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American Society of Military Comptrollers. Sandhills Chapter. PO Box 71759 Fort Bragg, NC 28310. ISSUE 11-11 November 28, 2011. Contents. President’s Message... I hope you had a GREAT THANKSGIVING!
American Society of Military Comptrollers Sandhills Chapter PO Box 71759 Fort Bragg, NC 28310 ISSUE 11-11 November 28, 2011 Contents President’s Message... I hope you had a GREAT THANKSGIVING! We certainly do have a lot for which to be thankful. It was refreshing to hear from Mr Rich Holcomb, the FORSCOM G-8. He brought a valuable perspective on leadership to our membership. He also shared about his challenges with the new financial management systems during year-end close. His teams overcame significant obstacles to successfully finish the fiscal year. As we look forward to our December membership meeting, I want to remind you that we are supporting a very special charity this year. The Soldier and Family Support Fund is an opportunity for us to share our blessings with those who are less fortunate among our units on Ft Bragg. The Garrison Chaplain, Dave Hillis, will provide us more details on the support fund at our meeting. You won’t want to miss this one! President’s Message Pg 1 Chapter Officers Pg 2 Committees Pg 3 Calendar of Events Pg 4 Membership Pg 5 Education/Certification Pg 6 National News Pg 7 Chapter Minutes Pg 8 Treasurer’s Report Pg 9 THE SAND DOLLAR Happy Holidays !! Merry Christmas ! Happy Hanukkah ! December Lunch Meeting WHEN: Thursday, December 1st TIME: 11:30 AM -1:00 PM WHERE: Fort Bragg Club SPEAKER: CH(COL) Dave Hillis Garrison Chaplain TOPIC: Soldier & Family Support Jeff Robinson Chapter President 1
Sandhills Chapter Officers (Serving from May 2011 – April 2012) OFFICER POSITION PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS Mr. Jeff Robinson President 432-8733jeffrey.robinson@us.army.mil Ms. Laurie Per Lee VP –Publicity 396-3117 laurie.perlee@us.army.mil Ms. Becky Mauldin VP-Programs 432-8044 becky.mauldin@soc.mil Ms. Pam Trail VP-Membership 243-5328 trailp@jdi.socom.mil Ms. Dianne Kemppainen VP-Outreach 396-3690 dianne.kemppainen@us.army.mil Ms. Janyce Merz VP-At Large 570-5899 janyce.merz@us.army.mil Ms. Desiree Lake Secretary 570-5896 desiree.lake@us.army.mil Ms. Vicki Cooper Treasurer 243-2155 cooperv@jdi.socom.mil Always looking for ways to improve – let us know what we can do better! The Sandhills Sand Dollar is published in the interest of Comptroller personnel on Fort Bragg and Pope Army Air Field. 2
SANDHILLS COMMITTEES WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP !! PRIMARY-COMMITTEE SUB-COMMITTEEPHONE#E-MAIL Program & Education Lead –Janyce Merz570-5899 janyce.merz@us.army.mil Mini-PDI Protocol Facilities Audio/Visual Membership & Publicity Newsletter/Publicity Lead-Diane Powell 396-3117 diane.powell@us.army.mil Registration Web Page Diane Powell 396-3117 diane.powell@us.army.mil Photographer Scholarship & Awards Lead – Dianne Kemppainen908-3917 dianne.kemppainen@us.army.mil Budget & Finance Lead – Vicki Cooper243-2155 cooperv@jdi.socom.mil Bonita Bouton243-2149 Chapter Competition Lead – Executive Committee 3
2011-2012 ASMC SANDHILLS CHAPTER ACTIVITY CALENDAR Adopt-A-Street Clean-up 0900-1000 Saturday, 11 February Water and Donuts Provided! 4
MEMBERSHIP ! Membership Info: Remember - individual membership dues are $26 per year or $75 for three continuous years. You can now go online to renew your membership! asmconline.org Welcome to all our new members from FORSCOM and USARC. You must change your membership online. Contact : Pam Trail, 243-5328 There are five classes of membership in ASMC: Active Members are persons who are or have been employed as professionals in the military comptrollership field and who, to remain in good standing, have paid the appropriate dues and fees. The current fee is $26 for one year or $75 for three years. Membership fee is non refundable and non transferrable. Life Membership is a recognition of those Active Members who have been in good standing for twenty consecutive years, or who are past National Presidents. The benefits of membership are the same as for active membership. Life Membership is $26 annually, except for those life members whom joined prior to 1979 and pay no dues. Life members are recognized in the Armed Forces Comptroller once a year for their long time support of the society. Associate Members are persons who, though not qualified for Active or Life Membership, are employed in fields relating to military comptrollership and who to remain in good standing, have paid the appropriate dues and fees. Associate membership is $26 annually. Honorary Members may be conferred upon persons making significant contributions to military comptrollership who are not eligible for, or who would not otherwise be expected to join, one of the other classes of membership. Honorary membership must be approved by the National Executive Committee, and has no fee. Corporate Members are available for businesses interested in the military comptrollership field. Current dues are $250, which includes one designee. 5
