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Hurricanes Vs. Volcanoes

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Hurricanes Vs. Volcanoes

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    1. Hurricanes Vs. Volcanoes A research into the devastation of natural disasters in Spanish speaking countries.

    2. Natural Disasters "Events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and tornadoes are natural disasters because they cause high amounts of devastation. Spanish speaking countries are effected yearly with such natural disasters.� Anna Neale and Connie Watson

    3. What does the word devastation mean to you? A tragic event that affects a large number of people. The event causes a large amount of emotional stress. The event also causes a large amount of physical and monetary damage.

    4. What are the two natural disasters that effect Spanish speaking counties?

    5. Which is more devastating?

    6. Is a volcano more devastating? What is your hypothesis?

    8. Dangers of Hurricanes

    9. Hurricanes Dominican Republic 1508 �destroying...the entire population of Buenaventura� Mexico 1615 �San Miguel (400 tons) sunk in storm. "Nothing was saved, not even the crew or passengers.� Cuba 1778 �greatest loss of human lives by drowning� Dominican Republic 1680 �submerged...many vessels...(including) twenty-five ships of France...causing the death of most several Spanish ships lost as well.�

    10. Volcanoes

    11. Volcanoes PARACUTIN Rarely do volcanologist get to watch the birth, growth, and death of a volcano. Paricutin provided such an opportunity. The eruption that created Paricutin began in 1943 and continued to 1952. Lava flows covered about 10 square miles and had a volume of about 0.3 cubic miles. Three people were killed by lightning associated with the eruption. The effect an eruption will have on a nearby city could vary from none at all to catastrophic. For example, atmospheric conditions might carry ash away from the city or topography might direct lahars and pyroclastic flows to unpopulated areas. In contrast, under certain atmospheric, eruption and/or topographic conditions, lahars, pyroclastic flows, and/or ash fall could enter the city causing death and destruction.

    13. Hurricanes! Hurricanes are more devastating than volcanoes according to the definition of devastation.

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