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Cross & The Early Church. “They are evil spoken of, & yet are justified; they are reviled, & bless; they are insulted, & repay the insult with honour; they do good, yet are punished as evil-doers.” Diognetus. The Spread of the Gospel.
Cross & The Early Church “They are evil spoken of, & yet are justified; they are reviled, & bless; they are insulted, & repay the insult with honour; they do good, yet are punished as evil-doers.”Diognetus
The Spread of the Gospel By 100 AD the church is almost entirely Gentile. By the middle of the Second Century it has spread as far north as Germany, some evidence suggests as far east as China & India. As Christianity penetrates Greco-Roman society some Philosophers become Christians & seek to harmonize Revelation with Reason Defense of the faith in the face of persecution. Rise of cults & heresies. .
The Cross & Pagan SocietyAntagonism to Assimilation The Church Militant
Cross as Subversive When they heard this, they were furious & began shouting: "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!" Soon the whole city was in an uproar. Cross Inverts Pagan worldview & hierarchy. Harmony of deity, household, community, society, government & even the natural order disrupted. “If the Tiber overflows or the Nile doesn’t, the cry goes up. Christians to the lions” Tertullian Pagan sense of honor & value inverted Conversion Threat to Religious, Political status Quo “Alexmenos Bows down to his God”Early Anti-Christian Graffiti
Church as Counter-Culture Sovereignty:Christ above Caesar Christ is Lord Supreme authority of Emperor & Empire questioned. Military service refused by some, but many in Roman Legions have converted & continue to serve in miltary.
Cross & Counter-Culture Sovereignty (A.D. 250) Decius & later Diocletian (A.D. 250) attempt to wipe out Christianity through Empire wide persecution. Christians forced to worship emperor or be executed. Christianity continues to expand as persecution backfires. Emperor Diocletian
The Cult of the Martyrs Cross as Militant ...we have conquered the enemies of God already by this veryfact that we have not yielded. & we have overcome nefarious laws against truth. [letter of the presbyters Moses, Maximus, & their companions, in Cyprian Letters, 31, nos. 3,6] Glory...That undaunted before the very executioners, to confess Christ the Son of God, among the various refined tortures of the cruel secular power & even with the body twisted & racked & butchered & even dying yet with a free spirit… to receive the heavenly kingdom without any delay; burned alive & buried together. to have been made a colleague in the Passion of Christ;
The Cult of the Martyrs Cross as Militant to have been made a judge of one’s judge by the divine condescension… not to have obeyed human & sacrilegious laws against faith… by dying, to have overcome death itself which is feared by all… to have struggled against all of the pains of a mutilated body with strength of spirit… to account it life that one has lost one’s own The Confessors
"In Hoc Signo Vinces" "In This Sign Conquer”Constantine dedicates decisive battle to the Christian God & upon victory becomes supreme ruler in the Western Roman Empire.313 A.D., Constantine issues the Edict of Milan granting Christians freedom of open worship throughout empire. Christianity now championed by Empire. Assimilation of Christianity Under Constantine
Crucifying the Flesh - Cross & Salvation • 313 A.D., Constantine issues the Edict of Milan granting Christians freedom of open worship throughout empire. Fusion of Church & Empire Persecution & Martyrdom Ends Christianity Established Religion of the State Emperor seen as head of the church just below Christ Problem of Nominal Christianity Monastic Movement (Desert Fathers) Cross Becomes Central Symbol to overcoming Original Sin & the path towards Salvation - Crucifying the Flesh St. Anthony - Tempted by Demons in wilderness Emperor Justinian holding Church
Cross, Salvation & Sanctification Salvation Baptism - Cross Atones for original sin & breaks sins ultimate power Penance - Cross Disciplines & Absolution put flesh & evil desires to death Eucharist - Cross Provides Christ’s Body & blood to overcome Sin & Flesh to proceed toward salvation How can a Sinner be saved?
Monasticism - Cross as Vocation Church call to Higher Righteousness Corruption of Secular Affairs. Divine Vocation Pilgrimage to God Purity: Interior & Individualized. Preservation of the Church Monastic Confirmation
Cross & Theology Athens Jerusalem What does Jerusalem have to do with Athens? Tertullian, 209 CE
Cross & Theology Christology of the Early Fathers (100 AD - 451 AD) Critical issues: Creation & the Problem of Evil & the Flesh Christ’s Humiliation & Exaltation The Nature of Christ
The condition of humankind: Souls trapped in bodies, trying to get out. Passions lead to error, ignorance & bondage. Wisdom/reason lead to liberation Plato
PROBLEM OF EVIL Simple/One BEING MINDLOGOS MANY PSYCHE - SOUL MANY EVIL = MATERIAL WORLD Humans made up of souls & bodies are stuck in between
Gnostic Heresy spirit Divine Mission is to secure Release of souls from the flesh. Yahweh (Demi-god) the creator is evil Christ Divine Humanity mere appearance Salvation is escape from evil flesh Gospel of Grace versus Gospel of the Kingdom EVIL = FLESH=Bondage=Law
Irenaeus: Bishop of Lyon Against Gnostics Essential Role of Christ’s Humanity Emphasis on Authority of Written Word Irenaeus 130-200 Renewal of Creation
Irenaeus of Lyons Adam was a work in progress. Flesh is not evil only weak Adam was to obey God’s Word & the Spirit of Wisdom to reach Perfection. • Mature to perfection through communion - • human beings must be free responsive beings. • This requires moral choice - Possibility of Evil • Image of God requires exercise of will. • Suffering Leads to Maturity & Spiritual Progress Evil was made when Adam Disobeyed & broke Covenant with God. All of humankind Perverted by Adam’s Bad Choice. Generation of Adam
Recapitulation Catechism of the Catholic Church Christ’s whole life is a mystery of recapitulation. All Jesus did, said & suffered, had for its aim restoring man to his original vocation. When Christ became incarnate & was made man, he recapitulated in himself the long history of mankind & procured for us a “short cut” to salvation, so that what we had lost in Adam, that is, being in the image & likeness of God, we might recover in Christ Jesus . For this reason Christ experienced all the stages of life, thereby giving communion with God to all men. “Redemption is the cause of the incarnation, but the incarnation is the condition of the redemption”
Recapitulation Through Christ ISA 11:2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him-- the Spirit of wisdom & of understanding, the Spirit of counsel & of power, the Spirit of knowledge & of the fear of the LORD-- He passed through every stage of life. He was made an infant for infants, sanctifying infancy; a child among children, sanctifying childhood, & setting an example… of righteousness & obedience a young man among young young men, becoming an example to them, & sanctifying them to the Lord… Irenaeus "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?"
Humiliation of Christ Incarnation Suffering Death Burial
Exaltation of Christ Resurrection Ascension Session Return in Glory
Humiliation of Christ In the Incarnation God assumes human nature. Gives up honor & glory. Gives up right to exercise Divine Authority for his own benefit & right to enjoy his lordship over all things. Becomes Poor that we might be rich Humbled that we might glorify God. Gives up status as ruler & took on the status of a servant Subjected to the Law took on obligation to obey God perfectly as a man as representative to provide salvation through lifelong obedience. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. II Corinthians 8:9 Incarnation
Humiliation of Christ Weary(Jn 4:6), thirsty(19:28), hungry (Mt 4:2), sorrowful (Jn 11:35) & lonely (Mt 26:56). Felt grief at human sin & its terrible effects (Mt 23:37, Mk 3:5, 8:12) Endured human opposition & intense hatred. Trial & death culminate suffering. Cross: Takes on Sin that we might be forgiven. Curse that we might be blessed. Suffering “He was a man of sorrows & acquainted with grief” Is. 53:3. He learned obedience through suffering Heb 5:8
Humiliation of Christ Penalty for Sin is Death. Jesus himself to bears our penalty. His death similar to ours. Jesus has gone through death helps ease our fears as to death. 1CO 15:56 The sting of death is sin, & the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. HEB 2:14 Since the children have flesh & blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death--that is, the devil-- 15 & free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. Death
Humiliation of Christ Takes on the Curse of Adam - Burial is final humiliation - Eternal Son of God lowered into Tomb. Burial
Exaltation of Christ Resurrection Raised by the Father (Rom 6) Approved of God, Satisfies God’s requirement. Obedience complete. Obligation to law. Overcomes death for Humankind Resurrection
