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Second Line Social Responsibility Lesson

Second Line Social Responsibility Lesson. www.fuller.com.au/?p=m&c=social. Responsibility Objective. Today’s objective is that you define your responsibility to others. Viewing Objective.

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Second Line Social Responsibility Lesson

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Second Line Social Responsibility Lesson www.fuller.com.au/?p=m&c=social

  2. Responsibility Objective Today’s objective is that you define your responsibility to others.

  3. Viewing Objective Watch Second Line. As you watch, pay attention to the way Danny Glover, the main character, treats others. Consider why the other characters might react as they do. Click to watch video: http://www.responsibilityproject.com/films/second- line#fbid=DVn_4C03EqH http://www.wunderground.com/blog/LongStrangeTrip/comment.html?entrynum=8

  4. Quick-Write Directions Respond in writing to each of the reflection questions. Write nonstop without concern for writing conventions. The writing is a thinking tool and the time is strictly for thinking. (4 min.) commons.wikimedia.org/wikiFile:US_N...frica.jpg

  5. Reflection Questions 1. Why do you think the people who could have used Danny Glover’s help, but who he ignored, followed him? Were they literally following him? What might be the message of this video—that our choices follow and eventually catch up with us? That if we choose to ignore those in need, we will eventually regret it? Something else? In what way do you believe youare responsible to and for others?

  6. Quick-Write Follow-up Read over your reflections. Underline your most interesting ideas—those that you want to share with a partner.

  7. Second Line Reflection Pair Share Pair-share: Share your responses with your partner… Honor the 4 L’s plus thank you as you share. Number two share first. Then number one. Be prepared to share either your own or your partner’s idea. / http://samirbalwani.com/social-media-marketing/why-people-share-content-online-survey-results

  8. Pair-Share Protocol 1. Locate your partner. Number yourselves #1 and #2--#2s speak first. 2. Demonstrate respect by listening actively and beingcourteous(four L’s plus “thanks”): *Look: face partner, make eye contact *Lean: lean forward and nod as appropriate. *Listen: demonstrate listening by repeating (some of), summarizing or commenting on what your partner said before you speak. *Low Voice: use a partner voice—loud enough for your partner but not others, to hear. *Thanks: Thank your partner for sharing his/her ideas. Be prepared to share either your own or your partner’s idea.

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