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The XP planning game

The XP planning game. Based on the XP Game by Vera Peeters and Pascal Van Cauwenberghe (http://www.xp.be/xpgame). Introduction.

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The XP planning game

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  1. The XP planning game Based on the XP Game byVera Peeters and Pascal Van Cauwenberghe(http://www.xp.be/xpgame) Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

  2. Introduction • In Extreme Programming (XP), one of the key elements is planning. Planning involves both discovering what the customer wants and estimating how long this will take to do. • We will play variation of the XP planning game. Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

  3. Players Project manager / Couch Developers Customer Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

  4. Game iterationCustomer writes stories • Customers divide up the work to be done into a set of stories, each of which can be written on a 3 by 5 card in a few sentences. • Customers can write a new Story at any time. Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

  5. Game iterationDevelopers estimate stories • The developers estimate customers stories . • The developer are free to ask the customers for clarification and rewriting of the specifications if they are not understood. • If the customer asks for something very big or very difficult to estimate, the developers are free to ask the customer to split the description into smaller tasks. • The developers may also indicate that a requested feature can't be built as specified, and the customer can either drop it or rewrite it. The developers may also sketch to help estimate the drawing time for the final result. Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

  6. Game iterationDevelopers estimate stories • Choices for difficulty estimation 1-2-3-4-5-6-impossible • Order stories by increasing implementation effort. Implementation effort (how much time it will cost to implement this story with the team). • Estimate stories • The easiest story is assigned an effort score of 2. • estimate the other stories relative to each other: • If the next story requires about the same effort, it’s 2. • If the next story requires about twice as much effort, it’s 4. • If the next story requires less than twice the effort, it’s 3. Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

  7. Game iterationStories to implement • The customer will want to know how many stories the team can implement in one iteration. • How many stories can the team implement ? Hmmm… Hard to say. We’ve never done these tasks before. • How can we guess accurately ? Well, we can’t make an accurate estimate yet; we just don’t have enough information. • But don’t worry: we’ll soon know how much we can do in one iteration. Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

  8. Game iterationStories to implement • The job of the customers is to choose the stories and their order of implementation in the iteration. • To do this, the customer takes into account the expected business value and estimated effort, which are both written on the story cards. • What stories to scheduled early ? Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

  9. Game iteration Developers implement stories • The team takes each story in turn, in the order defined by the plan. • For each story, the team can briefly discuss the story implementation. Team members sign up for the task. Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

  10. Game iteration“Acceptance tests” • When a story is finished, the project manager performs the acceptance tests. • If the story passes the acceptance tests, the project manager can add its business value to the score. • Otherwise the team doesn’t earn the business value. • If there is still time to the iteration,the team can either fix their code or drop the story. Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

  11. Game iterationReviews iteration • How did it go? • What could we have done better? • Where did we have difficulties? • Do the estimates still look consistent? • Maybe some stories were grosslyunderestimated or overestimated. • Measure velocity and business value. • VELOCITY = # of story points / iteration Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

  12. Next game iteration Software Engineering - 2011/Spring

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