The International Conference & Exhibition on Palm Oil 2014 will be held in Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia from 26 - 28 May 2014, Jakarta. The event is presented to you, to continue the success of ICE PO 2009, ICE PO 2011, ICE PO 2012 & ICE PO 2013.Entering of years 2014 it seem like entering of the new decade, it is since the election period will be conducted on this years, in regards of the theme ‘ Indonesian Palm Oil forward in the Political Resilience through Sustainability and Downstream Industry Development’, the committee try to arrange kind of discussion from some of the prominent president candidates to getting some of opinion or strategy how to brings Indonesian Palm Oil forward especially able to compete and recognized by world market.At the end the development of plantation and agro-industry of palm oil not only integrated in the plantation and palm oil mills business but also could be integrated the other business that is oriented to the derivatives industry of palm oil.ICE PO 2014 is aim to create a sustainable platform for the industry players to exchange information, ideas, and experience among producer and consumer on palm oil product, also provides a unique opportunity to review the advances in palm oil development, analyze and overcome challenges that the industry face today.ICE PO 2014 is arranged to be a ‘one stop event’ for the palm oil stakeholders from discussing issues to promote the industry and develop networking. It consist of 4 programs, as follows: • Conference• Exhibition• Workshop• Golf tournamentThe event itself is expected to be attended by 2500 conference participants and 10000 visitors. The participants includes the following :• Producers, businessman• Palm oil business owners, CEO, top level management• Middle management • Exporters, importers and traders• Scientist, engineers and technologist• Policy and decision maker, investors and bankerOBJECTIVES• To expose the recent development of palm oil products and technology resulting from scientist, producers and policy makers.• To expose the products, services and supporting technologies related to the industry.• Creating network among the industry players.• To discuss and overcome challenges face today by the industry.
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