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Do you like to hang out with your friends? Have you ever thrown a party with your friends? How was it?. Situation 1: Luciana has just met her friend Natalia.Luciana suggested throwing a party together. Luciana: Let’s have a party to celebrate our birthday together.
Do you like to hang out with your friends? Have you ever thrown a party with your friends? How was it?
Situation 1: Luciana has just met her friend Natalia.Luciana suggested throwing a party together. Luciana: Let’s have a party to celebrate our birthday together. Natalia:That’s a great idea. We’ll invite lotsofpeople. Situation 2: Later that day, Natalia meets Priscilla. Natalia is talking to Priscila about the party. Priscila: Cool! Natalia:Luciana and I decided to have a party. We’regoing to invite lotsofpeople.
We’ll invite lots of people:We use will when we decide to do something at the moment of speaking. The speaker has not decided before. The party is a new idea. Decisions now: I’ll... past now future We’re going to invite lots of people: We use going to when we have already decided to do something before the moment of speaking. We use going to to talk about our plans. Luciana and Natalia had already decided to throw a party before she spoke to Priscila. I’m going to... Decision before x past now future
Compare theseexamples:1 ) A: George phonedyouwhileyouwere out. B: Ok. I’llphonehimback.But A: George phonedyouwhileyouwere out. B:Yes, I know. I’mgoing to phonehimback. 2) A:Ann is in hospital. B: Oh really? I didn’t know. I’ll go there and visit her. But A: Ann is in hospital. B: Yes, I know. I’m going to visit her tomorrow.
Decisions:1) Will: we talk about a future action at the moment when we decide to do it (at the moment of speaking).2) Going to: decisions are already made when we speak (decisions were made before the moment of speaking).
Are the sentences about the future, present or past? What do these sentences have in common? What are the things you can see clearly (present evidences) in each sentence? 1.1 Look at these clouds. It’s going to rain. 1.2 A man can’t see where he is walking. There is a hole in front of him. He´s going to fall into the hole. 1.3-Rebecca is huge! She is going to have a baby next week. 1.4.Look out. We’re going to crash. .
Are the sentences about the future, present or past? What do these sentences have in common? How sure is the person in each sentence? Is there a present evidence in each sentence? 2.1 I think it will rain tomorrow 2.2 I guess Ann won’t be here this evening. 2.3. I believe Tom will arrive tomorow. 2.4. Don’t give him a watch. I know him. He’ll break it. 2.5. She’ll be here in a couple of minutes.
Predictions: will x going to • Will: We use will to say what we think, guess, believe or calculate will happen. We predict things based on what we think, believe, know! We usually use with will: I think, I believe, I expect, probably, I know, I guess. • Going to: we use “going to” to say that a future action or an event is on his way. We predict the future on the basis of a present evidence.
Make predictions for New Year’s Eve (2012) • I think.... • I believe... • I don’t think..... • I am sure ... • I....probably.....
. What are you going to do tomorrow? . What are your plans for the weekend? . Do you think it will rain tomorrow? . Do you believe you will be rich in ten years? .Are you going to travel this year?
What’s the difference? 1) I’m going to travel to Boston tomorrow. 2)I’m traveling to Boston tomorrow. 3) Sarah is going to start university. 4) Sarah is starting university on September 17th. 6) I’m going to have dinner with my wife. 5) I’m having dinner with my wife tonight.
FUTURE:Going to x present continuous • Present continuous (for future): we use it for FIXED PLANS, to talk about something that is ALREADY ARRANGED. EX: .I’m traveling to Boston tomorrow.(I probably have the passport, the ticket, etc) .Sarah is starting university on September 17th.(She passed university, she has the date to start, the classes, etc)
Use the present continuous to talk about Luciana’s plans for the week. On Monday Luciana is visiting a friend. On Tuesday_________________ On Wednesday______________ On Thursday_________________ On Friday____________________ On Saturday__________________ On Sunday___________________
Use the present continuous to talk about your plans for the week. On Monday On Tuesday_________________ On Wednesday______________ On Thursday_________________ On Friday____________________ On Saturday__________________ On Sunday___________________
Simple present for future? Simple present: to talk about a schedule, timetables or cinema, theater programmes and dates. EX: .Our train leaves at 9.30. .The film starts at 8.00. .What time does your flight arrive? .My birthday is on a Tuesday this year.
Future Forms Decisions-at the moment of speaking Predictions-based on what I think, guess (my knowledge) • Will 2) Going to 3)Presentcontinuous: fixedplanswith a definite time and/orplace 4) Simplepresent:to talkabouttimetables, cinema/theater pragrammesand dates To talk about refusing (The car won’t start) and promising (I’ll phone you) Decisions already made; plans Predictions-based on a present evidence (we see things coming)