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Enhanced Order Management System for Efficient Acquisitions

Explore the latest enhancements in version 16 of the Acquisitions System, including Claims Pane, Order Log, Budget Transfer, Arrival Notifications, Invoice Alerts, and more. Discover simplified processes and improved user experience.

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Enhanced Order Management System for Efficient Acquisitions

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  1. Acquisitions v.16 eSeminar April 2004 Doron Greenshpan

  2. Session Agenda v.15-v.16 • Claims • Order Log • Action Log Messages • Budget Transfer • Arrival Message to the initiator of the order • Line Item Invoice Alert • Invoice Tax • EDI (brief review of new supported options) v.14-v.15 • [Separate index]

  3. Claims Window Enhancement • The Claims pane enables you to create a new claim for an order, to register the vendor’s reply and to modify the details of a claim which is already registered. • The Claims window in v.16 combines two separate windows from versions 14 and 15: • Send New Claim • Vendor’s Reply

  4. Claims Window Enhancement New Claims window:

  5. Claims Window Enhancement • If you want to send a new claim or to re-send an existing one – mark the Send Claim checkbox. • To update a claim (without sending it) – do not check this field. • In the "Save Information" section you can determine whether to let the system update the "Expected Arrival Date" automatically, or to specify a date manually.

  6. Claims Window Enhancement • Every time you create or modify a claim, the information, including claim date and text and vendor reply date and text, is recorded in the Order log (z71). • An additional log entry is written when the claim is actually sent. It includes the print format (chosen from the pull-down list) and the date. • Two fields added to z501: • z501-PRINT-DATE • z501-PRINT-FORMAT

  7. Order Log Enhancement A User Note can be added to the Order Transaction Log’s system-generated note and inserted into the log transaction. User Notetext is stored in Z71-DATA, between << >>, next to the System note. z71_data ......System note <<User note>>

  8. Arrival – Message to Order Initiator Upon the FIRST arrival of an order a message can be sent (by e-mail or printed letter) to the order’s initiator. Set the “Action” field on the Order form to “Send Mail”: 02 z68_target \ 03 approver_id .................. 03 target_id ....................10 03 target_text .........Smith, John 03 target_flag ...............M The form used is: < acq-arrival-message.xsl >

  9. Two-Way Budget Transfer Two-way money transfer – a new node for this in the Admin tab.

  10. Two-Way Budget Transfer The two transfer arrow buttons are enabled ONLY when both budgets are valid, their information is displayed AND the sum to transfer is greater than zero.

  11. Order Number Fields Renaming Order Form - Additional Order No.The names of the following three fields were changed in the Order Form (2. General) tab: • Order Number 1  Order Number • Order Number 2  Additional Order No. 1 • Order Number 3  Additional Order No. 2

  12. Order Bar Search Options New Features: • The Order Bar now includes different retrieval and search options that existed in previous versions: - Get Order option - Search functionality

  13. Order Bar Search Options • The values of Order Bar now come from new “ORDER-SEARCH” entries of pc_tab_exp_field.lng (ADM library), as opposed to the Order Index that uses the “ACQ-INDEX-TYPE” menu: ORDER-SEARCH L Order number ON ORDER-SEARCH L Group order number GON ORDER-SEARCH L Vendor reference RF ORDER-SEARCH L BIB Sys No. BIB-SYS ORDER-SEARCH L ADM Sys No. ADM -SYS ORDER-SEARCH L BIB Title BIB-TIT * in version 15.2 only ACQ-INDEX-TYPE entries existed

  14. VAT in Invoices VAT can now be calculated per Line Items. Additional Value Added Tax information can be added to the General Invoices, Line Items and Budget Transactions of type INV (invoice). Z77: 02 Z77-VAT-PER-LINE Z75: 02 Z75-I-VAT-AMOUNT Z601: 02 Z601-VAT-SUM

  15. VAT in Invoices General Invoice Z77-VAT-PER-LINE=N (checkbox is unchecked - default): • VAT Amount of General Invoice (Z77-VAT-AMOUNT) is saved in a database. • VAT Amount of attached line items (Z75-I-TOTAL-AMOUNT) is calculated according to the VAT percent of the General Invoice. • “VAT Amount” and “VAT Percent” edit boxes can be edited.

