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IN43B-09. Application of OGC Specifications to Air Quality Information Systems Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis (CAPITA) Washington University in St. Louis Contacts: Stefan Falke (stefan@wustl.edu), Rudolf Husar (rhusar@me.wustl.edu).
IN43B-09 Application of OGC Specifications to Air Quality Information Systems Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis (CAPITA) Washington University in St. Louis Contacts: Stefan Falke (stefan@wustl.edu), Rudolf Husar (rhusar@me.wustl.edu) Air Quality Data:Multi-dimensional, multi-source, multi-format OGC:Open Geospatial Consortium Specifications Web Map Service (WMS) Web Coverage Service (WCS) Other specs: Characterizing air pollution with these data involves multi-dimensional analysis over x,y,z spatial dimensions, the temporal dimension, and across multiple parameters. The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications focus on the spatial dimensions (maps) but can be extended and adapted to support standardized queries to non-spatial dimensions of the data space. Air quality data are collected by multiple sources including surface monitoring networks, air-borne measurements, and satellite-borne sensors. • standard for requesting and delivering spatial map images • standard for query-based access to and delivery of multi-dimensional data Web Feature Service (WFS) GetCoverage netCDF GetMap WCS Client • query and delivery of discrete feature data WCS Server WMS Client WMS Server image GeoTiff,HDF, netCDF,… Sensor Observation Service (SOS) GetMap Request GetCoverage Request http://webapps.datafed.net/ogc_EPA.wsfl?SERVICE=wms&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.1.1&SRS=EPSG:4326&STYLES=&LAYERS=NEI_EGU.SO2&BBOX=-127.00,24.00,-66.00,50.00&TIME=1999-01-01T00:00:00&FORMAT=image/png&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&BGCOLOR=0xFFFFFF&WIDTH=700&HEIGHT=350 • multi-dimensional access to measurement data and sensor descriptions http://webapps.datafed.net/ogc_EPA.wsfl?SERVICE=wcs&REQUEST=GetCoverage&VERSION=1.0.0&CRS=EPSG:4326&COVERAGE=EPA_CAMD_HOUR.SO2_MASS&FORMAT=NetCDF-table&BBOX=-82.4606,42.9258,-82.4606,42.9258,0,0&TIME=2002-04-01/2002-04-30&WIDTH=700&HEIGHT=350&DEPTH=99 Station-Point SQL Server, Files… Sensor Modeling Language (SensorML) SequenceImage, file • models and XML encoding of sensors nDim GridOpenDAPnetCDF, … multidimensional data model Other Traject., Events, Pics DataFed:Interoperability among distributed data sources Air Quality Data Services: Application of OGC specifications Data Federation (www.datafed.net) is a web-based infrastructure for distributed data access and collaborative processing/analysis of air quality data. Point observations are collected by fixed-location sensors and mapped into a relationship database. The station information (lat, lon, name, etc) is captured in a station table that can be serve the station information as a WFS. The descriptive information identifying the type of sensor, such as pollutants measured, method used, sampling frequency, and sampling duration are collected in parameter table. This information can be encoded in SensorML and accessed through SOS. A central fact table of observations is continually updated as newer observations are collected. The observations are associated with a station id, date/time, and parameter and can be served as a WCS or SOS and visualized through a WMS or other viewer services. Implementation of OGC specifications makes the data available in multiple formats and usable by a variety of clients as either maps, time series plots, or tables. Research supported by: