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The God of Israel. The object of theology is the knowledge of God For the Hebrew to know God is to encounter a personal reality A person is not known unless his name is known In Hebrew speech there is an association of the person’s name to their being or existence in reality.
The God of Israel The object of theology is the knowledge of God For the Hebrew to know God is to encounter a personal reality A person is not known unless his name is known In Hebrew speech there is an association of the person’s name to their being or existence in reality.
The God of Israel To give a name is to confer identity. Conferring a name is an act of power and an assertion of ownership or some other sort of control. A change of name indicates a change of state or condition, the beginning of a new existence. To know the name is to know the reality named. This is why Old testament names are pregnant with meaning
El El is the common word for deity in the Semitic language it is connected to the concept of “power” In polytheistic belief “El” is the word for a member of the divine species just as “man” has served as the word for an individual member of the human species. Jerusalem El Elyon “God most high” (Gen 14:18) Beer-sheba El Olam “God eternal” (Gen 21:33) Shechem El Berith “God of the covenant” Sainai El Shaddai “God Almighty” (Gen 17:1)
Elohim Elohim is applied either to the one God worshipped by Israel or to the polytheistic gods of other peoples When used of the God of Israel it is used as singular in context despite its plural root except in the case of the divine plurals Gen 1:26
Adonai “my Lord” is the same word as “Adoni” by which the king was normally addressed but is reserved for Yahweh Melek “king “ is used frequently of Yahweh The Israelites saw Yahweh as the king of Israel, king of all nations, king in virtue of creation, king savior who delivers Israel. The functions of the ancient king were war and law Yahweh is the savior, the lawmaker and the judge
YHWH The name of God given to Moses “I am the existent” I Am Who Am Ex 3:13-14 A new and fuller revelation of the personal reality of Yahweh Yahweh is associated with the beginning of the covenant By this name he is proclaimed as the personal divine being who has revealed himself to Israel, who has vindicated himself by the saving acts of the exodus and has established a covenant relationship with the people he has made.
The God of the Fathers Is important in biblical religion because it involves a personal relationship between God and the patriarch The God who had dealings with the patriarch was identified as the God of Abraham (or “of Isaac” or “of Jacob”) The God of each patriarch had a special title The shield of Abraham (Gen 15:1) The Fear of Isaac (Gen 31:42,53) The Mighty one of Jacob (Gen 49:24) It supplies the background for the future covenantal relationship between God and Israel
The God of the Fathers Is important in biblical religion because it involves a personal relationship between God and the patriarch The God who had dealings with the patriarch was identified as the God of Abraham (or “of Isaac” or “of Jacob”) The God of each patriarch had a special title The shield of Abraham (Gen 15:1) The Fear of Isaac (Gen 31:42,53) The Mighty one of Jacob (Gen 49:24) It supplies the background for the future covenantal relationship between God and Israel