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How to start postgraduate (doctoral) studies. 15.10.2010 Seija Oikarinen, Research and Postgraduate Studies Officer Faculty of Forestry and Agriculture. The purpose of doctoral studies is for the student to / Tieteellisen jatkokoulutuksen tavoitteena on, että opiskelija:.
How to start postgraduate (doctoral) studies 15.10.2010 Seija Oikarinen, Research and Postgraduate Studies Officer Faculty of Forestry and Agriculture
The purpose of doctoral studies is for the student to / Tieteellisen jatkokoulutuksen tavoitteena on, että opiskelija: 1) become profoundly familiar with his or her field of research and its impact on society, and acquire the ability to independently and critically apply scientific research methods and contribute to new scientific knowledge within the field; • perehtyy syvällisesti omaan tutkimusalaansa ja sen yhteiskunnalliseen merkitykseen sekä saavuttaa valmiudet tutkimusalansa piirissä itsenäisesti ja kriittisesti soveltaa tieteellisen tutkimuksen menetelmiä ja luoda uutta tieteellistä tietoa; According to the Government Decree on University Degrees 794/2004
The purpose... 2) become well-versed in the development, basic problems and research methods of his or her discipline; 2) perehtyy hyvin oman alansa kehitykseen, perusongelmiin ja tutkimusmenetelmiin; 3) acquire a level of knowledge of general scientific theory, and of the disciplines related to his or her field of research, that permits him or her to follow future developments. 3) saavuttaa sellaisen yleisen tieteenteorian ja tutkimusalaansa liittyvien muiden tieteenalojen tuntemuksen, joka mahdollistaa niiden kehityksen seuraamisen. According to the Government Decree on University Degrees 794/2004
The structure of doctoral studies • A postgraduate degree comprises theoretical studies and research work. The emphasis is on scientific research. • A minimum of 60 credits* of postgraduate studies in accordance with the study plan: *The Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, PhD, degree consists of 40 credits of postgraduate studies and a doctoral dissertation, which must be defended at a public examination
The outcome of the research work is • an article-based dissertation (a compilation) or a monograph • an article based dissertation contains a summary + articles: • doctoral and licentiate degrees are granted by the faculties of HU (not graduate schools) Each faculty of the University of Helsinki has its own requirements (and traditions) for doctoral dissertation
How long does it take to get a doctoral degree? Table 1. Median duration times of Doctoral Studies in 2008 according to the Ministry of Education (Kota Online service) • the target time for completing a doctoral degree and its studies is four years of full-time work (According to the general policy definitions approved by the Senate on 8 June 2006 regarding postgraduate degrees) • target degree is PhD • 7 years is the median duration time to get a doctoral degree
What postgraduate students do during postgraduate period? n% of 121 postgraduate students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry mentioned: • 86% Postgraduate studies • 84% Research work • 63% Applying research funding • 40% Teaching • 37% Supervision of Bachelor's and Master's degree students • 35% Acting as a person in charge (lab sciences) • 27% Other studies • 23% Studies and/or research work abroad • 22% Other activities e.g. working in an associations • 21% Acquisition of chemicals and equipments • 19% Technical work (in a lab) • 17% Supervision of visiting students + 34% PhD students have a job outside the UH
What you should do before you start to apply 1. Find information • Faculties' WebPages: Each faculty of the University of Helsinki has its own application procedure regarding postgraduate applicants. • Research • Guidelines to postgraduate (doctoral) studies • Doctoral dissertation • Forms • Grants • Graduate Schools
Find information...... • http://www.helsinki.fi/bio/tutkimus/jatkokoulutus/ • http://www.helsinki.fi/bio/faculty/research/phd_studies/ • http://www.mm.helsinki.fi/opiskelu/jatkotutkinnot.htm • http://www.mm.helsinki.fi/english/studies.html • http://www.helsinki.fi/farmasia/tutkimus/jatkokoulutus/hyvaksyminen.htm • http://www.helsinki.fi/pharmacy/research/postagraduate/admission.html • http://www.vetmed.helsinki.fi/tutkimus/tutkijankoulutus.html • http://www.vetmed.helsinki.fi/english/doctor.html
What should you do before you start to apply 2. Discuss with • your professor in charge in a major subject • your Master Degree's supervisor about research plan, study plan, funding of doctoral studies, future plans (post doc plans)... 3. Find your research subject and supervisors and discuss with them about... 4. Evaluate your motivation – why do you want to start your doctoral studies?
Registration • Accepted students will be enrolled for the ongoing academic year. • Students must remember to enrol every year no later than August 31, to keep the status as a postgraduate student. • You can join the Student Union but it is not obligatory for postgraduate students. In case you want to join the Student Union, please pay the student union membership fee (44 €). • You can activate yourself a university user account (access for WebOodi, Alma-intranet, scientific electronic journals and e-mail address). www.helsinki.fi/atk/ after that
Rights and services for postgraduate students • Postgraduate students can enjoy most of the same benefits as undergraduate and graduate students. • Exceptions for postgraduate students are: • Students do not get a discount on bus and train fares • licentiate or doctoral students can not use the FSHS services (starting from August 1st, 2009) • Student restaurants have a special price for post-graduate students. • In order to obtain the Lyyra student card, you have to be a registered student in a university and a member of HYY (the student Union of the UH).
