100 yards mounted on towers higher than 20-story buildings • ADVANTAGES: • Wind turbines, while producing energy, don’t emit carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases. • To have energy form the wind, it costs 4 to 6 cents a kilowatt-hour. This makes wind power one of the cheapest renewable energy. • The wind turbines are so massive that one of them can produce enough energy for 1,400 homes.
Economic impacts of the energy source (to the consumer and to the Government) • Wind turbines and wind power cost 4 cents for kilowatt-hour. • A normal house 958 kilowatts-hours per month. • That means that it will cost monthly 38.32 dollars. • Regular energy costs 11.6¢ kilowatts-hour. • That means it will cost monthly 111.128 dollars. • The difference of costs between wind energy and regular energy is 34.488dollars. • A 10 kilowatt machine costs $50,000 • Smaller farm or residential scale turbines cost $5,000. • 10 0f the scale turbines cost $50,000. • We can see that it is best if the government buys 5 10 kilowatt machines because it takes less space than 50 residential scale turbines.
Environmental impacts of the energy source • Wind turbines don’t emit carbon dioxide or greenhouse gases which prevents Global Warming. • Wind power doesn’t emit air pollution. • In the manufacture and maintenance of wind turbines, some carbon dioxide is released. • Wind turbine blades kill 20,000 to 37,000 birds.
Future of the energy source • In the near future wind energy will be one of the most cost- effective source of electricity. Now some countries have almost achieved this. Since fossil fuels have negative side effects, the faster we can replace them for wind energy the better. Wind energy in the future will have a big effect. First people will start buying this energy source because some of the disadvantages of this energy will be dismissed such as noise. In the future they will create silent working turbines. Wind energy has a great future ahead. Experts predict that by 2050 one third of the world's electricity would be form Wind energy. Also Wind energy in the future will be used in most countries to satisfy their needs of electricity.
Other interesting facts about the energy source • There is even a wind day. It is on June 15 of each year. This is to raise the awareness of wind energy worldwide. • The blades in a windmill can also kill birds and bats, but they don’t kill as much as cars, power lines and high- rise buildings do. • Experts predict that by 2050 the answer to one third of the world's electricity would be form Wind energy. • Modern wind turbines usually have 3 blades that can reach speeds at the tip of over 320 kph or 200 mph. • Wind energy is more exploited in Europe than in America, because of favorable climate conditions and because of USA traditional relying on fossil fuels.
Why is it even necessary for a business to be offering your energy resource at this time? • It is very important for a business to be offering wind energy because is a very easy energy to get. Also is a energy that we can find easily and is easily to use. Also because is a renewable source and it would never disappear. Its a good idea to recycle things especially that now the world is very damage. So using wind energy we would be taking care of other energies that are not renewable sources.
How will your energy source fulfill Ecuador’s future energy needs? • With the use of wind turbines and wind power, we will fulfill Ecuador’s electricity needs. Many homes use electricity as their daily basis, so it is to important to have a cheap source of energy. Wind energy will help to the future generations because it will assure that they have a green future. Wind power is a renewable source of energy that doesn't contaminate earth. By using this energy source, we preserve other Non-renewable sources of energy that are very important to our society, such as water. Many people will afford this energy source and continue their regular life’s knowing that they are helping the environment while paying less.
Why should your company be chosen over other businesses that utilize different energy sources? • Our company, AVP Wind Co should be chosen over other businesses that utilize different sources of energy because the energy we use to provide electricity is renewable. In AVP Wind Co we are taking care of the environment and this is why we are putting red lights on the turbines to help birds to know where they fly. We also taking care of airplanes because we are putting lights that connect to airplanes radars so they don’t crash. Perhaps, AVP Wind Co is taking care of pollution. Even though our turbines do generate a little of pollution while they are being manufactured and maintained, we are doing silent working turbines that help reduce noise pollution. Wind energy is a great energy generator for mountain communities. This is why AVP Wind Co is the best option over other companies that utilize other energy sources.
Bibliography • "- What Is a WindEnergy?" Yahoo! Answers. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2012. <http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101111213213AAgEOVL>. • "Positive & NegativeFactsAboutWindEnergy." Green Living onNationalGeographic. NationalGeographic, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2012. <http://greenliving.nationalgeographic.com/positive-negative-wind-energy-2715.html>. • "HowMuchElectricityDoesan American Home Use?" US EnergyInformationAdministration. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2012. <http://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=97>. • "Solar ElectricityCost vs. Regular ElectricityCost." Solar ElectricityCost vs. Regular ElectricityCost. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2012. http://solarcellcentral.com/cost_page.html • "How Much Do Wind Turbines Cost?" Welcome to Windustry. Web. 27 Nov. 2012. <http://www.windustry.org/resources/how-much-do-wind-turbines-cost>.
Bibliography • "Wind Power." National Geographic. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/wind-power-profile/>. • "Wind Energy Facts." Energy Facts. ScienceKids, n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/energy/windenergy.html>. • "Working with Wind Energy." Try Engineering. TryEngineering, n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. <http://www.tryengineering.org/lessons/workingwithwind.pdf>. • "Which Countries Use Wind Power?" WikiAnswers. Wikipedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2012. <http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Which_countries_use_wind_power>. • "Wind Energy FAQ." European Wind Energy Association. EWEA RSS, n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://www.ewea.org/wind-energy-basics/wind-energy-faq/>. • "Wind Power in the European Union." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Nov. 2012. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_power_in_the_European_Union>. • "The Future of Wind Power." Wind Power Development. TelosNet, n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://www.telosnet.com/wind/future.html>. • "Fun Facts about Renewable Energy." Alliant Energy Kids. AE Kids, n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2012. <http://www.alliantenergykids.com/energyandtheenvironment/renewableenergy/02240>.