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Doug Lin:. Detection and Characterization of Jovian Planets. D.N.C. Lin University of California, Santa Cruz with. S. Ida, H. Li, S.L. Li, I. Dobbs-Dixon, J.L. Zhou, M. Nagasawa, P. Garaud, E. Thommes , R. Lange, G. Ogilvie, S.J. Aarseth, M. Evonuk.
Doug Lin: Detection and Characterization of Jovian Planets D.N.C. Lin University of California, Santa Cruz with S. Ida, H. Li, S.L. Li, I. Dobbs-Dixon, J.L. Zhou, M. Nagasawa, P. Garaud, E. Thommes, R. Lange, G. Ogilvie, S.J. Aarseth, M. Evonuk Exo Planet Task Force National Science Foundation Feb 20th, 2007 48 slides
Mass-period distribution A continuous logarithmic period distribution A pile-up near 3 days and another pile up near 2-3 years Does the mass function depend on the period? Is there an edge to the planetary systems? Does the mass function depend on the stellar mass or [Fe/H]? 2/48
Dependence on the stellar [Fe/H] Santos, Fischer & Valenti Frequency of Jovian-mass planets increases rapidly with [Fe/H]. But, the ESP’s mass and period distribution are insensitive to [Fe/H]! Is there a correlation between [Fe/H] & hot Jupiters ? Do multiple systems tend to associated with stars with high [Fe/H]? 3/48
Dependence on M* 1) hJ increases with M* 2) Mp and ap increase with M* Do eccentricity and multiplicity depend on M*? 4/48
Multiple systems Diversity in mass distribution Resonant system with limited mass What fraction of Jovian mass planets reside in multiple systems? Is multiplicity more correlated with [Fe/H] or M* than single planets? 5/48
Planetary interior:diverse structure & Fe/H HD149026b: 67 earth-mass core 6/48
Disk evolution Protostellar disks: Gas/dust = 100 Dabris disks: Gas/dust = 0.01 only external disk but accreting star Transitional disks 8/48
Inner disks disappear ~ 10 Myr Hillenbrand & Meyer 2000 1.0 r Oph CrA N2024 0.8 N1333 Mon R2 Trap Taurus 0.6 LHa101 N7128 L1641y Fraction of disks L1641b ONC 0.4 Lupus IC 348 N2264 Cha 0.2 TW Hyd Pleiades Hyades 0.0 a Per Ursa Major 10 100 1 Gyr 1 0.1 Age (Myr) 9/48 Gas accretion rate
Potential observational signatures Coexistence of gas and solid phase volatile ices Evolution of snow line 10/48
Condensation sequence Meteorites: Dry, chondrules & CAI’s Icy moons 11/48
Signs of Crystalline grains Apai Bouwman 12/48
Chondritic meteorites • Limited size range, sm-cm, • Glass texture, flash heating, • Age difference with CAI’s, • Matrix glue & abundance, • Weak tensile strength. • Formation timescale 2-3 Myr 14/48
From dust to planetesimals Retention of heavy elements: tgrowth~Sdust but tdecay ~ Sgas 15/48
From planetesimals to embryos Feeding zones: D ~ 10 rHill Isolation mass: Misolation ~ S1.5a3 Initial growth: (runaway) 16/48
Growth during gas depletion Rapid damping: many small residual embryos. Slow damping: large eccentricity Delicate balance: Kominami & Ida Separation of eccentricity Excitation and damping is Needed! 17/48
Disk-planet tidal interactions type-I migration type-II migration Lin & Papaloizou (1985),.... Goldreich & Tremaine (1979), Ward (1986, 1997), Tanaka et al. (2002) planet’s perturbation viscous diffusion disk torque imbalance viscous disk accretion 18/48
Competition: M growth & a decay 10 Myr 1 Myr 0.1 Myr Limiting isolation mass Hyper-solar nebula x30 Metal enhancement does not always help! need to slow down migration 19/48
Embryos’ type I migration (10 Mearth) Cooler and invisic disks Warmer disks 20/48
(Mass) growth vs (orbital) decay Embryos’ migration time scale Outer embryos are better preserved only after significant gas depletion Critical-mass core:Mp=5Mearth Loss due to Type I migration Jovian-mass ESP’s are rare around late-type stars 21/48
Preferred cradles of gas giants: snow line Limited by: Isolation slow growth 22/48
Accretion onto cores Pollack et al • Challenges: • Core growth: perturbation slow • down & planetesimal gaps (Ida) • Radiation transfer efficiency • grain survival & opacity (Podolak) • 3) Low global Sdust (Bryden) Korycansky Bodenheimer 23/48
Giant impacts • Diversity in core mass • Spin orientation • Survival of satellites • Retention of atmosphere Late bombardment of planetesimals 24/48
Flow into the Roche lobe H/a=0.07 Bondi radius (Rb=GMp /cs2) Hill’s radius (Rh=(Mp/3M* )1/3 a) Disk thickness (H=csa/Vk) Rb/ Rh =31/3(Mp /M*)2/3(a/H)2 decreases with M* H/a=0.04 25/48
Effect of type I migration Habitable planets M/s accuracy 26/48
The period distribution:Type II migration 27/48 Disk depletion versus migration
short-period cutoff Stopping mechanisms: 1) magnetospheric cavity 2) stellar tidal barrier 3) protoplanetary consumption 4) planetary tidal disruption Ogilvie Prediction: 90% disruption of hot Jupiters Bimodal Q*: prevalence of 1-day planets Tidal inflation Bodenheimer 28/48
Stellar metallicity, mass loss, & circularization of hot Jupiters • Early formation • Extensive migration • High mortality rate • Planetary mass loss • Tidal circularization • Signs of evolution?
