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Comparison between 1st and 2nd analysis. 1st analysis was using code and instruction from https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/ZJetsAndDPS and reported the result at http://highenergy.phys.ttu.edu/~keng/susy/plots/Zjets_2012Full.pdf
Comparison between 1st and 2nd analysis • 1st analysis was using code and instruction from https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/ZJetsAndDPS and reported the result at http://highenergy.phys.ttu.edu/~keng/susy/plots/Zjets_2012Full.pdf ***use pfNoPileup and remove leptons from jet reclustering • 2nd analysis is independent analysis suggested by Kostas and Ann-Marie and reported the result at http://highenergy.phys.ttu.edu/~keng/susy/plots/Zjets_2012Full_KengCode_021913.pdf ***Do not use pfNoPileup and do not remove leptons from jet reclustering
Datasets • Datasets of 2012 /DoubleMu/Run2012A − 13Jul2012 − v 1 /DoubleMu/Run2012A −recover – 6Aug2012 – v1 /DoubleMu/Run2012B − 13Jul2012 − v 1 /DoubleMu/Run2012C − 24Aug 2012 − v 1 DoubleMu/Run2012C –EcalRecover –11Dec2012 – v1 /DoubleMu/Run2012C − Prompt − v 2 /DoubleMu/Run2012D − Prompt − v 1 • JSON from https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/PdmV2012Analysis Cert_190456-196531_8TeV_13Jul2012ReReco_Collisions12_JSON_v2.txt Cert_190782-190949_8TeV_06Aug2012ReReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt Cert_198022-198523_8TeV_24Aug2012ReReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt Cert_190456-203002_8TeV_PromptReco_Collisions12_JSON_v2.txt Cert_201191-201191_8TeV_11Dec2012ReReco-recover_Collisions12_JSON.txt Cert_190456-208686_8TeV_PromptReco_Collisions12_JSON.txt • MC
Selections • Triggers HLT_Mu17_Mu8_v* HLT_Mu17_TkMu8_v* • Muon Muon matched trigger objects Muon pT > 20 GeV and |Muon eta| < 2.4 Opposite charge muons Tight Muon ID from Muon POG Loose PF base Combined relative ISO from Muon POG Z mass window of 71 to 111 GeV • Jets Jet pT > 30 GeV |Jet eta| < 2.4 Loose Jet ID from POG Clean Jets from muons with DeltaR<0.5 *** MC indicated in plots is signal and BG combined
Z Properties Njet≥0 Njet≥0 Z mass Z phi
Z Properties Njet≥0 Njet≥0 Z pT Z Y
Jet Multiplicity Barrel and Endcap region (|jet η| <2.4 ) Inclusive jets Exclusive jets
Z pT Njet≥1 Njet≥2
Z pT Njet≥3 Njet≥4
Z Rapidity Njet≥1 Njet≥2
Z Rapidity Njet≥3 Njet≥4
Jet pT Njet≥1 Njet≥2
Jet pT Njet≥3 Njet≥4