The Third Wheel By Jacob Gates
Summary: The story begins when Gregory Heffley talks about womb hood (the state of mammal in the mother’s womb) and how he misses that time and tries to recreate it. Then, he talks about how he met,feels,reacts to his younger brother Manny and his older brother Rodrick. Afterwards, school starts up again (this must have been right after mid-winter break) , and then, they have an assembly about student council. With a little help from Gregory, Rowley Jefferson, his very best friend, makes it onto the student council. They were brainstorming a fundraising idea, and the original idea was going to be a wrestling motocross. But then, the next week, the girls said they had a few minor changes to the event. They somehow morphed it to a Valentine’s Day dance. No guys really wanted to go, but when they found out that a candy gram(letter with a LOAD of candy on it) was the ticket to the dance, EVERYONE was scrambling for a girl (or two). Gregory, after much trial and error, finally finds a girl named Abigail. He needs Rowley to play wingman. Rowley plays a very bad wingman and accidently starts to steal his thunder. But Greg is smarter than that, and so the “battle” begins! Who will win? Who will be the third wheel? Read the book. FIND OUT.