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Measuring Disease Burden: Asthma caregiver quality of life. Ana Kobayashi Maternal and Child Health Program June 7, 2006. Background. Asthma is a major public health problem facing children and families.
Measuring Disease Burden:Asthma caregiver quality of life Ana Kobayashi Maternal and Child Health Program June 7, 2006
Background • Asthma is a major public health problem facing children and families. • Asthma is a common chronic childhood illness, leading to 14 million missed school days each year. • Children’s asthma also affects the well - being of parents and caregivers. (National Center for Environmental Health of the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, 2005) (Institute of Medicine, 2000)
Asthma Caregiver Quality of Life • The Pediatric Asthma Caregiver Quality of Life Questionnaire (PACQLQ) measures how a child’s asthma affects caregivers. • 13 item questionnaire asking caregivers about their activities and feelings. (Juniper et al., 1996b)
Literature Review • Patient QOL studies find that AQLQ scores are related to: • Asthma severity • Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) • Education and income • Female gender (inconsistently) • Hispanic race/ethnicity (Leidy et al., 1998a, Leidy et al., 1998b;Eisner et al, 2002;Sippel et al., 1999) (Adams et al., 2004; Apter et al, 1999; von Rueden et al., 2006)
Literature Review • Few studies have investigated predictors of caregiver QOL, and indicate caregiver QOL is associated with: • Child symptom free days and symptom frequency • Caregiver’s perception of disease control • Use of maintenance medication • Smoking household • Hispanic ethnicity (Halterman et al., 2004; Levy et al., 2004)
Study Objective • To evaluate relationships between caregiver QOL and health utilization, asthma management, and other variables in a community sample.
Setting: Clean Air for Kids • Clean Air for Kids Partnership (CAFK) is a program designed to help caregivers of children with asthma learn how to manage asthma at home and how to reduce environmental exposures. • Caregivers of children with asthma who live in Pierce County, Washington reach the program through community-, physician-, school-, and self - referral. (Primomo, Johnston, DiBiase, Nodolf & Noren, 2006)
Methods • Secondary data analysis • Data was collected during CAFK program evaluation, consisting of baseline caregiver survey responses. • Linear regression was used to evaluate associations between independent and outcome variables and to generate three linear regression models.
Results • Found: • Associations between independent variables and PACQLQ, Emotional function, and Activity limitation scores. • Three stepwise linear regression models for each: PACQLQ, Emotional function, and Activity limitation scores.
Implications for practice • Interventions proven to reduce emergency health services utilization should be used to support increased caregiver quality of life. • Future studies should further investigate relationships between demographic characteristics of families and caregiver quality of life.
Acknowledgements • Clean Air for Kids Partnership • Janet Primomo RN, PhD. • Marcia Williams PhD., MPH. Supported in part by Project #T76 MC 00011 from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (Title V, Social Security Act), Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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