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REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT. REGIONAL DISPARITIES IN TURKEY. Regional Development in Turkey. This week in the light of some figures and numbers gathered from Turkish Statistical Institute (for 2012-2013) we will discuss the disparities in regional development of Turkey. Districts of Turkey. LFPR.
RegionalDevelopment in Turkey • This week in the light of some figures and numbers gathered from Turkish Statistical Institute (for 2012-2013) we will discuss the disparities in regional development of Turkey.
LFPR • Thosewhoareover 16 andemployedfor pay andareactivelyseekingforworkorwaitingcallbackfrompreviousemploymentsareconsidered in thelabourforce. • Labourforceparticipation rate is defined as; LabourForce/Population. • Let’slook at someregionalfiguresregarding LFPR in Turkey.
INFLATION • Nowlet us look at theinflation data forselectedregions.
HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE • As youallknowsamelevels of inflationmighthavedifferenteffects on differenthouseholdsdepending on themainconsumptionitems of eachhousehold. • Let us nowlookintothedetails of householdexpenditure in selectedregions of Turkey.
REGIONAL TRENDS IN MIGRATION • Regionaltrends in migration is an importantindicatior of thebasic “North-South” difference in a country. • Let us firstconsidertheclassicaltheory of migrationandthanlookintointerregionalmigration in Turkey.
Assumptions of theClassical Model • Perfectcompetition in allmarkets • CRTS • No barrierstomigration • Perfectlyflexiblefactorprices • Homogeneousfactors of production • Completeinformationaboutfactorreturns in allregions
Theclassical model suggeststhattherewill be no wagedifferentials. However, evidencetells us that “wagedifferentials” concept is a fact. • Futhermigrationcannotsolely be attributedtowagedifferentials.
Toorestrictive? • Labour is not homogeneous and the migration data includes workers with different skills. • Migration data also includes those not in the labour market. • Low-wage regions may be high-wage locations for particular industry sectors. • A substantial number are returning migrants moving back to their region of origin. • Some move for individual advancement, whilst others move as part of a career plan or because of company transfer policies (companies may move key workers around different plants). • Wagesare not perfectlyflexible; “stickywages”. • Positivecostsareassociatedtomigration.
REGIONAL DISPARITIES IN SCHOOLING • Schoolingandeducationopportunitiesarealsoimportantdrivers of regionaldevelopment. Furthersuchopportunitieshaveimportantinfluencesovermigration as well. • Let us nowlook at thenumber of schools, teachersandstudents in differentregions of Turkey.
HEALTH SERVICES • Finallywewilllookintoregionaldisparitiesregardinghealthservices in Turkey.