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Honors English 9. Week 12: – November 5 - 9, 2012. Due Today : Chapter 5 Reading Log. Monday, November 5, 2012. Walk-In: Take out To Kill a Mockingbird and your Chapter 5 Reading Log.
Honors English 9 Week 12: – November 5 - 9, 2012
Due Today: Chapter 5 Reading Log Monday, November 5, 2012 • Walk-In: Take out To Kill a Mockingbird and your Chapter 5 Reading Log. • If you did not turn in your audience notes, “This I Believe” Essay, Vocabulary Workbook, or chapters 1-4 notes please turn those in. • If you have not presented your “This I Believe” get ready to do so. • Learning Objective: • Students will identify and explain elements of plot, answer key questions, and analyze specific quotes from a novel. • Agenda: • Finish “This I Believe” Presentations • Two per day • To Kill a Mockingbird Discussion • (Period 3—Lawrason—Chapter 2-4) • Chapter 5 Homework: Chapter 6 and 7 Reading Log
To Kill a Mockingbird Partner Discussion • Share your Chapter Title • Share your Key Events • Share what you learned about the Characters / Setting • Share and explain your Key Quote • Identify your vocabulary word, read the sentence that it appeared in, and have your partner guess the meaning. Afterwards, share the definition.
Chapters 2 ,3, & 4 Review Questions • When Jem takes Scout to school for her first day, what “order” does he give her? • What does Miss Caroline tell Scout that Atticus is not to do anymore? • At the Finch’s for lunch, what does Walter put on his food? * • After Calpurnia makes Scout leave the table, what “lecture” does she give her? * • How did Burris Ewell behave in the classroom? Who do you think is to blame for his behavior? * • After Scout’s first day of school, how does she feel about it? • What is the neighborhood’s opinion of Mrs. Dubose? • Explain why Scout goes back to the Radley house one afternoon. • What does Jem say about the “Indian-heads” they find in the knothole in the tree? • After Atticus catches the children with the scissors, what is Jem’s reaction? What is Scout’s reaction? Why? *
To Kill a Mockingbird Review Quotes • Chapter 2: “We’ll do like we always do at home” [Jem] said, “but you’ll see—school’s different” (Lee 16) (Lee 21). • Should expectations of behavior be different at home and in school? • How different, if at all, should one’s behavior be at home and in the public? What might this say about the home or the person in general? • Chapter 3: Atticus tells Scout, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view” (Lee 30) (Lee 39). • So far in the book, who should have considered things from a different point of view? Why is this so hard for people to do sometimes? • Chapter 4: “Grown folks don’t have hidin’ places” (Lee 35) (Lee 46). • Why might this be and do you feel that this is true? Why or why not?
Chapter 5 Review Questions • So far what role do Miss Maudie and Calpurnia play for these children? * • What is Jem and Dill’s plan to contact Boo Radley? * • Dill says he thinks Boo might feel better if he’d come out and “set a spell” with the children. Do you agree with Dill? Would you enjoy spending time with these children?* • Explain why Scout becomes annoyed with Dill. • What order does Atticus give the children regarding Boo? *
To Kill a Mockingbird Review Quotes • Chapter 5: Miss Maudie tells the children, “His name is Arthur and he is alive” (Lee 43) (Lee 57). • Who is Arthur? What other name do we know him by, and how much of what the town says, do you believe is true? • Chapter 5: Miss Maudie tells Scout that “Mr. Radley (Boo’s dad) was a foot-washing Baptist” and goes on to say that some men worry so much “about the next world” they never learned “to live in this one” (Lee 45) (Lee 60). • What is Maudie suggesting about Mr. Radley and his treatment of Boo? Is Mr. Radley a good man? Is he a good father?
