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Item Unique Identification (IUID)

Item Unique Identification (IUID). Presented to SCESC 26 March 2013. DOD IUID CONOPS (Why). Use of IUID across the Department will enhance: A sset visibility P roperty accountability Product lifecycle management Counterfeit materiel risk reduction F inancial management.

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Item Unique Identification (IUID)

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  1. Item Unique Identification (IUID) Presented to SCESC 26 March 2013

  2. DOD IUID CONOPS (Why) • Use of IUID across the Department will enhance: • Asset visibility • Property accountability • Product lifecycle management • Counterfeit materiel risk reduction • Financial management

  3. DOD IUID CONOPS (How) • The UII will be: • Used to uniquely identify an individual item • Included in packaging labels to uniquely identify items without opening the box or preservation packaging • Directly marked on items using a DataMatrix mark • A mandatory data element to identify items and related data in logistics systems • Passed in electronic transactions between systems • Modification of business processes and systems will allow automated collection of the UII from bare item or packaging, during receipt, inventory, maintenance, and any other needed identification of uniquely managed items • Target population of items aligns with the JLB approved Task Force recommendation

  4. Target Population • Major end items • Small arms • Depot level reparables • NWRM • Sensitive and classified items • Critical safety items • Pilferable items • Other items as determined by item or program manager • Mark what needs to be marked

  5. DOD IUID Integrated Master Schedule IUID Integrated Master Schedule Publish 4140.01 Manual • Draft 8320.04 - revision currently under review by the IUID Working Group • Draft 4140.01 – Service comments being adjudicated Publish 8320.04 IUID Standards for Tangible Personal Property Policy Publish Modify DFARS to Align with 8320.04 Publish 4151.19 Serialized Item Management Requirements for Net-Centric Data Sharing • Requirements for disposal are needed from DLA to complete the Integrated Requirements Set for IUID and the final DLMS changes. FLIS IUID Indicator Rqmts/ Bus Rules IUID Registry Life Cycle Events Requirements for Disposal Integrated Requirements Set for IUID ADC399A ADC1030 DLMS Transaction Changes for IUID For details see slide #6 Impacted AIS Identification System Updates/ AIT Hardware 2021 AIS updates to support IUID 2021 AIT Hardware Fielding For details see slide #7 Marking End Date Legacy Marking Services verify estimated legacy populations using FLIS IUID Indicator +2033 Components Report on Marking Progress Quarterly by Class of Supply Components Mark Legacy Items Training Update DAU IUID Online Learning Module

  6. DOD IUID Integrated Master Schedule – AIS Updates Impacted AIS Identification System updates related to Class II items Air Force System updates related to Class VII items • Component Implementation Plans should: • Provide milestones for each impacted system • Identify intermediate milestones to track and report progress • Identify internal and external factors which may affect the milestone dates • Identify resource requirements System updates related to Class IX items Impacted AIS Identification USMC Updates to GCSS-MC(Retail Supply) Updates to GCSS-MC(Maintenance) Updates to AMS-TAC(Distribution) Updates to CMOS(Transportation) Updates to MDSS II (Unit Move/Preposition) Updates to STRATIS(Intermediate Supply) Additional System Updates 2019 Navy Requirements/Design Build and Field ERP Impacted AIS Identification Design System Changes Build and Field DLA Updates to EBS Design System Changes Build and Field Updates to DSS Design System Changes Build and Field Updates to RBI Code available FLIS IUID Indicator Optimize Scanner Application Updates to PBUSE 2021 Phase out PBUSE/ Continue Build and Field Design and Build Process mapping and gap analysis Updates to GCSS-A Army Technical Requirements Design and Build Field Updates to LMP

  7. DOD IUID Integrated Master Schedule – Item Marking All Classes 75% Marking End Date Air Force Nonrecurring Engineering Analysis and Updates to Tec Data Packages for Class IX items Opportunistic Marking Pilot programs and Marking Teams TBD TBD Mark Legacy Items-All Classes 2019 Class VII 75.4% Class IX 3.3% Marking End Date Class VII 70.0% Marked Class IX 2.5% Marked Class VII 72.9% Class IX 3.0% Class VII 72.2% Class IX 2.8% Class VII 71.4% Class IX 2.7% USMC Marking teams and opportunistic marking TBD Mark Legacy Items—Class VII & IX 2019 Class VIII Legacy Item Marking Marking End Date TBD PMO Marking Class VII Legacy Item Marking 75% 2025+ Navy Opportunistic marking Class II and IX Legacy Item Marking DLA Industrial Plant Equipment marked during inventory All Classes 75% 2026 Marking End Date 2033 Army Pilot programs and opportunistic marking Mobile marking teams deploy and mark legacy items Mark Legacy Items • Component Marking Plans should provide, by class of supply: • 75% marked and marking end dates • Annual marking goals • Prioritization Strategy • Completion dates for Nonrecurring Engineering • Quarterly progress reports

  8. Army IUID Integrated Master Schedule Army IUID Integrated Master Schedule Optimize Scanner Application Updates to PBUSE Design and Build Phase out PBUSE/ Continue Build and Field Process mapping and gap analysis Updates to GCSS-A System Updates/ AIT Hardware Technical Requirements Design and Build Field • Army Implementation Plan should: • Identify intermediate milestones to track and report progress • Identify internal and external factors that may affect milestone dates • Identify resource requirements Updates to LMP AIT Hardware--Researching use of cell phones to limit the need for additional AIT purchases Initial Class VII list 7,011 NSNs Initial Class V list 36 NSNs Initial Class II list 591 NSNs Identification of NSNs for Population of FLIS Indicator 2026 All Classes 75% 2033 All Classes 100% Legacy Marking Pilot programs and opportunistic marking Mobile marking teams deploy and mark legacy items Mark Legacy Items

  9. Navy IUID Integrated Master Schedule • Navy Implementation Plan should: • Provide details about the delay between system identification and implementing system changes • Provide milestones for each impacted system • Identify intermediate milestones to track and report progress • Identify internal and external factors that may affect the milestone dates. • Identify resource requirements System Updates/ AIT Hardware 2021 Requirements/Design Updates and Fielding ERP Impacted AIS Identification Requirements Determination Fielding AIT Fielding • Navy Marking Plan should provide, by class of supply: • 75% marked and marking end dates • Annual marking goals • Prioritization Strategy • Completion dates for Nonrecurring Engineering • Quarterly progress reports Identification of NSNs for Population of FLIS Indicator List not provided Legacy Marking Class VIII Legacy Item Marking 2019 PMO Marking Class VII Legacy Item Marking Marking End Date TBD 80% Marked 2025+ Opportunistic marking Class II and IX Legacy Item Marking

  10. USMC IUID Integrated Master Schedule • USMC Implementation Plan should: • Identify intermediate milestones to track and report progress • Identify internal and External factors which may affect the milestone dates. • Identify resource requirements • Interim milestones for identification of remaining AISs modification s • Provide a schedule for fielding of remaining AIT hardware Impacted AIS Identification Updates to GCSS-MC(Retail Supply) Updates to GCSS-MC(Maintenance) System Updates/ AIT Hardware Updates to AMS-TAC(Distribution) Updates to CMOS(Transportation) Updates to MDSS II (Unit Move/Preposition) Updates to STRATIS(Intermediate Supply) Updates to additional identified systems • AIT Hardware has been fielded for the above systems except GCSS-MC. Identification of NSNs for Population of FLIS Indicator List under revision. originally contained 5,802 PICA NSNs 54,655 SICA NSNs • USMC Marking Plan should: • Provide a timeline for remaining classes of supply Legacy Marking 2019 Class VII 75.4% Class IX 3.3% Marking End Date Class VII 72.9% Class IX 3.0% Class VII 71.4% Class IX 2.7% Class VII 72.2% Class IX 2.8% Class VII 70.0% Marked Class IX 2.5% Marked Marking teams and opportunistic marking TBD (Percentages do not include new procurement ) Mark Legacy Items

  11. Air Force IUID Master Schedule Impacted AIS Identification • Air Force Implementation Plan should: • Provide Interim milestones for AIS identification process • Provide AIS names and schedules for Class VII and IX modifications underway • Identify Internal and External factors which may affect the milestone dates • Identify resource requirements System updates related to Class II items System Updates/ AIT Hardware AIT fielding related to Class II items System updates related to Class VII items AIT fielding related to Class VII items System updates related to Class IX items AIT fielding related to Class IX items • Air Force Marking Plan should: • Provide, by class of supply,75% marked and marking end dates • Annual marking goals Initial load list provided 156,013 PICA NSNs, 46 SICA NSNs Identification of NSNs for Population of FLIS Indicator Legacy Marking All Classes 75% Nonrecurring Engineering for Class IX items Marking End Date TBD TBD Opportunistic Marking Pilot programs and Marking Teams Mark Legacy Items

  12. DLA IUID Integrated Master Schedule Requirements for Disposal • Requirements: • Requirements for disposal are needed to complete the Integrated Requirements Set for IUID and the final DLMS changes. Rqmts/ Bus Rules Code Available FLIS IUID Indicator ADC399A ADC1030 All DLMS Changes Design System Changes Updates and Fielding Updates to EBS Design System Changes Updates and Fielding Updates to DSS Design System Changes System Updates/ AIT Hardware Updates and Fielding Updates to RBI Code available in MDC Design System Changes(FLIS Transformation) Updates and Fielding Updates to FLIS • DLA Implementation Plan should: • Provide milestones for each impacted system • Identify intermediate milestones to track and report progress • Identify internal and external factors that may affect milestone dates • Identify resource requirements Purchase Scanners and Verifiers AIT Hardware: 100 verifiers and 10,700 scanners are being purchased for use at 26 DDD’s and 102D RMOs. NSN List—The FLIS IUID Indicator decision for DLA managed items will be based on service input. • DLA Marking Plan should: • Provide annual marking goals • Estimated marking end date Legacy Marking Industrial Plant Equipment marked during inventory Mark Legacy Items

  13. DoD Item Marking Status by Class of Supply Represents 12% of assets marked across all classes of supply. DoD roll up is based on Component input to date. Each class of supply has at lease one component figure not reported. The Components continue to refine their methods of data collection. See component level charts for more detail.

  14. Army IUID Current Item Marking Status

  15. Navy Current Item Marking Status Navy is working to establish enterprise reporting capability.

  16. USMC Current Item Marking Status USMC Class V counts are in process of being complied.

  17. Air Force Current Item Marking Status Air Force Class V & VIII items are comingled within Joint Systems. The mechanism to extract marking data is currently being defined.

  18. Way Ahead • DODI 8320.04, Start formal coordination • Execute and monitor Integrated Master Schedule • Review Service Implementation Plans • Complete NSN lists for initial population of FLIS IUID Indicator (Services) • Provide quarterly updates on execution of Implementation Plans including item marking (Services) • Complete Disposal Process Flows (DLA) • Complete remaining IUID related DLMS Changes (DLA)

  19. Back Up Slides

  20. Working Group Leads ODASD SCI Army Navy • Jo Policastro (CNO/OPNAV N41) • Col Richard Peterson • Lora Conrad • Susan Byrne (ASA ALT) Air Force DLA USMC • Dan McLaughlin (J33) • RH. Bartholomew (AF/A4ID) • MAJ Burke (LPC-2)

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