Duties of postgraduate students? – to whom? • Registration for attendance (or non-attendance) is obligatory for all students: undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates • Research ethics : good scientific practise & knowledge of laws and regulations (human, animal and gene manipulation studies) Alma->Support for teaching and research->: Research services https://alma.helsinki.fi/doclink/51398 • Rights and responsibilities of supervisors and postgraduate students • Students funded by graduate schools – follow up group & annual monitoring
Where to find postgraduate courses • Faculties' homepages http://www.helsinki.fi/jatko-opiskelijaksi/opintotarjonta.shtml • Doctoral studies in Viikki campus – CourseRake http://www.helsinki.fi/viikki/courserake/ • Integrated studies: scientific articles or project work not related to your PhD work, teaching or supervision of students, popularization of research (e.g. articles), conference presentations and posters • Graduate Schools' homepages:
Graduate Schools operating in Viikki campus • Agrobiotechnology focused on root-microbe systems (AB-RMS) • Biological Interactions Graduate School • Eläinten hyvinvoinnin tutkijakoulu • EnSTe - Finnish Graduate School in Environmental Science and Technology • Finnish Graduate School on Applied Bioscience: Bioengineering, Food & Nutrition, Environment (ABS) • Finnish Graduate School of Neuroscience (FGSN) • Finnish Graduate School in Plant Biology (FGSPB) • Glykoscience Graduate School (GGS)
Graduate Schools operating in Viikki campus • Graduate School in Forest Sciences • Graduate School in Pharmaceutical Research • Graduate School Natural Resources and Environment (NatuRe) • Helsinki Graduate School in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology (GSBM) • LUOVA - Finnish School in Wildlife Biology, Conservation and Management • National Graduate School of Muskuloskeletal Disorders and Biomaterials (TBGS) • Viikki Graduate School in Biosciences (VGSB) • Yhteiskunnallisen ympäristöalan valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu YHTYMÄ
Lack of funding is not a reason to give up postgraduate studies but it severely hinders your progression 55% working in a project 50% grants: TURA - a funding database Alma->Support for teaching and research->: Research services https://alma.helsinki.fi/doclink/85396 34% a position outside the UH 20% a position in a graduate school 10% a position at the UH 12% no funding (answers of 121 postgraduate students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry) • 50% of answers have more than one funding source Funding? Where?
Other useful links also for doctoral students Career Services of UH /Urapalvelut http://www.helsinki.fi/urapalvelut/tapahtumakalenteri/ Curriculum for Career • Individual training session: 1. Self-Assessment Skills 03.11.2010 • Curriculum for Career course 03.11.2010 • Individual training session: 2. Opportunity Awareness 10.11.2010 • Individual training session: 3. From Decision Making to Action Planning 17.11.2010 • Individual training session: 4. Job Hunting Skills - Application Documents 01.12.2010 • Individual training session: 5. Job Hunting Skills - Interview Process 08.12.2010
Health care for international postgraduate students Postgraduate students will no longer have access to the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (YTHS) as of 1 August 2009. • The right of international postgraduate and doctoral students to use Finnish health care services is based on factors such as the following: *Is the person covered by the social security legislation or health insurance of the EU/EEA countries or Switzerland*the agreement on medical treatment with Australia or the social security arrangement with the Province of Quebec, Canada*Does the person receive a salary from the University of Helsinki or another Finnish organization and what is the duration of his or her employment relationship*Does the person receive a salary (income from employment or self-employment) from outside Finland *Does the person receive a grant from Finland and what is the duration of his or her grant period*Does the person receive a grant from outside Finland and what is the duration of his or her grant period*Has a local register office registered the person as having right of residence in a Finnish municipality
If the person is employed by the University of Helsinki, he or she can use the University's occupational health services during regular working hours. For further information, please contact the Occupational Well-being Unit of the Department of Human Resources and Legal Affairs: https://alma.helsinki.fi/doclink/74763. • If a local register office has registered the person as having right of residence in a Finnish municipality, he or she can use municipal health services. Additional information about right of residence in a Finnish municipality can be obtained from the local register office (http://www.maistraatti.fi/en/). • Additional information about coverage by and/or access to Finnish social security and/or health insurance can be obtained from Kela, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (http://www.kela.fi/in/internet/english.nsf/).
Mela insurance for recipients of grants or scholarships • The Farmers' Social Insurance Institution Mela is responsible for the statutory pension (MYEL) and occupational accident insurance (MATA) of the persons who have a grant or a scholarship and who have to be insured in Finland as of the beginning of 2009. This insurance is mandatory. The insurance secure, for the work on grant or scholarship, offered by Mela is available also for the foreign recipients of grants or scholarships if they are covered by the Finnish social security. This insurance cover is mandatory and all recipients of this insurance must be active in the application.
The recipients of grants or scholarships must take out insurance if they work uninterruptedly for at least four months with a grant or scholarship awarded from Finland after 1st of Jan. 2009, and the amount of grant is at least € 1 093,49 . • The premiums are determined on the basis of the earnings. The recipient pays the pension and occupational accident insurance premiums, amounting to 11-14 percent of the adopted annual earnings. • For further information on the insurance for grant and scholarship recipients, please refer to www.mela.fi -> English