Exaltation of Christ: The Ascension After 40 Days (Fullness) Christ leaves Apostles & Ascends to Heaven. Enters fully into state of exaltation, power & authority. Ascension is Bodily. Christ maintains bodily existence. Jesus retains human nature. Receives Glory & honor & Authority. Pours out Spirit upon his Church. Ascension
Exaltation of Christ Seated at the Right Hand of God (position of power & authority) Bringing all things under his Authority. In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him. Yet at present we do not see everything subject to him. 9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory & honor Hebrews 2:8-9 Session
Exaltation of Christ Seated at the Right Hand of God (position of power & authority) Bringing all things under his Authority. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 27 For he "has put everything under his feet." Now when it says that "everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ. 28 When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all. 1 Cor 15:25ff Session
Exaltation of Christ When Christ Returns in Glory Exaltation will be Complete. He will return to Vindicate the Righteous & punish the wicked. He will reign in triumph bringing all things under God’s sovereign reign. Return in Glory
Christ as Divine Logos JN 1:1 In the beginning was the logos, & the logoswas with God, & the logoswas God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. JN 1:3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, & that life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. LOGOS
Christ the LOGOS of God The Mind or reason of God which perfectly mirrors or expresses his being - Became flesh in Jesus of Nazareth. 1JN 1:1 That which wasfrom the beginning, which we have heard, which we haveseen with our eyes, which we have looked at & our hands have touched--this we proclaim concerning thelogosof life… 2JN 1:7 Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ ascoming in the flesh, havegone out into the world.
The Problem of JesusDivine or Human? • How can the eternal be corruptible? • Can the infinite be finite? • How can the spiritual be material? • How can the perfect be changeable?
Impassability of God - God cannot suffer or change The early Church Fathers believed that God, as divine is pure act… Thus, God cannot suffer because suffering implies change & change finitude. If Jesus is the Divine Logos then that which is divine cannot suffer, weep, thirst, hunger, or die on the Cross.
Ebionism/Adoptionism The Adoptionists/Ebionists accepted Jesus as “messiah” but denied that he was the LOGOS - divine son of God. Son of Mary & Joseph, upon baptism received the Spirit of God the reward for perfect obedience to the law of God. Jesus adopted by God became an example for his followers… of Obedience & suffering
Docetism Docetists denied the humanity of the Christ. Jesus, the man, represents a mask behind which hides the divine LOGOS. Thus, we cannot know the true nature of God through the life, death & resurrection of the man Jesus Christ.
Problem of Salvation Docetists:Jesus merely appeared to be a human, & thus only appeared to suffer for human sin. Problem: if Jesus was not truly a human & truly didn’t suffer. Human sin remains un-atoned. Adoptionists (Ebionitism) Jesus was just a human being & not God, therefore, as Adam’s heir, his death is deserved. He cannot be the sinless sacrifice nor represent the “righteousness of God.”
Solution Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the Logos Jesus Christ, then is both the Son of God & the Son of Man. Perfect God & perfect man. Who, although He is God & man, yet He is not two, but one Christ.
One Person - Two Natures Nature or Essence - That permanent aspect which we are by nature & defines us a type of being. Person - prospon or Hypostasis “Person” or “individual” Prosopon means “mask”. Individuals things not definitive in Greek but the form or type. Individuals have no permanence but declines toward death & non-existence. Person can only be known according to their nature or essence. Person Hypostasis
Hypostasis & the nature of Christ “hypostasis”preserves both the humanity & divinity of Jesus Christ. Term used of a constitutive element or principle that gives form to nature or essence. Jesus is defined as the hypostasis or “principle” that defines the nature of God & also the true created nature of humankind.
Theological & Philosophical implications Jesus in his life, death & resurrection reveals the true nature of God & humankind. Jesus in his humanity represents Man to God. Therefore his life, as representative of the true image of God, undoes the sin of Adam. God was in Christ reconciling the world into himself. Physical/Biological nature is secondary & subject to our nature as persons in communion with God & others. That humanity’s true nature is discovered in human freedom, responsibility, personality, & relationship.