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STRATEGY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SNA 2008 Giovanni Savio Chief, Economic Statistics Section

STRATEGY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SNA 2008 Giovanni Savio Chief, Economic Statistics Section Statistics Division, UN-ESCWA FIRST CONFERENCE OF AL KHAWAREZMI IN THE ARAB STATES Doha, Qatar, 6-8 December 2010 Session 4: Economic statistics and systems of national accounts.

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STRATEGY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SNA 2008 Giovanni Savio Chief, Economic Statistics Section

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  1. STRATEGY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SNA 2008 Giovanni Savio Chief, Economic Statistics Section Statistics Division, UN-ESCWA FIRST CONFERENCE OF AL KHAWAREZMI IN THE ARAB STATES Doha, Qatar, 6-8 December 2010 Session 4: Economic statistics and systems of national accounts

  2. Background on 2008 SNA Is the new 2008 SNA really new? A step back: why did we fail? Major gaps in Western Asia Presentation plan

  3. February 2009: the SC approved Vol. 2 of the 2008 SNA Revision generated to bring the accounts in line with the new economic and financial environment, advances in methodological research, and users’ needs Guidelines for the revision process No fundamental or comprehensive change to 1993 SNA Consideration of feasibility of implementation Consistency with related statistical systems Background on 2008 SNA

  4. Changes and improvements introduced perhaps more than expected … … however, the overall structure proposed, the philosophy followed and the approaches suggested are unchanged, so that … … MCs still following 1968 SNA might (in theory) directly move to 2008 SNA Consequently, basic data requirements, tables to be transmitted, definition of phases of implementation etc. remain essentially the same Is the new 2008 SNA really new?

  5. Implementation programme for the 2008 SNA and supporting statistics … … a global statistical initiative, mandated by the UNSC (NY, February 2009) Global strategy based on actions to improve the NSSs and the overall status of supporting statistics Three steps: (1) Strategic planning (2) Coordination (3) Monitoring and reporting, and … … and five modalities: Training, Technical cooperation, Manuals, Research, Advocacy How we support the adoption of 2008 SNA?

  6. Insufficient coverage of national accounts data and the low number of staff working in national accounts departments, … … frequently coupled with high staff turnover Other obstacles (in order of importance): insufficient training, insufficient data sources, lack of expertise in the field and lack of a legislative mandate to ensure the requisite levels of cooperation and coordination between agencies and ministries A step back: why did we fail?

  7. Insufficient promotion of the importance of national accounts in policymaking … … lack of understanding of the recommendations, concepts and methodologies of 1993 SNA, and a shortage of manuals and guidelines on the subject … … lack of technical assistance provided to countries, technological insufficiency and lack of funds … (not cited) From international/regional organizations side: lack of a strategic plan at the international level, overlapping of activities, too many players in the same (small) court A step back: why did we fail?

  8. From yesterday’s discussion (LS), six important components of capacity building - Skills, - Knowledge, - Competencies, - Legal framework, - Institutional setup - Organizational platform + COORDINATION A step back: why did we fail?

  9. Constant price estimations, especially demand-side GDP Income-side estimation Exhaustivity (i.e. informal sector) Short-term indicators of economic activity, employment, wages and salaries Major gaps in Western Asia NA

  10. Business registers / updating Business surveys, especially SME Exhaustivity (i.e. informal sector) LFSs and HBSs Availability of short-term indicators of economic activity, employment, wages and salaries Sources to be improved

  11. Thank you Giovanni Savio UN–ESCWA, UN House, Riad El Solh Square, Beirut (LB) savio@un.org

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