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Fast and Effective GIB Fixing & Stopping Services

Looking for expert GIB fixing and stopping services? At 360 Painting, we provide top-notch solutions to ensure flawless walls and ceilings. Contact us ( 64 0212518638) today for a quote!

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Fast and Effective GIB Fixing & Stopping Services

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GIBFixing& StoppingAuckland

  2. 360paintingservices.co.nz Introducing GIBFixing&Stoppingisa techniqueusedtorepair andpreventdamagetointeriorandexteriorwallsand surfaces.Itinvolvesfillinginandsealinganycracksor holesinthewallwithaspecialplasterormortar,and thenapplyingawaterproofsealanttopreventfurther waterdamage.Thismethodisoftenusedinhomes, commercialbuildings,andotherstructurestoensure theyremainstructurallysoundandprotectedfromthe elements.

  3. Preventsfurtherdamagetothewallsandceilings: GIBfixingandstoppingcanhelppreventfurther damagetothewallsandceilingsduetomoistureand otherenvironmentalconditions. Enhancestheappearanceofthewalls:GIBfixing andstoppingcanhelpenhancetheoveralllookand feelofthewalls,addingasmoothandcleanfinish. Increasesthevalueoftheproperty:GIBfixingand stoppingcanhelpincreasetheoverallvalueofthe propertyasitisseenasadesirableformofhome improvement. Enhancesthesoundproofing:GIBfixingand stoppingcanhelpreducethesoundtransfer betweenrooms,makingitagreatchoicefor soundproofing. ServiceBenefits

  4. Let'sConnect WithUs 0212518638 360paintingservice@gmail.com Auckland,NewZealand 360paintingservices.co.nz

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