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Gramática 2.1

Gramática 2.1. Repaso de pretérito er/ir Introducción de demostrativos . endings for –er & -ir verbs. -er verbs share the same endings!. Demonstrative Adjectives & Pronouns. Demonstrative adjectives must agree in number and gender with what you are describing

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Gramática 2.1

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  1. Gramática 2.1 Repaso de pretérito er/ir Introducción de demostrativos

  2. endings for –er & -ir verbs

  3. -er verbs share the same endings!

  4. Demonstrative Adjectives & Pronouns • Demonstrative adjectives must agree in number and gender with what you are describing • 3 different distances from the speaker • aquí (here)- • acá (there)- • allí (over there)-

  5. close to speaker-aquí • este • esta • estas • estos • lápiz es corto. This pencil is short. • chica es bonita. This girl is pretty.

  6. farther away (but still close)-acá • ese • esa • esos • esas • chicos son feos. Those boys are ugly. • blusas son rojas. Those blouses are red.

  7. very far away-allí/allá • aquel • aquella • aquellos • aquellas • Me gustan aquellas casas en la distancia. • I like those houses over there in the distance.

  8. Ejemplos • ¿Quieres ver este programa? • Esa profesora es antipática. • Aquellos chicos son malos. • Estos libros son aburridos.

  9. Demonstrative Pronouns • Replace • ¿Te gusta este vestido o éste? • Do you like this dress or this one? • Ella quiere ir a _______restauraunte no ________. • She wants to go to that restaurant, not to that one over there. • ALL PRONOUNS HAVE ACCENTS!

  10. close

  11. far

  12. very far • substitutes in for noun • agrees in gender & number!!!!

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