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Closing the Gap: Urgent Need for Computer Science Education

Explore the significant job opportunities in computer programming fields compared to other math and science jobs. Highlight the necessity to incorporate coding in education for better career prospects. Learn how organizations like Code.org are striving to bridge the gap and promote coding skills among students.

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Closing the Gap: Urgent Need for Computer Science Education

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  1. THE JOB/STUDENT GAP IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Computer Programming Students Computer Programming Jobs 2% All other math and science jobs 60% 40% All other math and science students 98% Sources: College Board, Bureau of Labor Statistics, National Science Foundation

  2. 1,000,000 MORE JOBS THAN STUDENTS BY 2020 $500 billion opportunity 1,000,000 unfilled programming jobs 400,000 computer science graduates Sources: BLS, NSF, Bay Area Council Economic Institute

  3. FEWER CS MAJORS NOW THAN 10 YEARS AGO Sources: National Science Foundation

  4. THIS ISN’T JUST ABOUT TECH COMPANIES • 67% of “software” jobs are outside the tech industry – in banking, retail, government, entertainment, etc • We need our future doctors, lawyers, politicians, astronauts learning the basics.

  5. 2012 HIGH SCHOOL A.P. ENROLLMENT Exposure to CS leads to the best-paying jobs in the world. But it’s only available in 5% of high schools Only 4% of this tiny box are African Americans, or Hispanics Sources: College Board

  6. Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer… …because it teaches you how to think. Steve Jobs

  7. It would be wonderful if every kid wrote computer programs and understood how computers work. It would certainly make you a better thinker. Bill Gates

  8. In fifteen years we’ll be teaching programming just like reading and writing. We’ll be looking back and wondering why we didn’t do it sooner. Mark Zuckerberg

  9. More and more major businesses and industries are being run on software and delivered as online services—from movies to agriculture to national defense… Marc Andreessen

  10. OUR STATE LAWS MAKE IT HARDER In 35 of 50 states, computer science doesn’t counttowards graduation requirements.* *in China, it’s required to graduate Sources: ACM, College Board


  12. A SINGLE VIDEO CAN HAVE AN IMPACT • #1video on YouTube for a day. (Over 20,000,000 views) • More than 3,500,000students tried learning online • More than 725,000signed petitions (with ZIPs) and growing • Over 10,000schools want help setting up coding classes or clubs • More than25,000software engineers already volunteered to help teach/mentor. • CS enrollment in high schools that promoted the video tripled !!!


  14. OUR NEXT BIG GOAL An Hour of Code for every student in America

  15. DELIVERING THE LEARNING • Code.org building self-guided, online learning tutorials • Different levels, different devices • Leading game companies providing content to increase engagement • Also working with other providers

  16. DELIVERING THE SCHOOLS • Presenting directly to teachers • Working at state and district levels • Promoting through National PTA and Donors Choose • Database of 25K+ volunteers who have signed up to help in schools

  17. DELIVERING THE STUDENTS • Engaging tech, entertainment, and media companies to help: • Promote (e.g., Link from Google home page) • Incent (e.g., Surface tablets donated by Microsoft) • Recruit (e.g., Promote to internal employees) • Engaging celebrities to help: • Kick off Hour of Code at a local school • Be featured in next video(s) learning to code • Tweet/Blog/Share (esp. something they coded!)

  18. AND BEYOND…. • Encourage students to continue with 20-30 hour class • With significant incentives from industry partners • Enlist parents & influencers with advocacy materials • Help advance our policy causes

  19. HOW YOU CAN PARTICIPATE • Help us recruit schools/orgs to participate • Promote Hour of Code during the week • Help kick off Hour of Code in a local school • Host an Hour of Code in your own organization • Provide prizes as rewards for students/teachers/schools • License artwork/graphics for use in curriculum • Donate to Code.org

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