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Hungary. The country of music. Skylark manufactures Ltd. . Located in Hungary. Basic knowledge about Hungary The country is located in the heart of Europe. The capital of the country is Budapest where Skylark Manufactures has it ’s headqarters .
Hungary The country of music
Skylarkmanufactures Ltd. Locatedin Hungary
Basic knowledgeabout Hungary • The country is locatedintheheart of Europe. • The capital of the country is Budapest whereSkylarkManufactures has it’s headqarters. • It is a quitesmall country withapproximately 10,000,000inhabitants. • Budapest has a beautifullocationatthe bank of theDanube. Itoffersnumeroustouristattractions and culturalevents.
Whathungary is famousfor • Hungariancuisine • Thermalbathes • Recognisedscientists • World famousmusicians • Composers • Enormousmineralwaterresources
Hungary and music The importance of musicinour country
Folk-musicheritage • Hungarianfolk-music has a tremendousroleinourculture. Dueto a musicresearch program thatstartedin1896wehave a richheritage of folksongs. • Zoltán Kodály and Béla Bartók werethetwo main namesinthe project. Theygathered more than 40,000 folksongs and both of themusedthefolkmotivesintheircompositions. InthatmannerthetraditionalHungarianfolk-musicbecame part of our modern musical culture. • Folk-musicmotiveswerealsousedinmusicpiecescomponatedforchildrensothiswaytheyareabletobecomeaquaintedwiththe musical traditions. • Folk-songsare an essential part of musicteachinginprimaryschoolaswell. Childrenlearnthemin an earlyage and theycanfeeltheimportance of folk-music. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7nm3yRm1G8
Music Education • The Kodály Method is worldfamous. Itwasdevelopedin Hungary by Zoltán Kodály. • The systemuses a child-developmentalapproach: itbeginswiththeeasiestparts and progressestothe more difficultwhenintroducing a newconcept. • The methodusesrhythmsyllables – notevaluesareassignedspecificsyllablesthatexpresstheirduration. • A specialpart is makinghandsignswhen singing, to show thedifferenttonalfunctions. • Learninghowtoreadsheets is alsoimportant. • It is a complexsystem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxdw_f4gI_A&feature=fvwrel
Music institutions • Oureducationsystem is musicorientated. Music teachingtakesplaceinprimaryschools, high-schools and universitiesaswell. • Hungary has a specialsystemwheretalentedstudentscanchoosetoattendschoolswithmusicdivisions and afterwardstheyhavethepossibilitytocontinuetheirstudiesinsocalledmusicconservatorieswhereaftertheycanattendthe Music Academyoruniversitieswithmusicfaculty. • Wealso has a traditionfor „strong” musicschoolswhereit is accessibleforeveryonetolearnto play an instrumentorto sing. Solfeggio is an essential part of Hungarianmusicteaching. • The Hungarian Franz Liszt Academy of Music is famousforthehighlevelitprovides. ManystudentsfromabroadattendtheAcademyduetothequality of teaching. It is notrearto se a Japanesegirlwithadouble-bassoraDanishcello-playeraroundtheplace.
Explore and enjoythevarious musical programsin Hungary • Hungary is the country of festivals. Therearenumerousoffers: SzigetFestival, VoltFestival, Balaton SoundFestival, JazzFestivalsetc. • Budapest offersendlessopportunitiesfor musical programs and concerts. • Placestovisitfor a goodconcert: MÜPA, the Old Academy of Music, Academy of Music, Opera-house, Budapest Jazzhouse etc. • Foryou, who is fond of rock, pop oralternativemusic: ZöldPardon, Budapest Park, Akvárium Klub and cosy cafés inthe city center.