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PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED. Prof Theo Neethling & Lt Col Abel Esterhuyse Faculty of Military Science (Military Academy), Stellenbosch University. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED. Aim :

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  1. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Prof Theo Neethling & Lt Col Abel Esterhuyse Faculty of Military Science (Military Academy), Stellenbosch University

  2. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Aim: Outline key issues regarding the strategic and operational management of multinational peace missions in Africa. Africa: Ops Challenges & Hostile ops environment. • International reluctance to assume military and financial responsibility • Greater emphasis on the responsibility of regional & sub-regional organisations

  3. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Generic Challenges Rooted in: • the multinational effort that is required; • Political will of the participating states. “Non-conventional Operations”: • Force projection over vast distances • Long-rang / sustained log support • Geographical challenges - climate, terrain & infrastructure • Combined ops Creation of the African Union: • Resources • Improved structural ability & political will • Future success?

  4. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Political Unison Political Objectives - Co-ordinate national interests & synthesis into a common strategy. ECOMOG: Rivalry and suspicion compounded the ECOWAS political environment. SADC: Militaristic ethos & illegal exploitation of natural resources.

  5. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Mission & Mandate Needs: • Clear mandates and rules of engagement. • Understanding of political and humanitarian objectives • Translatable into military endstates. • M&M should be in line with realities on the ground. • Pragmatism & flexibility

  6. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Mandate vs Means • Financial assistance • Logistical and organisational problems • Obsolete Military equipment • Training difficulties • Force projection - ground, air and sea transportation • National Log support system • Morale of the forces • Effective log support • Payment of peacekeepers

  7. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Co-ordination and Unity of Effort • States retain their autonomy and sovereignty: • C2, rules of engagement, discipline & personnel procedures • Contending national priorities: • political differences & disagreements between participating states • Lack of co-ordination between & within mission elements pose military problems: • C2 • Joint doctrine & directing / co-ordinating civilian and military ops • Processes within the mandates of the missions - actions & conduct • Lack of interoperability and SOP’s - French & British / Chinese & Russian doctrines in Africa

  8. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Intelligence Collection Capabilities No intelligence >>>> No Operations Africa: • Lack of intelligence on local inhabitants, culture, beliefs and customs. • Basic Geographical information - Maps Problems: • UN don’t want to compromise its impartiality • Reluctance of nations to share the info gathering capabilities • Lack of secure communications

  9. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Media Relations Perceptions: • Peacekeepers • Local Population • Public at large Exploitation of the Media & Media is a powerful instrument Friction between media and peacekeepers Problem for Peacekeepers: How to counter hostile propaganda “…finding and explaining the realities of providing ‘peace’ in this new era is as much a job for soldiers as it is for scribes”Dobell, G

  10. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Military Civilian Interaction • Peace Missions: Civilian presence on all levels of ops • Increase in the number of NGOs • Civil-Mil co-ordination: distribution of supplies, management of refugees, organising medical support • Problems: C3, Tension between NGO’s and military, Clash of cultures and values • Delicate relationship between peacekeepers, host government, parties to the conflict and local population • Civil-Military Operation Centre • Minimum force & non violent approaches • Advantages of using African troops for African problems.

  11. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Linguistic and Cultural Diversity Africa: Languages & Military culture of former colonial powers Different Value Systems: • Gender Integration • Discipline over troops • Cultural Differences • Ethical Standards - black market activities, prostitution, looting, etc

  12. PEACE MISSIONS IN AFRICA: LESSONS LEARNED Closing Remarks Peace Missions in Africa: • Missions are not simple and easy. • Sources of conflict are both diverse and endemic. • Hostile operational environment . • Burden for resolving conflicts rests more and more on Africans

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