SANDHILLS CHAPTER EDUCATION COMMITTEE & INFORMATION Pamela Edwards-Faulk edwardsfaulk@aosa.army.mil There is a lot of information here; something for all to stay current and proficient! CERTIFICATIONS • CERTIFICATION forCertified Public Accountant • Accredited Financial Examiner • Certified Book Keeper • Certified Cash Manager • Certification in Control • Assessment Certified Cost Analyst • Certified Defense Financial Manager • Certified Financial Planner • Certified Fraud Examiner TESTING INFORMATION: Uniform CPA Exam - NASBA, AICPA and Prometric Centers MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS: CPEs = varies by State. NC = 40 hrs per calendar yr. [Licensure requires 150 hrs specialized coursework] Certified Government Audit Professional Certified Government Financial Manager Certified Financial Manager Certified Information Systems Auditor Certified Internal Auditor Certified Management Accountant Certified Public Accountant Certified Public Finance Officer RELEVANT BACKGROUND Four Sections Offered in 54 U.S. Jurisdictions Computer Based / English only Testing -Eight months out of the year Demonstrate knowledge and skills necessary to protect the public interest in a rapidly changing business and financial environment STUDY MATERIAL INFORMATION AICPA http://www.aicpa.org National Association of State Boards of Accountancy www.nasba.org www.cpa-exam.org • CERTIFICATION for Certified Defense Financial Manager TESTING INFORMATION: Prometric Centers www.2test.com Fort Bragg Education Center J. Harry 432-2537 National / Mini PDIs MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS: CPEs = 80 hrs every 24 months Exemptions = Retirement or Foreign Residency TEST SITES • FORT BRAGG ARMY EDUCATION SERVICE • Paper testing • 910-432-2537/2947 • POC: John Harry RELEVANT BACKGROUND Three Module Examinations Two Years Defense FM w/ Degree Three Years Defense FM Four Years Federal FM. CDFM(A) – Acquisition Module available Military and Civilians involved in the overall field of military comptrollership. STUDY MATERIAL INFORMATION Sandhills Chapter Website http://www.asmccertification.com • PROMETRICS TEST CENTERS • www.2test.com • Nearest Location – Raleigh, NC 6
Promoting the National Awards Program • The ASMC has a comprehensive awards and recognition program that includes individual and chapter awards, as well as academic financial assistance opportunities. Full award descriptions, criteria and the web-based forms are available on the ASMC Web site. All award categories are currently open for nominations, and we urge you to get the word out to your members and local community. You will soon receive a press release to distribute throughout your financial management community, one that is intended to encourage participation in both local and national awards programs. • As a reminder, all nominations must be submitted via the National ASMC Awards Online Web site. Below are the deadlines for each award category: • Individual Awards: January 31 • Essay Contest: February 28 • National Scholarship Program: March 31 • Members Continuing Education Grant: March 31 • Chapter Competition Program: April 10 • Chapter Leadership Award: April 10 • Corporate Member of the year: April 10 • If you have questions regarding this year's award program, please email awards@asmconline.org. N A T I O N A L N E W S New Certification Renewal Requirement Takes Effect January 1 Effective January 1, 2012, the ASMC's certification renewal process will require that two of your 80 CPEs be obtained from ethics training. This new requirement applies to both existing and candidate CDFMs. If ethics training is already included in your organization's professional development program, it can be applied toward this requirement. Existing CDFMs should note that if their CDFM is up for renewal in 2012, they will have until December 31, 2012 to attain the ethics training, but will only need one ethics-related CPE. They will still need to renew by the date on their CDFM certificate, but they will be able to renew with 79 CPEs as long as they attain the one ethics CPE by December 31, 2012. ASMC members can take two ethics-related workshops from the 2011 PDI at no charge by visiting the ASMC Online Learning Center. Any questions regarding this new requirement should be directed to Lisa Deyo at deyo@asmconline.org or at (703) 549-0360, ext. 109. 7