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Network Security. Mohamed Khalil , Ph.D. Security Attacks. Passive Attacks. Active Attacks. Passive Attacks. Interception (confidentiality). Release Of Message Contents. Traffic Analysis. Interception. learn sensitive information Determine the identity and location of the host.
Network Security Mohamed Khalil , Ph.D.
Security Attacks Passive Attacks Active Attacks
Passive Attacks Interception (confidentiality)
Release Of Message Contents Traffic Analysis Interception • learn sensitive information • Determine the identity and location of the host
Interruption (availability) Modification (integrity) Fabrication (authenticity) Active Attacks
Modification (integrity) Modify the contents of the message or a file. It is an attack on integrity
Interception (availability) Try to break the system to make out of service. It is an attack on Availability.
Fabrication (Authenticity) Insert messages to system or object to files. Try to fool the system. It is attack on authenticity.
Confidentiality Authentication Nonrepudiation Aviliability Integrity Security Service
Confidentiality Is the protection of transmission from passive attacks ***-**-**** 444-21-8888 444-21-8888
Authentication The authentication service assures that the recipient receive information from reliable source. I am friend Ok-let us talk
Integrity Make sure that the message is received as it is sent without modification, duplication, insertion, reordering,or reply. He/She Broker Buy 1000 stocks, Buy 1000 stocks Buy 1000 stocks
Nonrepudiation Nonrepudiation prevents either sender or receiver from denying a transaction. He/She Broker You are not john, I can’t do that. I am John, buy 1000 stocks
Availability Protect against Denial Of Service attacks.
Secret Key Public Key Encryption Techniques
Secret Key Data Encryption Standard (DES) E D K (56 bits) Cipher Data Plain Data K (56 bits) Plain Data Cipher Data
2DES E E D D K1 (56 bits) K2 (56 bits) Cipher Data Plain Data K1 (56 bits) K2 (56 bits) Plain Data Cipher Data
3DES D E E E D D K1 (56 bits) K2 (56 bits) K1 (56 bits) Cipher Data Plain Data K1 (56 bits) K2 (56 bits) K1 (56 bits) Plain Data Cipher Data
RSA (Rivest-Chami-Adelman) Secret Key E D KU (Alice) Cipher Data Bob’s Plain Data KP (Alice) Plain Data Cipher Data
Secret Key Public Key Authentication Techniques
Authentication With Secret Key E D K (Alice-Bob secret key) Bob Cipher Data Bob’s Name Bob’s Name K (Alice-Bob-secret key) Alice Cipher Data
Authentication With Public Key E D KP (Bob’s Private Key) Bob Cipher Data Bob’s Name Bob’s Name KU (Bob’s Public Key) Alice Cipher Data
Integrity Hashing Algorithms Message Digest of 128 bits 512 bit Blocks MD5 Message Digest of 160 bits 512 bit Blocks SHA-1
Hash Function Requirements H(x) = h x is any size h is fixed
Hash Function Requirements (continue) H is easy to implement using hardware or software
Hash Function Requirements (continue) One way property : given h it is Computationally infeasible to find X such that H(x) = h
Hash Function Requirements (continue) Week Collision Resistance : for any given x it is computationally infeasible to find y <> x with H(x) = H(y) Strong Collision Resistance : for any given(x,y) it is computationally infeasible to find H(x) = H(y)for x<>y
Hash Function Requirements (continue) block1 block2 blockm Ci = bi1 + bi2 + …….. bim
Problem with simple hash function. Doesn’t provide collision resistance
Y L-1 Y0 Y1 b b b F n n F F n n n CV1 CV2 CV L-1 General Structure Of Secure Hash Function IV = CV0 IV = Initial Value CV = Chaining Value Yi = ith input block F = Compression Function L = Number of input blocks n = Number of Hash code b = length input input block
The compression function F has to be collision resistance, then the resultant iteration will be more collision resistance. Hash Function Summary CV0 = IV = Initial Value CVi = F(CVi-1,Yi-1) , 1=<i<= L H(M) = CVL
512 bits 512 bits 512 bits 512 bits Y0 Y1 Yq YL-1 Padding 1-512 bits Length L x 512 bits K bits IV 128 128 bit digest 128 MD5 128 128 MD5 MD5 MD5 CVq CV1 CV L-1
The length of the padding is 64 bits less than an integer multiple of 512 bits. Step 1 Appending padding bits Padding:1-512 L x 512 bits K bits M = 448 bits, pad = 512 bits
A 64 bit representation of the length in bits of the original message is appended to the result of step 1 (least significant byte first). If length is grater than 2^64, then only the low order 64 bits of the length is used. Step 2 Adding Length Length L x 512 bits K bits Length = K mod 2 ^ 64
128 bit buffer is used to hold intermediate and final result of the hash function. The buffer is presented as four 32-bit registers (A,B,C,D). The initial values are stored in little-endian, which least significant byte is in the lowest address Step 3 Initialize MD buffer A = 01 33 45 57 B = 89 AB CD EF C = FE DC BA 98 D = 76 54 32 10 IV
A B C D F,T[1..16], 16 steps A B C D G,T[16..32], 16 steps A B C D H,T[32..48], 16 steps Step 4 CVq Process message in 512 blocks Yq A B C D I,T[49..64], 16 steps + + + + CVq+1
0 7 1 12 2 17 3 22 4 7 A B C D 5 12 F,T[1..16], 16 steps 6 17 7 22 8 7 9 12 10 17 11 22 12 7 13 12 14 17 15 22 Round 1
MD5 compression function A B C D + g X[k] + T[i] + cls + A B C D a b +((a+g(b,c,d)+X[k]+T[i]) <<<s)
Word 0-32 bits Block 512 Word 16-32 bits
Round 1 X[i] = i Round 2 X[i] = (1+5i) mod16 Round 3 X[i] = (5+3i) mod16 Round 4 X[i] = 7i mod16
sin table T[ i] = 2^32 x abs (sin(i))
512 bits 512 bits 512 bits 512 bits Y0 Y1 Yq YL-1 Padding 1-512 bits Length L x 512 bits K bits IV 160 160 bit digest 160 SHA-1 160 160 SHA-1 SHA-1 SHA-1 CVq CV1 CV L-1
The length of the padding is 64 bits less than an integer multiple of 512 bits. Step 1 Appending padding bits Padding:1-512 L x 512 bits K bits M = 448 bits, pad = 512 bits
A 64 bit representation of the length in bits of the original message is appended to the result of step 1 (least significant byte first). If length is grater than 2^64, then only the low order 64 bits of the length is used. Step 2 Adding Length Length L x 512 bits K bits Length = K mod 2 ^ 64
160 bit buffer is used to hold intermediate and final result of the hash function. The buffer is presented as four 32-bit registers (A,B,C,D,E). The initial values are stored in big-endian, which least significant byte is in the hightest address Step 3 Initialize ID buffer A = 67 45 23 01 B = EF CD AB 89 C = 98 BA DC FE D = 10 32 54 76 E = C3 D2 E1 F0 IV
Step 4 CVq Process Message in 512-bits blocks Yq A B C D E F1,,W[0..19], 20 steps E A B C D F2,,W[20..39], 20 steps E A B C D H,W[40..59], 20 steps E A B C D I,T[60..79], 20 steps + + + + + CVq+1
A B C D E + f S5 + + S30 + A B C D E SHA-1 compression function Wt Kt