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Respiration. Cell respiration : all organisms respire, it is the production of ATP from organic molecules. Production of ATP. Organic molecules contain energy in their molecular structure
Respiration Cellrespiration: allorganisms respire, itistheproduction of ATPfromorganicmolecules
Production of ATP • Organicmoleculescontainenergyin their molecular structure • Eachcovalent bond in a glucose, amino acid and fattyacidrepresentsstoredchemicalenergy • Burningistheuncontrolledrelease of chemicalenergycalledrapidoxidation • Enzymescatalyze a sequence of reactionswherecovalentbonds are brokenone at a time (controlledoxidation). • Ultimategoalof a controlledoxidationistotrapthereleaseenergy in form of ATP.
Glycolysis: Firststep. Allcellsbeginthecellrespiration in thesameway. Cytoplasm 2 ATP 2 ADP 4 ADP 4 ATP Net gain of ATP = 2
Link reaction: Secondstep.Itoccurs in thematrix of themitochondrion. Matrix
Kreb´scycle: Thirdstep. Uses oxygento produce ATP. Itoccurs in thematrix of themitochondrion Acetyl- CoA Kreb´scycle CO2 Electronchainreaction 32 molecules of ATP!! O2 H2O
Anaerobiccellrespiration • Glycolysisisthefirststep. • Itdoesnot use oxygen • Itisalsocalledfermentation (alcoholic and lacticacidfermentation) • Alcoholicmadebyyeast (single-celledfungus) • Lacticacidhumans
Alcoholicfermentation: (Important in differentindustries…) Ethanol CO2 Net gain of ATP = 2
Lacticacidfermentation:Humans Lactate (Reaction reversible when O2 available) Net gain of ATP = 2