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Brain Power. Left & Right Brain . Determining the difference between the right & left brain. The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?.
Brain Power Left & Right Brain Determining the difference between the right & left brain
The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?
If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa. Most of us would see the dancer turning counter-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.
LEFT BRAIN FUNCTIONSuses logicdetail orientedfacts rulewords and languagepresent and pastmath and sciencecan comprehendknowingacknowledgesorder/pattern perceptionknows object namereality basedforms strategiespracticalsafe RIGHT BRAIN FUNCTIONSuses feeling"big picture" orientedimagination rulessymbols and imagespresent and futurephilosophy & religioncan "get it" (i.e. meaning)believesappreciatesspatial perceptionknows object functionfantasy basedpresents possibilitiesimpetuousrisk taking Which Side is Yours?...
Knowing which side is dominant helps you understand your… • Personality • Teaching Style • Learning Style • Task Development • And a host of other things!
Brain Activities Determining your brain’s potential…
Test #1: Results & Interpretation • More than likely you said, 'A bird in the bush,'! and. .......if this IS what YOU said, then you failed to seethat the word THE is repeated twice!Sorry, look again.
Test #2: Results & Interpretation • You may not see it at first, but the white spaces read the word optical, the blue landscape reads the word illusion. Look again! Can you see why this painting is called an optical illusion?
Test #3: Results & Interpretation • In black you can read the word GOOD, in white the word EVIL (inside each black letter is a white letter). Now, what do you see?
Test #4: Results & Interpretation • This one is quite tricky!The word TEACH reflects as LEARN.
Test #5: Results & Interpretation • You probably read the word ME in brown, but.......when you look through ME you will see YOU!
Brain Science: • This image is an example of an ambiguous illusion — a picture or object that requires perceptual switching between the alternative interpretations of figure and ground. And although you may be able to switch back and forth to see one image or the other, your eyes will not let you see both at the same time.
Brain Science cont. • Our visual perception is created by our brain’s interpretation in the cerebral cortex of visual information entering through the visual pathway. • Sometimes our minds get too involved in interpreting the perceptual input, rather than passively recording it, and make mistakes, otherwise known as “optical illusions”.
Test #7: Results & Interpretation • This one has a couple different cool things. • First, if you follow the pink dot moving, the dots will remain pink, but if you stare at the plus sign in the center, the rotating dot will turn green. • That’s cool, but now try this... focus on the plus sign in the center for a short period and all the pink dots will disappear and all you will see is the green dot going around! cool huh?
Test #8: Instructions • This is a cool trick on the eyes - just try and catch the black dots!
Test #8: Results & Interpretation • There are not actually any black dots in this image... I promise.
Test #9: Results & Interpretation • The lines below are slanted right? Actually, they are perfectly parallel! Now that is hard to believe.
Test #10: Instructions • Can you tell how many legs this elephant has? Look carefully, its not so easy to tell!
HOW MANY ?WRONG, THERE ARE 6-- no joke. • READ IT AGAIN ! • Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 F's
The brain cannot process 'OF'.Incredible or what? Go back and look again!!Anyone who counts all 6 'F's' on the first go is a genius. Three is normal, four is quite rare..
More Brain Stuff . . From Cambridge University • Olnysrmatpoelpe can raedtihs.I cdnuoltblveieetaht I cluodaulacltyuesdnatnrdwaht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmnealpweor of the hmuanmnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at CmabrigdeUinervtisy, it deosn'tmttaer in wahtoredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olnyiprmoatnttihng is taht the frist and lsatltteer be in the rghitpclae.
The rset can be a taotlmses and you can sitllraed it wouthit a porbelm.Tihs is bcuseae the huamnmniddeos not raederveylteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyastghuhotslpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raedtihspsas it on !!