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Core Knowledge and Competencies, Professional Standards for Working with Children Birth Through Age Eight and in Afterschool Programs. NJ Instructor Approval Orientation Lesson #2. Welcome to Lesson #2!. Before you start Lesson #2, please download and print:
Core Knowledge and Competencies,Professional Standards for Working with Children Birth Through Age Eight and in Afterschool Programs NJ Instructor Approval Orientation Lesson #2
Welcome to Lesson #2! • Before you start Lesson #2, please download and print: • Core Knowledge and Competencies at http://www.pinj.org/index.php?cat=core • Instructor Orientation Quiz #2 at Instructor Quiz 2 • You may want to have the Lesson #2 quiz in front of you as you read this lesson
Professional Impact NJ has developed four tools to assist and guide administrators, teachers, and advocates interested in best practices in the early care and education and afterschool professions
Tools: • Core Knowledge and Competencies (Core Knowledge), Professional Standards for Working With Children Birth Through Age Eight and in Afterschool Programs • The New Jersey Registry Career Lattice • The New Jersey Registry for Childhood Professionals Serving Children Birth Through Age Thirteen • The Instructor Approval System
Core Knowledge and Competencies Is based on the underlying premise that all children, including children with special health and development needs , learn best in environments where: • Adults recognize and understand the need for the development of a relationship that will be inclusive of the child’s family • Learning opportunities are meaningful and relevant
Children can construct their knowledge of the world through activities and interactions with others • Children’s individual needs are reflected, recognized, and addressed in accordance with the culture of the children, their families and their communities • Health and safety are integral components of child care and educational program activities and learning
Core Knowledge and Competencies • Is the basis for the professional development and education essential for ongoing professional development • Provides the foundation for the NJ Registry Career Lattice, the NJ Registry and the Instructor Approval System, which are all integral parts of New Jersey’s Professional Development System for Early Care and Education and Afterschool
There are seven Core Knowledge Areas within Core Knowledge and Competencies. They are: • Child Growth and Development • Curriculum • Family and Community Relationships • Assessment and Evaluation • Professionalism and Leadership • Program Organization and Management • Health, Safety, Nutrition and Physical Activities
Each Core Knowledge Area includes: • Definitions and explanations of key concepts • Competency Levels, which are progressive observable skills required for a professional to work effectively with children, their families and other professionals, ranging from Level I to X on the NJ Registry Career Lattice All Core Knowledge Areas are intrinsically interrelated and interdependent
For Example… • Core Knowledge Area: Child Growth and Development • Definition: “Professionals providing early childhood education, primary education, family child care, and afterschool care require knowledge of child growth and development to ensure developmentally appropriate practice for all children, including children with special developmental, linguistic, cultural, learning and medical needs. All children must have a safe and healthy learning environment that is both consistent and predictable as they grow and learn socially, emotionally, physically, cognitively, linguistically and creatively.”
Example (Cont.) • Key concept: “Growth, development, and learning are progressive.” • Explanation: “Each stage has distinct characteristics.” • Competency Levels IA and IB—some skills necessary for working in the field: • “Know that there are developmental stages of childhood” • “Recognize the importance of play in children’s growth and development”
NOW, go to Core Knowledge and Competencies and to the Core Knowledge Area of your choice. Read and become familiar with: • The definitions • The key concepts and explanations • The Competency Levels
Program Administrators Create job classifications Develop job descriptions Recruit/hire staff Evaluate, appraise, retain staff Plan professional development Set and monitor policies Guide/track career path Collect staff data Direct Service Professionals Enter the early childhood professional development system Guide career advancement Conduct a self-evaluation of professional growth within levels Explore options for professional growth across levels UsingCore Knowledge and Competencies
Professional Support Staff Determine professional growth within levels Develop lesson plans for professional development provided to directors/caregivers Support/update information developed as guidance material for directors/caregivers Guide consultation and resulting recommendations to providers/caregivers Regulatory/Policy/Funding Entities Influence recommendations provided to enhance quality in regulated child care/education programs Assess, evaluate, and maintain regulations and policies related to administrative and programmatic issues for the scope for child care/education programs Provide guidance to funders who support enhanced quality programs for children ages birth to thirteen Using Core Knowledge and Competencies (cont.)
Providers of Professional Development Develop course work, professional developments/workshops and conferences Mentor, advise and counsel students Assess competency levels Disseminate research Parents and Community Stakeholders Provide guidance to parents for developing an understanding of the scope of child care and early education Assist parents in making informed choices about child care and early educational opportunities for their children Garner support from the entire community for quality early care and education programs for all children Using Core Knowledge and Competencies (cont.)
This is the end of Lesson #2. • Please download, print, and completethe Lesson #2 quiz at Instructor Approval Orientation Quiz #2.before going on to Lesson #3. You may submit the quiz electronically or by mail.