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GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF ROMANIA The 3rd Anniversary Symposium GeObMag 2008. Surlari National Geomagnetic Observatory „Liviu Constantinescu“ - 65 years of continuous work. BUCHAREST, SURLARI OBSERVATORY, ROMANIA 16 - 18th October 2008.
GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF ROMANIA The 3rd Anniversary Symposium GeObMag 2008 Surlari National Geomagnetic Observatory „Liviu Constantinescu“ - 65 years of continuous work
We welcome the Surlari National Geomagnetic Observatory, founded on October 16, 1943 by the Geological Institute of Romania, who celebrates the 65th year of continuous work in October 2008. The main topics of the Symposium and Workshop will be the practical and theoretical problems associated with observations of the natural geomagnetic field at geomagnetic observatories. The intent is to stimulate participant discussions in aim of the exchange of information and experience related to the methodology of such observations.
Invitation to Presenters • Contributions are invited for poster and oral presentation in the areas of observatory practice and application relating to observatory data (space weather, solid Earth studies, etc.) • We emphasize the character of a workshop. Therefore, we encourage presentations of work in progress. We propose open discussions after the talks. Short oral poster introductions are possible.
Sessions and Workshops are planned on: • Magnetic Observatories: from compass to flux-gate epoch; • From deep core to space: long term and short term variations of geomagnetic field; • Magnetic Observatories and Satellites: a needed synergy to characterize the geomagnetic field; • Magnetism and our world: from current to future applications;
First Name:__________________________ Last Name:__________________________ Affiliation:__________________________ Title:_______________________________ Address:____________________________ Telephone:__________________________ Fax:_______________________________ Title of Paper/Poster:__________________ ________________________________ ___________________________________ Audiovisual Requirements:_____________ ___________________________________ Registration forms should be sent to: E-mail: igr_surlari@yahoo.com On line Registration is also available at: www.geology.ro/conferinte/geobmag2008/registration-form.php Office address: Geological Institute of Romania #1 Caransebes Street, Bucharest, 012271 Tel: +40 21 318.13.28, 318.13.29 Fax: +40 21 318.13.26 REGISTRATION Deadline: July 31, 2008
First Call for AbstractsDeadline: July 31, 2008 • Abstracts for papers and posters (max. 500 words and including five keywords) should be sent electronically as part of the reply message and not as attachment. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31st July 2008. Abstracts should be sent to: E-mail: igr_surlari@yahoo.com • Extended abstracts should be two to four pages in length including figures and five keywords. Details will be provided in the 2nd circular in 30 June 2008. • All contributions accepted by the Scientific Committee will be included on a list in the third circular. • The committee intends to publish an extended abstract book, which is handed out to the participants at arrival. • Contributions are accepted in English, French.
Scientific Committee: Anton Anton (chair), President of National Authority for Scientific Research Jean-Louis le Mouel, Institute of France Jan Reda, Institute of Geophysics, Poland Ac. of Sc. David J. Kerridge, IAGA Past President, UK Mioara Mandea, IAGA, Germany Jean L. Rasson, IRM Belgium Mircea Sandulescu, Romanian Academy Dorel Zugravescu, Romanian Academy Crisan Demetrescu, Romanian Academy Paul Georgrescu, University of Bucharest Stefan Marincea c/o GIR Local Organizing Committee: Andrei Soare, IAGA national correspondent, GIR Laurentiu Asimopolos, GIR Raluca Maftei, GIR Gabriela Cucu, GIR Anca Isac, GIR Agata Pestina, GIR Eugen Niculici, GIR Mihai Plati, GIR Organized by Geological Institute of Romania Important datesJuly 31 Deadline for registration and submission of abstractsJune 30 Second CircularThe registration fee for the symposium is 30 EUR, until October 16, and covers coffee breaks, the banquet, and the symposium proceedings.