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胡说八道. 胡说八道 【 húshuōbādào 】 talk nonsense; sheer nonsense; rubbish. 胡思乱想. 胡思乱想 【 húsīluànxaiǎn 】 imagine things; go off into wild flights of fancy; let one's imagination run away with one. ,. 车水马龙. 车水马龙 【 chēshuǐmǎlòng 】 incessant stream of horses and carriages - heavy traffic. 莫名其妙.
胡说八道 胡说八道 【húshuōbādào】 talk nonsense; sheer nonsense; rubbish.
胡思乱想 胡思乱想 【húsīluànxaiǎn】 imagine things; go off into wild flights of fancy; let one's imagination run away with one.,
车水马龙 车水马龙 【chēshuǐmǎlòng】incessant stream of horses and carriages - heavy traffic.
莫名其妙 莫名其妙 【mòmíngqímiào】 be unable to make head or tail of sth.; be baffled; without rhyme or reason; inexplicable; odd.
一模一样 一模一样 【yīmúyīyàng】 exactly alike.
全心全意 全心全意 【quánxīnquányì】 wholeheartedly; heart and soul.
火上加油 火上加油 【huǒshàngjiāyóu】 pour oil on the fire; add fuel to the flames.
一举两得 一举两得 【yījǔliǎngdé】 kill two birds with one stone.
狗仗人势 狗仗人势 【gǒuzhàngrénshì】 like a dog threatening people on the strength of its master's power - be a bully under the protection of a powerful person.
对牛弹琴 对牛弹琴 【duìniútánqín】 play the lute to a cow - choose the wrong audience.
大吵大闹 大吵大闹 【dàchǎodànào】 kickup; roughhouse.
虎头蛇尾 虎头蛇尾 【hǔtóushéwěi】 in like a lion, out like a lamb; fine start and poor finish.
Summary 胡思乱想【húsīluànxaiǎn】 imagine things; go off into wild flights of fancy; let one's imagination run away with one., 胡说八道【húshuōbādào】 talk nonsense; sheer nonsense; rubbish. 莫名其妙【mòmíngqímiào】 be unable to make head or tail of sth.; be baffled; without rhyme or reason; inexplicable; odd. 一模一样【yīmúyīyàng】 exactly alike. 全心全意【quánxīnquányì】 wholeheartedly; heart and soul. 火上加油【huǒshàngjiāyóu】 pour oil on the fire; add fuel to the flames. 一举两得【yījǔliǎngdé】 kill two birds with one stone. 入乡随俗, 狗仗人势【gǒuzhàngrénshì】 like a dog threatening people on the strength of its master's power - be a bully under the protection of a powerful person. 对牛弹琴【duìniútánqín】 play the lute to a cow - choose the wrong audience. 大吵大闹【dàchǎodànào】 kickup; roughhouse. 虎头蛇尾【hǔtóushéwěi】 in like a lion, out like a lamb; fine start and poor finish. 车水马龙【chēshuǐmǎlòng】 incessant stream of horses and carriages - heavy traffic.