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Formatted Lists

Formatted Lists. Unordered Lists Usage of Unordered List Ordered Lists Usage of Ordered List Nesting Lists. Unordered Lists <ul>…</ul>. Unordered list is a collection of related items that have no special order or sequence.

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Formatted Lists

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  1. Formatted Lists Unordered Lists Usage of Unordered List Ordered Lists Usage of Ordered List Nesting Lists

  2. Unordered Lists <ul>…</ul> • Unordered list is a collection of related items that have no special order or sequence. • <ul> tag is for creating lists with bullets. The <ul> tag has type attribute which can be set to either disc, circle, or square that effects the type of bullet preceding each item in the list. • Each item in the list is identified by a leading <li> tag

  3. Usage of Unordered List • Link Collection • Short non-sequenced group of text • Emphasizing high points of presentation • Advantage  Automatic indentation, line break, and bullets

  4. Ordered Lists <ol>…</ol> • The <ol> tag is for creating ordered list. These are lists where each item is numbered or lettered. The system of labeling is determined by the type attribute. • Values for the type attribute: “1” -- Numeral “A” -- Capital letters “a” -- Lowercase letters “I” -- Capital Roman Numerals “i” -- Lowercase Roman Numerals

  5. Usage of Ordered List • Table of contents • Instruction sequence • Sets of sequential sections of text • Advantage  Automatic indentation, line break, and numbers or letters

  6. Nesting Lists • Enclosed in a Unordered or Ordered list is a subset(s) of unordered or ordered list

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