period cutoffs depletion vs growth time 30/48 Prediction: period fall-off Test: gravitational lense Ice giants: Collisions vs ejections
The mass distribution Origin of desert: Runaway gas accretion Bryden 31/48
Metallicity dependence [Fe/H] • Two determining factors for the slope: • Heavy element retention efficiency, growth vs accretion • Growth rate and isolation mass of embryos 32/48
Stellar mass-metallicity More data needed for high and low-mass stars 33/48
Multiple planets a) Induced formation of multiple giants b) Resonant planets c) Formation time scale comparable to migration Bryden 34/48
Migration-free sweeping secular resonances Resonant secular perturbation Mdisk ~Mp (Ward, Ida, Nagasawa) Ups And Transitional disks 35/48
Bode’s law: dynamically porous terrestrial planets orbits with low eccentricities with wide separation Dynamical shake up (Nagasawa, Thommes) 36/48
Migration, Collisions, & damping • Clearing of the asteroid belt • Earlier formation of Mars • Sun ward planetesimals • Late formation (10-50 Myr) • Giant-embryo impacts • Low eccentricities, stable orbits 37/48
Giant impact & lunar formation • Lunar material similar • to the Earth’s crust. • Formation after the • differentiation (30 Myr) • Mars-size impactor • Post impact circular orbit Formation after 60 Myr Formation on 30-60 Myr 38/48
Sweeping clear of planetesimals Sweeping secular resonance & gas drag b Pic:Duncan, Nagasawa 39/48
Last melting events of chondrules Flash heating: Large S : evaporation Medium S : melting Small S : preservation 40/48
Sweeping secular resonance in ESP’s Triple system around Ups And Rotational flattening & precession Nagasawa, Mardling Excitation of e & tidal inflation in HD209458 & disruption in 55 Can Gu, Ogilvie, Bodenheimer, Laughlin 41/48
Formation of warm Neptunes Jupiter-Saturn secular interaction & multiple extrasolar systems Relativistic detuning in m Arae 42/48
Dynamical filling factor: e excitation & chaos Post Depletion Dynamical Stability Rayleigh distribution 43/48
Mean motion resonance capture Migration of gas giants can lead To the formation of hot earth Implication for COROT Tidal decay out of mean motion resonance (Novak & Lai) Zhou Impact enlargement Rejuvenation of gas Giant. HD 209458b (Guillot) 44/48 Detection probability of hot EarthNarayan, Cumming
A 2 Mearth “hot rock” planet in a 7-d orbit observed for 6 months with APF @ 1.3 m/s precision Easily detected! But this short-period planet is much too hot for habitability 45/48
Frequency of Earth 46/48
1 Mearth planet in a 35-d habitable-zone orbit around a nearby M dwarf – observed for 6 months with a 9-telescope global array @ 2.0 m/s precision Easy detection! 47/48
Damping & high S leads to rapid growth & large • isolation masses. Jupiter formed prior to the final • assemblage of terrestrial planets within a few Myrs. • 2) Emergence of the first gas giants after the disk mass was • reduced to that of the minimum nebula model. • 3) Planetary mobility promotes formation & destruction. • 4) The first gas giants induce formation of other siblings. • 5) Shakeup led to the dynamically • porous configuration • of the inner solar system & • the formation of the Moon. • 6) Earths are common and • detectable within a few yrs! Sequential accretion scenario summary 48/48
Outstanding issues: • Frequence of planets for different stellar masses • Completeness of the mass-period distribution • Signs of dynamical evolution • Mass distribution of close-in planets: efficiency of migration • Halting mechanisms for close-in planets • Origin of planetary eccentricity • Formation and dynamical interaction of multiple planetary systems • Internal and atmospheric structure and dynamics of gas giants • Satellite formation • Low-mass terrestrial planets