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Know the difference and what you are really paying for. Grass fed beef vs. Grain fed beef. Organic Natural Conventional. First off what are the different kinds of beef?. Grass fed beef with strict restrictions The USDA sets those strict restrictions and they are as follows
Know the difference and what you are really paying for Grass fed beef vs. Grain fed beef
Organic • Natural • Conventional First off what are the different kinds of beef?
Grass fed beef with strict restrictions • The USDA sets those strict restrictions and they are as follows • Cattle may not be given certain vitamins and minerals • Cattle are never given antibiotics or growth hormones • Cannot use conventional pesticides, fertilizers, or bio-engineering • Government-approved certifier inspects the farm where food is grown • Must use certified companies that handle and process food • Organic cattle must have access to pasture but most cattle in the US regardless of how they are raised, meet this criterion What is organic beef?
Natural beef does not have an official standardized definition • The USDA sets only 3 restrictions • 1. The product must be minimally processed • 2. The product cannot contain any artificial ingredients • 3. The product cannot contain any preservations • The USDA has no specific restrictions on management practices • Yet it sells for $.25 - $16 more per cwt on a live animal basis • The owner sets the restrictions • It’s just a marketing tool • Makes consumers feel they are getting a higher quality local product, but is not always the case What is natural beef?
AKA Grain finished beef • Cattle spend most of their lives in range pasture conditions feeding on forages (grass). • At 12-18 months of age are moved to the feed yard where they receive a carefully balanced diet • Typically spend between 120-200 days in the feed yard to get cattle to optimal weight right around 1,300lbs. • Corn is #1 grain used • Corn fed beef adds tenderness and rich flavor • Can also be considered natural as long as it reaches USDA’s 3 requirements • 85% of all beef in U.S. is conventionally raised What is conventional beef?
Nutritional Value • Animal Welfare • World Sustainability • Hormone Scare Now how can I choose? Don’t be misinformed
Organic doesn’t mean healthier • The USDA makes no claims that organically produced food is safer or more nutritious than conventionally produced food • Yes there are claims that say it is, but who are you going to listen to the USDA that sets organic standard and grades all beef produced and imported in the US or the people trying to sell organic products to you? • Through 50 years of research there has been no evidence that organic farming is healthier • New research from Texas A&M University found that men who consumed corn-fed beef improved their cholesterol levels while men who consumed grass-fed beef experienced no change. • You will pay more for a smaller steak with less flavor and no nutritional benefits over conventional products Nutritional Value
A lot of organic farmers claim all grain farmers just care about money and not welfare but think about it, it costs more to conventionally raise cattle and they are treated better • An organic farmer just has to kick cattle out on grass and never think about them again until it’s time to sell them • A conventional farmer checks their cattle everyday to assure health throughout the herd • If an organic calf gets sick it will just continue to be sick or eventually die off because you cannot use antibiotics to cure it • The cost of grain is high and conventional farmers pay for it as well as feed it everyday though the rain, sleet, snow, extreme heat, and other environmental factors we have in IL • Cattle love grain and get nutrients from it that cannot be found in grass alone • Organic cattle are just allowed to eat grass, just think if you were only allowed to eat one thing. Would you be healthier? Animal Welfare
Grain fed cows also have access to pasture and forages as well • People believe every calf is raised in a caged factory but according to the US Census, 97% of farms in the US are family owned • When you see cattle “crowded” pictures it is usually at the bunk at feeding time where they all come up and eat at the same time. Just like if you go to a school at lunch time in the cafeteria and all the students are sitting shoulder to shoulder eating their lunch. The picture cuts out all the space behind the bunk. • Cattle are natural herders so in most cases they have more room than required and simply would rather be around one another. • A lot of organic cattle don’t have access to a barn or other shelter that can protect them from intense weather, predators, or other environmental factors. Animal Welfare continued
By 2050 the world population is projected to grow to over 9 Billion • So how would raising cattle without grain be more sustainable if we have to feed 226 days longer and we have more mouths to feed in the mean time? • To Grass feed a calf it requires 2-20 acres. So let’s give 10 acres for every cow in the United States (100,000,000) that would cover nearly half of the nation. Cattle need a feed additive like corn, oats, and hay because the price of land is high and farmers are doing the best that they can to get more land. • According to NASS and data from the U.S. Census Bureau, between 1960 and 2007 the number of U.S. farms declined by more than 1.7 million, yet the U.S. population increased by 64 percent. In 1960, there were 3.9 million farms feeding a U.S. population of 183 million. In 2007, there were 2.2 million farms feeding an estimated population of 301 million. • A recent U of I study found that grass fed cattle produce more methane than grain fed cattle • The claim that organic farming is more sustainable makes no sense World Sustainability
All meat has hormones • There have been 0 cases of sickness in humans due to cattle that have received antibiotics or growth hormones so it has all been a scare tactic • The FDA has strict guidelines that cattle producers follow when using antibiotics and growth hormones including a rest period to get it out of their system • In beef, the implanted animals will produce meat that contains slightly more of the hormone estrogen (1.9 versus 1.3 nanograms per 3 ounce serving) • When hormones are eaten, they are digested, broken down and largely neutralized • A child’s body produces 50,000 nanograms of estrogen per day and an adult female (non-pregnant) will produce 480,000 nanograms of estrogen per day • There are 520 nanograms of estrogen in ice cream • It is human nature to be fearful of things we aren’t familiar with. So it is advisable to do some research before believing everything you hear or read Hormones Scare
Organic beef typically is leaner but that also means less marbling which is what gives beef its flavor • Organic beef can have a good taste as all beef can but follow carefully cooking directions or it will be a lot drier and chewier • Ground beef from grass fed cattle naturally contains more omega-3 fatty acids than from grain-fed cattle (three times as much), but is higher in saturated and trans fat according to a Texas A&M study. Neither is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids compared to fish though (Salmon contain 35 times more than beef). • A recent review did find that organic produce had fewer pesticide residues than conventional farming. However, there is no evidence that these low levels of pesticides present any health risk. The review found: The risk for contamination with detectable pesticide residues was lower among organic than conventional produce (risk difference, 30% [CI, −37% to −23%]), but differences in risk for exceeding maximum allowed limits were small. To Organic’s credit
It appears there is simply a triumph in marketing over scientific reality. If you can’t tell by now, I choose Grain fed Beef! Which would you rather eat?
http://animalscience.tamu.edu/2013/12/07/ground-beef-from-grass-fed-and-grain-fed-cattle-does-it-matter/http://animalscience.tamu.edu/2013/12/07/ground-beef-from-grass-fed-and-grain-fed-cattle-does-it-matter/ • http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/no-health-benefits-from-organic-food/ • http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/13/opinion/the-myth-of-sustainable-meat.html?_r=0 Still don’t believe me? Visit: