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Cloud-enabled TV broadcast

Cloud-enabled TV broadcast. Baskar S ( baskar@amagi.com ) Co-founder Amagi Media Labs. Linear TV today …. Cable TV operator. TV uplink. Broadband IPTV operator. TV content . Satellite operator. Mobile TV operator. Augment content transfer. Cable TV operator. TV uplink.

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Cloud-enabled TV broadcast

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cloud-enabled TV broadcast Baskar S (baskar@amagi.com) Co-founder Amagi Media Labs

  2. Linear TV today … Cable TV operator TV uplink Broadband IPTV operator TV content Satellite operator Mobile TV operator

  3. Augment content transfer Cable TV operator TV uplink Broadband IPTV operator TV content Satellite operator Mobile TV operator

  4. Replace satellite transmission Cable TV operator TV uplink Broadband IPTV operator TV content Satellite operator Mobile TV operator

  5. WHY AUGMENT/REPLACE SATELLITE ? ROI PAY-TV expansion - fine-grained local content, advertising

  6. Content regionalization –> better monetization • < 4 hours of local content per day • Regulatory, affiliate-driven

  7. Regional advertising • Faustian choice • Allow operators to monetize • Start new satellite feeds

  8. New geography • ROI unknown • Satellite – all or nothing

  9. Alternative-1 – INTERNET STREAMING Stream receivers Playout IP Stream Country-1 TV Network Country-2

  10. Alternative-2 - STORE & PLAY Playout Content Transfer Content upload Country-1 TV Network Country-2

  11. Killer issue – SLA on public internet infrastructure not possible Broadcasters look for reliability first then cost

  12. We worked with broadcasters closely to get reliability, scalability and workflow integration

  13. amagi-localize Operators TV Network

  14. amagi-cloudport Country-1 TV Network Country-2

  15. Thank you Baskar S (baskar@amagi.com) Co-founder Amagi Media Labs

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