El clima abarca, entre otros, los valores meteorológicos sobre temperatura, humedad, presión, viento y precipitaciones en la atmósfera. Estos valores se obtienen con la recopilación de forma sistemática y homogénea de la información meteorológica, durante períodos que se consideran suficientemente representativos, de 30 años o más. Estas épocas necesitan ser más largas en las zonas subtropicales y templadas que en la zona intertropical, especialmente, en la faja ecuatorial, donde el clima es más estable y menos variable en lo que respecta a los parámetros meteorológicos. THE ELEMENTS OF THE CLIMATE AND ECOSISTEM (definitions) Los factores naturales que afectan al clima son las estaciones del año, la latitud, altitud, junto con el relieve, continentalidad (o distancia al mar) y corrientes marinas. Según se refiera al mundo, a una zona o región, o a una localidad concreta se habla de clima global, zonal, regional o local (microclima), respectivamente.
LATITUDE:The latitude measures the angle between any point and Ecuador. LENGHT:measures the angle along the Ecuador from any point on Earth. RELIEF: A set of irregularities presented by the earth's surface. THE FACTORS OF THE CLIMATE CLOSE O SEA: The sea acts as a thermal regulator, as it heats and cools more slowly, so that temperature changes are less extreme on the coast than inland.
JUNGLE AND RAINFOREST The warm tropical climate is characterized by: Fairly constant temperatures. Relative humidity is geberally above 75% The minimum rainfall to keep the rain forest are 1800 mm per year The dominant vegeration is woodland, with copies of 20 to 40 feet high. Also abundant epephytes typical woody vines called lianas, ferns shrubs and other infinite spacies. Thrive even life forms belonging to the kingdom of fungi, protists and moneras. Whith no cold weather, the plants keep their foliage throughout the year
SAVANNAH Precipitation: a season or dry season, this affects the plants and soil. Temperature: a warm season ,dry and a warm and rainy. Plants:plants, concentrations are rare thees, except in the most favorable areas or along rivers. Animals: different species of mammals, birds and insects.
THE DESERT The desert is the land area in which rainfall rarely exceeds 250 mm per year and the ground is arido. Un desert is a biome that receives little rainfall. In many there is abundant life, the vegetation is adapted to the low humidity and fauna usually hide during the day to preserve moisture. Of this total, 53% are hot deserts and deserts frios 47%
MEDITERRANEAN CLIMATE It is characterized by a rather low rainfall (500 mm) and concentrated in the intermediate seasons (spring and fall), with very hot temperatures in summer and relatively mild winters, with more or less long period of frost in this season. The resulting vegetation is deciduous tree or evergreen type with very high trees and a herbaceous and shrub layers.
ATLANTIC CLIMATE Rainfall is abundant and almost always lie above 1,000 mmgives a temperature range between 9-11 °, the lowest in the Peninsula.Frosts are rare in this coastal strip (less than 10 days per year).The typical vegetation consists of deciduous forest like oak, beech and birch trees and an understory of ferns, mosses and gorse, in addition to natural grasslands.
CONTINENTAL CLIMATE temperature differences between winter and summer are huge, so the same with the day and night, summers are hot and winters very cold, always cold in winter (to reach temperatures below 0 ° C)Besides a longer period of rainfall around 500 mm.animals there are mountain lions, skunks, parrots, ferrets, owls, owls, deer, chakars, hairy armadillos, hawks, owls, benteveos, baker, rattlesnake, boa, toads and frogs.
MOUNTAIN CLIMATE The mountain climate is typical of areas over 1,200 meters.It is characterized by long, cold winters with subzero temperatures and short cool summers. It has a temperature variation of 10.5 ° C. Rainfall is abundant as water in spring and summer and snow in winter and possibility in autumn and spring.In the lower floors can find vegetation similar to that of the surrounding plain but as you ascend more hydrophilic species are appearing and more resistant to cold, after the last tree species appears followed by the rocky alpine meadow and even perpetual snow.
THE TAIGA Its average temperature is 19 ° C in summer and -30 ° C in winter. The average annual rainfall reaches 450 mm.In the harsher climate areas the forest is very uniform and can be made up exclusively of one type of tree. The needle-shaped leaves of conifers allow them to withstand frosts and lose little water.In milder climates the forest is mixed coniferous and deciduous trees (poplars, aspens, birches, willows, etc.)
THE TUNDRA These are areas near the poles, around the polar circles where winters are extremely cold and summers short and cool with light rain in summer and snow all year. Polar climate conducive to long winters the temperature remains below freezing and the ground is covered by ice and snow.the faina are scarce reptiles and amphibians, we find herbivores, like caribou, reindeer, musk ox, arctic hare, lemming goat and snow, and carnivores such as polar bear (far north) wolf, gyrfalcon, kodiak bear and snowy owl, salmon