Due Today: TKAM Reading Log Tuesday, November 6, 2012 • Walk-In: Take out your Reading Log for Chapters 6-7. • Learning Objective: • Students will identify and explain elements of plot, answer key questions, and analyze specific quotes from a novel. • Agenda: • (Period 3: Finish “This I Believe” presentations) • VocabReview • TKAM Ch 6-7 Discussion Homework: Pgs 7-10 Vocab (lawrason) Read Chapter 8 and complete Reading Log
Vocabulary Workbook Answers (may vary) for Page 144 Answers (may vary) for Page 144 1. disaster 2. resupply 3. depress 4. severe difficulty 5. angered 6. give out 7. reveal 8. eliminate 9. records 10. story of a hero 11. whole 12. deeply felt 13. surrounded by land 14. aggressive 15. work out 16. skill 17. horrible 18. fade away 19. not noticeable 20. wander
Vocabulary Workbook Answers for pages 145-148 Answers for pages 145-148 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. E 8. A 9. B 10. E 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. E 18. B 19. B 20. C
To Kill a Mockingbird Partner Discussion • Share your Chapter Title • Share your Key Events • Share what you learned about the Characters / Setting • Share and explain your Key Quote • Identify your vocabulary word, read the sentence that it appeared in, and have your partner guess the meaning. Afterwards, share the definition.
Chapters 6 & 7 Review Questions • What are two things the children do on Dill’s last night in town? How do both of these turn out? * • Who does Mr. Nathan Radley say he fired the gun at? Do you believe him? Why might he lie and what purpose does this lie serve? * • How does Dill explain Jem’s missing pants? • What does Jem finally tell Scout about his pants that he retrieved? Why does their condition frighten him further? * • What do Jem and Scout realize about the carved soap figures they find in the knothole? What is their significance? * • Jem and Scout find the knothole filled with cement; explain why Mr. Nathan Radley did so. The evening after, Scout discovers that Jem, who had ordered her not to cry, had been crying himself. What do you think made Jem so upset? *
To Kill a Mockingbird Review Quotes • Chapter 6: “It was then, I suppose, that Jem and I first began to part company” (Lee 56) (Lee 75). • What makes Jem and Scout begin to part company? Define their two separate ways of looking at the situation? What has Jem learned that Scout is still too young to see? • Chapter 7: Scout reflects: “As Atticus had once advised me to do, I tried to climb into Jem’s skin and walk around in it” (Lee 57) (Lee 77). • What is Scout learning about life, about learning, and about other people?
Vocabulary Workbook: Context Clues • Context Clues • Re-read pages 141 and 142 for main ideas related to using context clues and types of context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words. • Vocabulary Workbook Unit 1 • Page 7-10 • For pages 7-8, underline context clues in each sentence that help you guess the definition. • Label the types of context clues you underlined. • Guess the definition. • For pages 9-10 complete the multiple choice. • Study the vocab words from pages 3-10.
Due Today: TKAM Ch 8 Reading Log Wed/Thurs, November 7-8, 2012 • Walk-In: Take out a new sheet of paper. • Learning Objective: • Students will identify and explain elements of plot, answer key questions, analyze specific quotes from a novel, and practice using words in context. • Agenda: • Vocab Quiz • TKAM Discussion Ch 8 • Vocab Workbook (11 – 18) • TKAM Reading (if time) Homework: Read TKAM Ch 9 and complete reading log
Unit 1 Vocabulary QuizOn a new sheet of paper set up the following format. Test 1 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10 Test 2 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10 Directions: • Write the letter of the correct answer for each vocabulary word. • Choose two words from each section and use them in context by writing sentences using the words correctly. Underline the word. • Write sentences that fit into the context of To Kill a Mockingbird. These can be about events or characters.
When finished with the test • Work on vocabulary p. 149-154 independently • Record synonyms for words in the text or on the lines following the text.
Vocabulary p. 149 - 154 • A • C • B • C • E • C • A • E • A • B • B • B • A • C • A • B • E • A • B • E
Chapter 8 Review Questions • Why does Scout scream (loud enough to bring Atticus running) when waking one morning? • Describe how Jem constructs his “snowman.” Who does the snowman end up resembling and how does Atticus respond? • Why does Atticus wake the children in the middle of the night? • What strange occurrence happened to Scout that night? • What does Jem reveal to Atticus? Why? • Who does Atticus say Scout should thank? What does Atticus tell Jem? • How does Miss Maudie react to what happened in the middle of the night? What does this tell you about her character/values?
