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Solar Energy Technology Science Summer Camp Thur PM – Day 3

The session covers site surveys, PV system design, sizing, and installation issues. Activities include experiments and site surveys connecting solar angle with power output. Participants learn about system efficiencies, production adjustments, and site assessment tools.

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Solar Energy Technology Science Summer Camp Thur PM – Day 3

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  1. Solar Energy TechnologyScience Summer Camp Thur PM Site Selection and System Sizzling Exercise

  2. Day 3 Introduction • Description of Facilities – if needed • Go Over Day 2 and rest of Course • Handout Notes • Review Safety Rules • Safety first • Always follow safety rules

  3. Session 8 Topics • Site Surveys and Planning Exercise (Instructor TBD) • * Review PV System Design and Installation Issues • * Consider customer needs and size of the system • * Regulations and Code compliance • * Solar Resource • * Orientation • * Shading Issues • * Roof Pitch to Roof Angles • * Energy Production adjustments • * Activities: • o Experiment that connects solar angle with power output • o Make a site survey using site survey tools to include Path finder 3

  4. Shading issues Sun – Radiant Energy PV module

  5. PV System Design and Installation LO 7 – PV System Sizing

  6. PV System Sizing (12% of test questions) Task/Skill 7.1. Illustrate interaction of typical loads with IV curve (battery, MPPT, dc motor) 7.2. Analyze load demand for stand-alone and grid interactive service 7.3. Identify typical system electrical output derating factors 7.4. Calculate estimated peak power output (dc and ac) 7.5. Calculate array and inverter size for grid-connected system 7.6. Calculate estimated monthly and annual energy output of grid-connected system 7.7. Explain relationship between array and battery size for stand-alone systems 7.8. Calculate array, battery and inverter size for stand-alone system

  7. Steps in Grid Tied PV System Sizing 1. Determine type of mounting system (Roof, Ground Mount or Pole) 2. Determine available roof area and orientation 3. Check for shading problems 4. Check roof structure 5. Check existing main load center 6. Check electrical service 7. Determine location for inverter and disconnects 8. Review customer electricity bills 9. Discuss PV system costs with customer 10. Determine approximate PV system size based on customer budget and electricity demand 11. Determine different combinations of PV modules and inverters to provide appropriate PV system 12. Cost out PV system

  8. Site Assessment Tools Shading Issues http://www.google.sketchup.com http://www.solarpathfinder.com http://earth.google.com http://www.nysgis.state.ny.us System Production 12 to 15 Watt DC per Square Foot of PV array For every PV Array kW DC power will provide approximately 100 kWh AC energy per month. Clean Power Estimator http://www.powernaturally.org

  9. Energy Production adjustments for orientation and tilt angle

  10. 1. Loss due to tilt angle and orientation

  11. 2. Loss due to shading

  12. 3. Loss associated with system inefficiencies Overall PV System Efficiencies PV Array Input (DC) = 70 to 80% AC Output (AC) Reference 2

  13. Class Exercise Ranch House in Capital Region Owner wanted to produce as much of their electricity as possible. Roof is asphalt shingle with rafters at 24 inches on center

  14. House Orientation

  15. Roof tilt and area 5:12 roof slope

  16. Check shading loss

  17. One solution, get rid of trees

  18. Practical Concerns Check main load center Check roof structure

  19. Determine existing electricity usage

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