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Analysis of Material Ejection from Comet Tempel 1 Post-Deep Impact

Study on rate of ejection and velocities of material after the Deep Impact collision on Comet Tempel 1, analyzing brightness differences, direction of ejection, contours of brightness, and variations in velocities. The study shows patterns of ejection and outburst triggered by the impact.

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Analysis of Material Ejection from Comet Tempel 1 Post-Deep Impact

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  1. DPS-2008. #02.08. Saturday, 11 October 2008Rate of Ejection and Velocities of Material Ejected from Comet Tempel 1 after the Deep Impact CollisionSergei I. IpatovCatholic University of America, USA. The work was initiated at University of Maryland(siipatov@hotmail.com, http://www.dtm.ciw.edu/ipatov,http://www.astro.umd.edu/~ipatov, http://faculty.cua.edu/ipatov/ ), and Michael F. A’Hearn University of Maryland, College Park, USASee http://arxiv.org/abs/0810.1294 for details

  2. Series of DI images considered.In each series, the intergration time and the size were the same. For series Ma, Ha, and Hc, we analyzed differences in brightness between a current image and that before the impact. These series are marked by “(dif)”. For other series, we analyzed the brightness in current images.

  3. Variation of the relative brightness Br of the brightest pixel with time t. It is considered that Br=1 at t=4 s. Besides peaks during the first second (e.g., at 0.6 s), there was an increase of brightness after 10 s.

  4. (a)Coordinates x and y of the brightest pixelrelative to the position of the brightest pixel in the MRI image at t=0.001 s (the place of impact) at different times after the impact. (b) The angle (in degrees) of the directionfrom the brightest pixel at t=0.215 s (close to the place of ejection)to the brightest pixel at a current time. The angle corresponding to the direction of the impact was about -60o. A jump of direction of ejection at t~12-13 s and te~10 s.

  5. Contours corresponding to CPSB (calibrated physical surface brightness) equal to 1, 0.3, 0.1, and 0.03,for MRI images from series Mb made 77.651 (a), 138.901 (b), 191.53 (c), 311.055 (d), 351.043 (e), and 410.618 s (f) after the impact.

  6. Rays of ejected material • The excess ejection of material to a few directions (rays of ejected material) was considerable during the first 100 s, took place during several minutes, and was still observed in images at t~500-770 s. It shows that the outburst continued up to ~10 min. • Considerable excessive ejection (the outburst triggered by the impact) began approximately at the same time te~10 s when the direction from the place of ejection to the brightest pixel changed, the peak brightness began to increase, and there was a local peak of the rate of ejection. • The sharpest rays were caused by material ejected at te~20 s. • The upper-right excessive ejection (perpendicular to the direction of impact ) began mainly at te~15 s (though there was some ejection at te~2 s), could reach maximum at te~25-50 s, could still be considerable at te~100 s, but then could decrease, though it still could be seen at te~400 s. The value of te~15 s is correlated with the changes of the direction to the brightest pixel at t~12-13 s. • The upper bump of the outer contours is clearly seen at 66<t<665 s, especially, in at t~200-350 s. The direction from the place of impact to this bump is not far from the direction opposite to the impact direction.

  7. Time variations of sizes L (in km) of regions inside contours of CPSB=const. The curves have local minima and maxima that were used for analysis of time variations of velocities. The number after a designation of the series in a figure legend shows the value of brightness of the considered contour. For series Ma, we considered L as the distance from the place of impact to the contour down in y-direction. For other series, we considered the difference between maximum and minimum values of x for the contour.

  8. Typical projections vmodel of velocities (in km/s) on the plane perpendicular to the line of sight at time te of ejection for the model when velocities vmodel at te are the same as velocities vexpt=c×(t/0.26)-αof the edge of observed bright region at time t. The distance from the place of ejection to the edge was used to find the dependence of t on te. As the first approximation, the characteristic velocity at te>1 s can be considered to be proportional to te-0.75 or te-0.7 (i.e. α~0.7-0.75; 0.71 corresponds to sand; 0.75, to the ejection mainly governed by momentum). Data marked by circles are based on analysis of local minima and maxima of plots on the previous slide.

  9. Relative rate of ejection at different times te of ejectionfor the model in which characteristic velocities of the edge of the observed bright region at time t are equal to vexpt=c×(t/0.26)-α. The impact was a trigger of an outburst. At te~1-60 s the rate of ejection was mainly greater than that for theoretical models, and instead of monotonic decrease of the rate predicted by theoretical models, there was a local maximum of the rate at te~10 s with typical projections of velocities vp~100-200 m s-1. A sharp decrease of ejection rate (and the outburst) at te~60 s. Our studies do not contradict to a continuous ejection of material during at least 10 minutes after the collision.

  10. Relative volume fev of material ejected with velocities greater than vvs.vfor the model in which characteristic velocities of the edge of the observed bright region at t are equal to v=vexpt=c×(t/0.26)-αfor five pairs of α and c. fev=1 for material ejected before te corresponding to the edge of the bright region at t=803.

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