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저 번 시간에는 …. 연결어 구 란 ?. 연결어구의 종류 ?. (A)Consequently (B)On the other hand. 이번 시간에는 …. 지칭대상파악문제란 ?. (1) 등장 인물파악. (2) 글 속 상황파악.
저번 시간에는… 연결어구란? 연결어구의 종류? (A)Consequently (B)On the other hand
이번 시간에는… 지칭대상파악문제란? (1)등장 인물파악 (2)글 속 상황파악
There's a scene in the movie The Legend of Bagger Vance where Matt Damon's character, RannulphJunuh, is attempting to get his golf game back, but ① he makes a critical error and his ball ends up in the woods. After making it back onto the green, he moves a twig that is just adjacent to the ball in order to create a clear path for ② his shot. As he moves the twig the ball rolls a tiny bit to the side. According to the rules, ③ he has to count it as a stroke. At that point in the match, Junuh had gained enough of a lead that if he ignored the rule, he could win, making a comeback and restoring ④ his former glory. His youthful assistant tearfully begs Junuh to ignore the movement of the ball. "It was an accident," the assistant says, "and it's a stupid rule anyway. Plus, no one would ever know." Junuh turns to ⑤ him and says stoically, "I will. And so will you."
As a result of his successful books, George Washington Williams became a popular lecturer and made several trips to Europe. On one of these trips, he met King Leopold II of Belgium, who convinced ① him to help develop the Congo Free State in Africa. Though it was called a "Free State," the Congo was a colony owned by the king. Williams decided to visit the place. The trip proved to be a tremendous shock for ② him. Although Leopold said ③ he was opposed to slavery, Williams found that the Congolese were treated like slaves. Forced to work long hours on the rubber plantations, they were subjected to terrible punishments. Outraged by what ④ he saw, Williams wrote "An Open Letter to His Serene Majesty, Leopold II, King of the Belgians." In it, ⑤ he denounced the king and his rule in Africa.
1) 관계대명사란 문장1 문장2 관계 대명사 관계사는 두 문장의 반복되는 단어를 이용해 두 문장을 연결해주는 역할을 합니다.
2) 관계대명사의 종류 관계 대명사 who : 사람 일때 + She plays games. I know a girl. plays games. who I know a girl
2) 관계대명사의 종류 관계 대명사 which :사물,동물 일때 + It has pockets. I know a bag. has pockets. which I know a bag
2) 관계대명사의 종류 관계 대명사 who : 사람일때 + She plays games. I know a girl. plays games. who I know a girl
2) 관계대명사의 종류 관계 대명사 whose + Her job is a dancer. I know a girl. job is a dancer. whose I know a girl *소유격 whose뒤에는 반드시 명사가 뒤따른다!!
2) 관계대명사의 종류 관계 대명사 whom + Imet her. I know a girl. I met. whom I know a girl
2) 관계대명사의 종류 관계 대명사 which :사물,동물일때 + It has pockets. I know a bag. has pockets. which I know a bag
2) 관계대명사의 종류 관계 대명사 whose/of which + Itspockets are big. I know a bag. pockets are big. whose I know a bag *소유격 whose뒤에는 반드시 명사가 뒤따른다!!
2) 관계대명사의 종류 관계 대명사 which + He made this. I know a bag. he made. which I know a bag
보충 문제 1. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 관계대명사를 넣어봅시다. (1) I know a girl ( ) plays games. (2) I have a bag ( ) he made. (3) I have a brother ( )eyes are blue.
보충 문제 1. 다음을 영작하시오 나는 게임들을 하는 한 소녀를 안다. : (2) 나는 그녀가 만든 인형을 가지고 있다. :