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Dr. SUKENDAH. SEJARAH PERKEMBANGAN Bioteknologi TANAMAN. What is Biotechnology.
What is Biotechnology Biotechnology is the application of scientific and engneering principles to the processing of materials by biological agent to provide goods and services Aplikasiprinsip-prinsipilmudanrekayasadalampengolahanbahan-bahanmenggunakanagenbiologisuntukmenghasilkanbarangdanjasa
What is Biotechnology • any technique that uses living organisms or substances from those organisms to make or modify a product, to improve plants or animals, or to develop micro-organisms for specific uses
What is Biotechnology • manipulation of genes is called genetic engineering or recombinant DNA technology • genetic engineering involves taking one or more genes from a location in one organism and either • Transferring them to another organism • Putting them back into the original organism in different combinations
Related Knowledge & Industry Mikrobiologi BiologiMolekular Biokimia BiologiSel GenetikaMolekular RekayasaProses Bioteknologi Diagnosa Kesehatan Industri Kimia Industri Fermentasi Industri Farmasi Lingkungan dan Energi Industri Pangan dan Pakan
BIOTEKNOLOGI Kulturjaringan: Kloning (perbanyakanmassal), tanamanbebas virus. RekayasaGenetika: Teknik DNA Rekombinan KONSEP DASAR BIOTEKNOLOGI Biokimia, BiologiSeldanMolekular, Genetika, Mikrobiologi,Ekologi, Sistematik StrukturdanPerkembanganMakhlukHidup TOTIPOTENSI SEL MATERIAL DNA MAKHLUK HIDUP: A, T, C, G ILMU TERAPAN
KLASIK MODEREN Akhir abad 19: antibiotik Abad 20: Ahli Biologi molekular: (biokimia, genetika, biologi sel) Fermentasi minuman beralkohol Pembuatan roti, keju, bir Teknologi Sel dan Rekayasa Genetika Bioteknologi Industri Kultur Jaringan Obat Makanan Proteksi Tan/Hwn BIOTEKNOLOGI Teknologi Kunci Abad 21 Kloning
Goals of Biotechnology • To understand more about the processes of inheritance and gene expression • To provide better understanding & treatment of various diseases, particularly genetic disorders • To generate economic benefits, including improved plants and animals for agriculture and efficient production of valuable biological molecules
TAHAP PENTING PERKEMBANGAN BIOTEKNOLOGI MODERN 1944 DNA pembawainformasigenetik (Oswald Avery) 1953 struktur DNA (Watson and Crick) 1961 kodon (Nirenberg and Matthaei) 1968 ditemukanenzimendonukleaserestriksi(Smith and Wilcox) 1971 Pembuatan DNA rekombinansecarain vitro (Paul Berg) 1973 teknikkombinasi gen berhasildilakukan 1977 hormontumbuhdiproduksi di bakteridenganteknikrekombinasi DNA diarsip fkip.uad.ac.id
1978 gen untuk insulin diperbanyak 1982 Humulinmulaidijual 1983 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) (Kary Mullis) 1985 PCR dipublikasikan 1990 Human Genom Project 1990 Terapi gen pertama kali diaplikasikan 2000 Human Genom Projectselesai
SejarahPerkembangan • Jamansebelum Louis Pasteur: Minumanberalkohol, makananfermentasi • Jaman Louis Pasteur: Alkohol, asamorganik, pengolahanlimbah • Jamanantibiotika: Antibiotika, vaksin, transformasiobat • Jamanpascaantibiotika: Asam amino, protein seltunggal, imobilisasi • Jamanbioteknologi modern: Antibodimonoklonal, rekayasagenetika
Drought-tolerance in APX-expressing plants Water was withheld from transgenic tobacco plants that express ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and wildtype control plants (WT) for 18 days then the plants were re-watered for 2 days before the photograph was taken. Wildtype plants showed severe damaged while transgenic plants showed very little damage.
Insect Resistance Testing of “Bt” cotton for resistance to bollworms
Transgenic Wild-type Resistance to Fungal Disease Sunflower White mold resistance Control and transgenic tomato plants that express an oxalate oxidase gene construct two days after inoculation with the phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotinia which causes stem-rot diseases in a wide variety of economically important plants.
Herbicide Resistance • current: soybean, corn, canola, cotton, alfalfa • coming: sugarbeet (on hold), lettuce, strawberry, wheat (on hold), Turf grass • resistance gene from bacteria is source
Modification of Cotton Fiber Length Transgenic Cotton that Express KC22