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Jeopardy. Section 3 October 2013. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 1 10 points. 5) Why would you need a material that is a good conductor?. It would be good for making pots for cooking. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 1 20 points.

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  1. Jeopardy Section 3 October 2013

  2. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 1 10 points 5) Why would you need a material that is a good conductor? It would be good for making pots for cooking.

  3. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 1 20 points 10) Touching a hot pot is an example of _____. Conduction

  4. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 1 30 points 13) Cold water sinks and warm water rises in a convection current in water?  A) true  B) false

  5. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 1 40 points 17) If you leave a metal spoon in a pot on the hot stove, the spoon gets hot too. This is an example of _______________________. Conduction

  6. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 1 50 points 19) Your winter coat is an example of an ____. A good insulator

  7. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 2 10 points 14) When you feel the heat from a fire, this is a form of energy known as ___. Convection

  8. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 2 20 points 11) Heat transfer by movement in a fluid, like air or water, is called ________. Convection

  9. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 2 30 points 21) A potholder is good for picking up hot pans because it's a good ________. Insulator

  10. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 2 40 points 18) Copper is a poor conductor of heat?  A) true  B) false

  11. Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 2 50 points 22) Stainless steel is an example of a ________. Conductor

  12. Heat & Temperature *Daily Double* 10 points 1) Why do ice cubes melt when they are placed in a glass of water? Heat is transferred from the water to the ice cubes.

  13. Heat & Temperature 20 points 2) A beaker is filled with some cold water and some warm water. The water has reached thermal equilibrium when: All of the water is the same temperature.

  14. Heat & Temperature 30 points 12) When a thermometer is placed in a substance, what is it actually measuring? Temperature

  15. Heat & Temperature 40 points 15) Suppose a 10 mL beaker and a 100 mL beaker are both filled with water, and that the water in both beakers is the same temperature. Would they have the same amount of heat? Explain. The larger beaker of water contains more heat than the smaller beaker.

  16. Heat & Temperature 50 points 20) Heat always moves from a _______ object/area to a _______object/area. From a warmer object/area to a colder object/area

  17. Mechanical, Electrical, Electromagnetic Energy 10 points 8) Energy that travels as electromagnetic waves is called radiation.  A) true  B) false

  18. Mechanical, Electrical, Electromagnetic Energy 20 points 24) Moving electrical charges that produce electricity is known as ____energy. Electrical

  19. Mechanical, Electrical, Electromagnetic Energy 30 points 25) Give an example of electromagnetic energy. Microwave

  20. Mechanical, Electrical, Electromagnetic Energy 40 points 9) Throwing a football is an example of __________________________energy. Mechanical Energy

  21. Mechanical, Electrical, Electromagnetic Energy 50 points 23) Kinetic or potential energy associated with the motion or position of an object is known as ___________________________energy. Mechanical

  22. Thermal Energy & Vocabulary 10 points 3) Objects expand when heated because the molecules: Speed up and push each other farther apart.

  23. Thermal Energy & Vocabulary 20 points 6) Thermal expansion is caused by: Heating

  24. Thermal Energy & Vocabulary 30 points 7) Thermal contraction is caused by: Cooling

  25. Thermal Energy & Vocabulary 40 points 16) The measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a substance refers to its ____________________. Temperature

  26. Thermal Energy & Vocabulary *Daily Double* 50 points 4) Materials that do not conduct heat well are called ___________________. Insulators

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