To Kill a Mockingbird Review Quotes • Chapter 8: “ ‘ Don’t worry, Scout, it ain’t time to worry yet,’ said Jem. He pointed. ‘Looka yonder.’ In a group of neighbors Atticus was standing with his hands in his overcoat pockets. He might have been watching a football game. ‘See there, he’s not worried yet,’ said Jem”(Lee 70) (Lee 94). • What is happening in this quote? • What type of person is Atticus? What does he provide for his kids directly (in what he says) and indirectly (in how he acts)? • Chapter 8: “ ‘That’s all right, son.’ Atticus grinned slowly. ‘Looks like all of Maycomb was out tonight, in one way or another. Jem there’s some wrapping paper in the pantry, I think’” (Lee 71-72) (Lee 95). • Who is Atticus talking about? Why does he want Jem to get the wrapping paper? • Chapter 8: After Jem confesses everything to Atticus, Atticus responds“ ‘You’re right. We’d better keep this and the blanket to ourselves’” (Lee 72) (Lee 96). • What does Atticus learn indirectly from Jem? Why does he say Jem is right and that they should keep the blanket a secret?
Vocabulary – In Class Work • TODAY – Pages 149-154 • Synonyms in context • FRIDAY – Pages 11-18 • Annotate Context Clue types • Circle words that help you create meaning for the word.
Context Clues Page 11 • Amity • According to legend, the residents of Camelot lived for many years in peace and amity. Eventually, however, that harmony was destroyed by bitterness and anger.
Vocabulary Workbook: Context Clues • Context Clues • Re-read pages 141 and 142 for main ideas related to using context clues and types of context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words. • Vocabulary Workbook Unit 2 (pages 11-18) For pages 11-12, underline context clues in each sentence that help you guess the definition. • Label the types of context clues you underlined. • Guess the definition. • For pages 13-14 complete the multiple choice. For pages 15-16, underline context clues in each sentence that help you guess the definition. • Label the types of context clues you underlined. • Guess the definition. • For pages 17-18 complete the multiple choice.
Due Today: TKAM Chapter 9 Reading Log Friday, November 9, 2012 • Walk-In: Pick up your vocab workbook from the table, or take it out if you did not leave it here in the classroom. • Learning Objective: • Students will identify and explain elements of plot, answer key questions, analyze specific quotes from a novel, and practice using words in context. • Agenda: • Vocab 11-14 Review • TKAM Chapter 9 Discussion • Vocab 15-18 Homework: TKAM Ch 10 Reading Log Vocab Workbook pages 15-18
Vocabulary Workbook Answers for pages 13 Answers for pages 14 11. D - prowess 12. J - venerable 13. F - medieval 14. G - hereditary 15. B - amity 16. C - potion 17. H - devout 18. I - chivalry 19. A - sovereign 20. E - quest 21. B 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. A 26. E 27. E 28. B 29. C 30. B
Chapter 9 Review Questions • What does Scout promise Atticus? How does she break it and uphold it in this chapter? • What does Scout ask Atticus about after her first run-in with Cecil Jacobs? What does she learn about the N-word? What does she learn about his job and his reasons for taking the job? • What do the children get for Christmas from Uncle Jack? • Who is Francis and what type of person is he? What happens between Francis and Scout? • What does Scout teach to Uncle Jack? • Who is involved in Atticus’ court case? • What is Atticus concerned about for the future of his children? What is he afraid they are going to catch?
To Kill a Mockingbird Review Quotes • Chapter 9: “ ‘Atticus, are we going to win it?’ ‘No honey.’ ‘Then why—’ ‘Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try and win’ ” (Lee 76) (Lee 101). • What are they talking about and what does Atticus mean and how does this relate to the trial? • Chapter 9: “ ‘When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness’ sake. But don’t make a production of it. Children are children, but they can spot an evasion quicker than adults, and evasion simply muddles ‘em’ ” (Lee 87) (Lee 116). • Do you agree with Atticus? Should adults and parents answer all questions truthfully for children? Why or why not?
Vocabulary Workbook: Context Clues • Context Clues • Re-read pages 141 and 142 for main ideas related to using context clues and types of context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words. • Vocabulary Workbook Unit 2 (pages 15-18) For pages 15-16, underline context clues in each sentence that help you guess the definition. • Label the types of context clues you underlined. • Guess the definition. • For pages 17-18 complete the multiple choice.
Vocab Workbook Page 15 • Citadel • In The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins’s adventures begin when he joins a group of dwarves in their quest to regain the mighty citadel Erebor from Smaug, a dragon who occupies the fortress.