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Flexion. Figure 9–3a. Flexion. Angular motion Anterior–posterior plane Reduces angle between elements . Extension. Angular motion Anterior–posterior plane Increases angle between elements. Hyperextension. Angular motion Extension past anatomical position.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Flexion Figure 9–3a

  2. Flexion • Angular motion • Anterior–posterior plane • Reduces angle between elements

  3. Extension • Angular motion • Anterior–posterior plane • Increases angle between elements

  4. Hyperextension • Angular motion • Extension past anatomical position Angular Movements (Flexion, Extension, Hyperextension) PLAY

  5. Abduction Figure 9–3b, c

  6. Abduction • Angular motion • Frontal plane • Moves away from longitudinal axis

  7. Adduction • Angular motion • Frontal plane • Moves toward longitudinal axis

  8. Circumduction • Circular motion without rotation • Angular motion Figure 9–3d

  9. Rotation Figure 9–4

  10. Rotation • Direction of rotation from anatomical position • Relative to longitudinal axis of body

  11. Rotation • Left or right rotation • Medial rotation (inward rotation): • rotates toward axis • Lateral rotation (outward rotation): • rotates away from axis

  12. Pronation and Supination • Pronation: • rotates forearm, radius over ulna • Supination: • forearm in anatomical position

  13. Inversion and Eversion Figure 9–5a

  14. Inversion and Eversion • Inversion: • twists sole of foot medially • Eversion: • twists sole of foot laterally

  15. Dorsiflexion and Plantar Flexion Figure 9–5b

  16. Dorsiflexion and Plantar Flexion • Dorsiflexion: • flexion at ankle (lifting toes) • Plantar flexion: • extension at ankle (pointing toes)

  17. Opposition • Thumb movement toward fingers or palm (grasping) Figure 9–5c

  18. Protraction and Retraction Figure 9–5d

  19. Protraction and Retraction • Protraction: • moves anteriorly • in the horizontal plane (pushing forward) • Retraction: • opposite of protraction • moving posteriorly (pulling back)

  20. Elevation and Depression Figure 9–5e

  21. Elevation and Depression • Elevation: • moves in superior direction (up) • Depression: • moves in inferior direction (down)

  22. Lateral Flexion • Bends vertebral column from side to side Figure 9–5f

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