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Safety challenges faced by Eskom, the electricity utility in South Africa

Safety challenges faced by Eskom, the electricity utility in South Africa. Presented by: Lenny Babulall, Eskom Public Safety specialist - Distribution. Presentation Content. Introduction Overview - Electricity utility challenges - Current safety risk landscape Statistics

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Safety challenges faced by Eskom, the electricity utility in South Africa

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Safety challenges faced by Eskom, the electricity utility in South Africa Presented by: Lenny Babulall, Eskom Public Safety specialist - Distribution

  2. Presentation Content • Introduction • Overview - Electricity utility challenges - Current safety risk landscape Statistics - Historical statistics - Analysis of statistics • Communication Strategies - Current Strategy - Proposed Strategy

  3. Overview • Eskom has over the years spent millions of rands in educating the public about safe use of electricity • Research shows high levels of awareness and understanding • Yet, unacceptable numbers of fatalities and injury remain: • Criminal activity • Acts of God • Recklessness, ignorance

  4. Challenges faced by Eskom Social responsibility • Eskom as the dominant provider of electricity and a good corporate citizen has a responsibility to educate consumers on the safe use of electricity • Reduce levels of fatalities and contact incidents by at least 10% per year • Reinforce the belief that Eskom is committed to ensuring safe delivery of electricity • Over the years public safety campaign has informed and educated the public as to what to avoid and how to interact with electricity

  5. Current Safety Risk Landscape • Criminal related fatalities have decreased • There is a decrease on fatalities and an increase on injuries • Key risk areas • Objects into lines (low hanging etc) • Vandalism • Electrical contact • Illegal Connections

  6. Historical Statistics

  7. Analysis of Statistics

  8. Current Strategy • Criminal advertising on Radio and Television • Branded 1000 Taxis with adverts • Outdoor advertising on billboards • Safety inserts into community and national newspapers • Competition in The Teacher • Safety Messages on Play Pumps • Media Tours with National Journalists (KZN, Eastern Cape and Bloemfontein) • Community Road Shows (Bloemfontein, KZN, Gauteng and Eastern Cape) • Proactive visits to schools Nationally • Partnering with External companies • Internal Campaigns at Key Customers

  9. Current Strategy, cont. • Messages in School report cards (piloted) • Negotiating with DOE to Include Electrical Safety into the curriculum • Competition between the Community Media • Messages in the Grape Vine cards • Production of Calendars • Extend campaign with external companies and Vending stations • Campaign to educate National Prosecutions Authority (De Rebus)

  10. Proposed strategy (in addition to current) • Development of creative ‘Big idea’ - Because Eskom had done safety education X million people have not died…. - Implications of unsafe use of electricity – injury and death - Make it real • Sponsorships • Point of Sale • Link with SMS • ATM withdrawal slips • Announcers (radio) on ESW • Date line on existing ads • Print advertising for ESW

  11. Proposed strategy, cont. • National platform and hook linking to advertising ‘big idea’ • Leverage ‘big business / retailers’ networks • Annual sporting events • Progress from ‘it can’ to ‘it is happening’ - Community spokesperson who has had electrical contact - What does electricity do - Make it real – people • Reformed ‘iz’nyoka – TV • Soapie scripts • Community outreach • Schools programmes • Sustained media activity - Build up and wind down

  12. Proposed strategy, cont. • Media • Extend ESW (21-27 August) • Correct balance between community, regional and national media • SABC Public Service Announcements • Lotto tickets messaging and messaging and engagement around Kiosks • Don’t take a chance

  13. Proposed Strategy, cont. • Partner with Revenue Protection and Eskom Development Foundation • Investigate a safety board game that can be played by school children, supervised by an Educator

  14. Questions

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