  16. VAT in Invoices General Invoice Z77-VAT-PER-LINE=Y (checkbox is checked): • VAT Amount of General Invoice (Z77-VAT-AMOUNT) in the database is always zero • Calculated on the fly from VAT Amount of attached line items for display/print purposes • “VAT Amount” and “VAT Percent” edit box cannot be edited

  17. VAT in Invoices Line Item - single line invoice: • When the General Invoice and the Line Item are created simultaneously (from the order), Z77-VAT-PER-LINE is defaulted to “N” and cannot be changed in the current window. • “VAT Amount” and “VAT Percent” edit box can be edited.

  18. VAT in Invoices Budget Transaction INV - Z601-VAT-SUM: • Calculated from Z601-ACTIVE-SUM according to the VAT percent of the attached line item (Z75), regardless of the value (Z77-VAT-PER-LINE). • Cannot be edited • Used for: - Budget balance calculation - Calculation of “Invoice VAT Price” and “Payment VAT Price” in budget information – Transaction tab - “Budget Summary” report (p_acq_16)

  19. Line Item Invoice Alert If the Actual Unit Price exceeds the Estimated Unit Price by more than X percent – a non-recurring alert message will be displayed. Example: Actual Unit Price =Total Amount / Number of Units Estimated Unit Price=Final Price / Number of Units

  20. Line Item Invoice Alert • The calculations are made when creating a new invoice or modifying the existing one. • The maximum percent difference is determined by setting the value of the environment variable max_unit_price_diff_percent in pc_server_defaults For example: setenv max_unit_price_diff_percent 10 • The alert message is located in the file error_eng/ pc_acq_c0513.

  21. EDI – New Supported Options Outgoing Messages (from library to vendors): - Purchase order (online and batch) - EDI message type: ORDERS - Order Cancellation (online) - EDI message type: ORDCHG - Order claims for Monographs (online and batch), Serials (online) and Standing orders (online) - EDI message type: OSTENQ - Serial issues claims (online and batch) – EDI message type: OSTENQ

  22. EDI – New Supported Options Incoming Messages (from vendors to the library): - Serials and Monographs Invoice - EDI message type: INVOIC - Orders/Claims response for Serials and Monographs - EDI message type: ORDRSP

  23. Batch Services • Renew Order Encumbrances (acq-06) now produces a report with all renewed order encumbrances. Also, a preview report may be run first. • A new service, Update Vendor Code in Order and Subscription Records (acq-26), is used to update or replace the vendor code in order records (Z68) and subscription records (Z16). The service is useful when, for example, a vendor ceases operations or is merged with another vendor.

  24. v.14-v.15

  25. Orders - Order Units - Multi-order Process - Order Index - Order Log Filter - Get Order - Order’s Action Vendor - Two-level Vendor - Additional Code Format - Vendor Status Filter - New Fields Session Agenda

  26. Budget - User Permission - Hierarchy Limits Groups - Reassignment - Balance Window Object Codes Invoice - Invoice Coverage Period - Approval Dept. and No. - Payment Status Batch Processes Session Agenda

  27. Order Units The Order Unit is an acquisition unit within the library. It can be either: A defined order unit - entered as a type 5 library in tab_sub_library.lng, or a normal sublibrary (workflow as before) This depends on tab100: use-order-unit Y/N

  28. Order Units tab players: • tab_sub_library.lng • ORDU1 5 USM50 L Ordering Unit 1 • tab_sub_library_address.lng • tab10 46tab10-use-order-unit Y/N • pc_tab_col.lng • Ex players: • tab_order_aut • user_function: ACQ/ORDER-SUB-LIB-AUTH

  29. Order Units • If use-order-unit=Y: • Order Unit is a new mandatory field in the • Order Form

  30. Order Units - User’s Privileges • There is a new Order Units button in the User Privileges window, where you can set the user’s allowed order units. • The Order Unit Proxy field is used to redirect a user’s order unit privileges to another user.

  31. Order Units • Order Units buttons on both Vendor List and Budget List windows (Z602) (alternative to the Sublibraries button) • Order Unit filters in Acq-related batches • Order Unit in the Order Index • Depending on TAB10-USE-ORDER-UNIT setup: the sublibrary address in GUI forms and batch forms will be the Z68-ORDERING-UNIT address and not the Z68-SUB-LIBRARY address

  32. Multi-order Process • Scenario: • A (public) library wishes to send multiple monograph orders based on imported publisher’s BIB data. • Solution: • Import data, batch create ADM records and orders, order all as one.

  33. Multi-order Process Workflow: • Upload to the database a file of records received from a vendor. • Run the acq-24 service with the imported file to create ADMs and monograph orders. • Open the Multi-Order Index, search for multi-orders and select requested titles. • Fill in the Multi Order Form and send the order to the vendor. • Fill in the Multi Item Form, defining how many copies are required for each title, and their sublibrary distribution (optional). NOTE: either “1” copy for all titles, “2” copies for all, etc.

  34. Multi-order Process • General ADM and Orders Creation (acq-24)

  35. Multi-order Process Multi Order Index (Screen capture: v.15.2)

  36. Multi-order Process • I. Multi Order Form II. Multi Items Form * New Acq Index: GON (Z68-ORDER-NUMBER-1)

  37. Order Index • New indexes: • I2 (for Invoice No. then Vendor Code) • AVC (for Additional Vendor Code) • GON (Group Order Number) • OU (Order Unit) • Exact Starting Point checkbox

  38. Order Log Filter It is now possible to filter entries by Transaction Type. New section in acq.ini saves/sets the Order Log filters [General] FilterLogger=01 02 04

  39. Order’s Action New field in Order Form: Approver ID (Z68-APPROVER-ID). Can be used to indicate who approved an order. The Send Directly checkbox has been replaced by an expand-combo list and renamed as: Action (Z68-TARGET-DIRECT).

  40. Order’s Action The possible values of Action are: • None - no action - N • Send Directly - D. • Create Hold Request - H (only for a monograph order). • Send mail - M. These values are hard-coded and defined under ACQ_ TARGET_DIRECT of pc_tab_exp_field.lng.

  41. Two-level Vendor Scenario: The same vendor gives sublibraries different discounts. Solution: Two-level vendor records, with the lower-level ones assigned to sublibraries (or order units).

  42. Two-level Vendor Each vendor can now have two different types of records: First-level record: The generic vendor record, which is the default record with its Z70-VENDOR-CODE and an empty Z70-SUB-LIBRARY field. Sub-level record: Order unit or sublibrary*-specific record with the same Z70-VENDOR-CODE (as its generic record) and a unique Z70-SUB-LIBRARY field. * Depending on the TAB10-USE-ORDER-UNIT setup

  43. Two-level Vendor • Depending on tab100 setup, each vendor may have a new window where sub-level sublibraries/order units can be assigned. Top-level Sublibrary-level

  44. Two-level Vendor tab100 switch: two-level-vendor Y/N If the library uses order units*, the sub-levels will be based on these. If not, they will be based on sublibraries.

  45. Two-level Vendor New table: tab_vendor_sub_lib defines: • Which group of fields from the Z70 table will be taken from the generic (USM50) vendor record and will be read-only for the sub-level record (N in Column 2), and • Which group of fields can be set specifically for the sub-level vendor record (Y in Column 2). ! 1 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-! GENERAL Y CONTACTS-NOTE N ACCOUNTING Y ORDER-DISPATCH Y EDI N MATERIAL-DELIVERY Y

  46. Sub-Level User Permissions New elements in user_function.lng: Permission Y/N ------------------------------------ VENDOR/SHOW No VENDOR/UPDATE No VENDOR/DELETE No VENDOR/SUB-SHOW Yes VENDOR/SUB-UPDATE Yes VENDOR/SUB-DELETE Yes

  47. Vendor Status Filter In the Order form, when the Vendor List is opened, the Vendor Status filter now has multi-value options (e.g., you can specify that you want AC and Domestic, etc.). The env FILTER_NA_VENDORS has been removed from pc_server_defaults.

  48. Vendor Fields There are now 5 fields for contacts on the vendor record: Z70-CONTACT-1 - Z70-CONTACT-5 The Contact 1 field of the vendor is by default the new Contact field of the Order Form. All five contact fields of the vendor record will be listed in a drop-down menu next to the Contact field of the Order Form. New Cataloger field:Z70-CATALOGER

  49. User’s Budget Permissions Permission for budgets is no longer set in the budget level (Z76) but rather in the user privileges level (new Oracle table Z62). Click Budgets on the Staff Privileges window, and You can specify budget permissions per user: • Allocate • Transfer • Encumbrance • Expenditure

  50. User’s Budget Permissions Budget Proxy (Z66-BUDGET-PROXY) is a new field in the User Password Information screen. Use this field to redirect your budget authorization to another user. Note: tab10 switch 46 BUDGET-ID-BY-PROXY is obsolete. The Administrator Name field (Z76-ADMINISTRATOR-NAME) and ten fields of Allowed User (Z76-ALLOWED-NAME) have been removed from the Budget Information screen.

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