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. With the Name of Allah The Most Merciful Benefactor The Most Merciful Redeemer The Excellence of Researching our faith . By Imaam Abdul Azeez. Acknowledgements:.
. With the Name of Allah The Most Merciful Benefactor The Most Merciful Redeemer The Excellence of Researching our faith. By Imaam Abdul Azeez
Acknowledgements: • A debt of gratitude is owed to Allah, for sending His Noble Messenger Muhammad PBUH* with the Quraan, whose Sunnah Guided and shaped the mind, heart and ultimately the leadership of the late Imaam Dr. Warith Deen Mohammed RAH* , for choosing us for Islaam and honoring us with this great legacy. We could never praise Allah enough. We ask Allah to make this humble effort one that motivates us to build on the excellence that he has blessed us with in this association and the brotherhood of islaam Ameeeeen. We are few months away from the 5th anniversary of the imam's demise. Dear faithful the time for work is past due, lets get about our work.
This humble effortis not just to talk I intend to share some of the benefits and excellence of research based on Quraan , Sunnah and Tefseer of Imaam Dr. WD Mohammed RAH as it all relates to أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ . Imaam Dr. WD Mohammad said: “Follow the logic to its logical conclusion”. He encouraged us to reflect and ponder on the Quraan. I would admit that I left many areas open for further research , review and additional applications. I also caution us to not get away from the aim and purpose of excellent research: it is only intended to increase our understanding and improve our application. Once that is achieved it is our duty to share it. Allah says:" Here is a book which I have sent down to you, full of blessings, that they may meditate on its signs, and that men of understanding may receive admonition” HQ 38:29 Imam Ghazali RAH showed the difference between recitation and the act of deliberating over the Quraan in a thoughtful study, when he said: “ There is a recitation which takes me a week to finish the Quraan. There is another kind that takes a month and another kind of recitation which I commenced 30 years ago but which I have not yet been able to complete” ihyauloomid-deen therefore research and reflection on the Quraan, is an on going intimate affair. • Lets get right to it: • Allah says : ﴿لَّقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ﴾ • (Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have an Excellent example to follow) • ﴿لِّمَن كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الاٌّخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيراً﴾ • (for him who hopes in Allah and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much 33;21 HQ
meaning, `why do you not take him as an example and follow his lead ibn Katheer vol 3 p626 Arabic version. • After a review of the term ُسْوَةأI began realizing that Allah is saying so much. The term أُسْوَةٌ I means: model, example, pattern / with the preposition Bi following the term Uswataan we see the meaning: following the model or pattern of , along the lines of; in the same manner as, just as, like. Page 18 Hans Whehr Arabic English dictionary. • We say fa’ala- l-waladu Uswataan bi- abeehi; “the boy acted in the same manner as his father.” • The lanes lexicon book 1 describes أُسْوَةٌ as a pattern, model or way to be imitated, mimicked or followed. In my humble opinion, there is no model that has not been mimicked or imitated in some way. Just ask Chrysler, Volvo and BMW. Asked General Mills and kraft ask MGM and Lions Gate. In that sense of the terminology's meaning we can see why Allah termed the example of the Messenger of Allah PBUH as: أُأُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ • Allah was very specific here in 33:21 in fact, grammatically we see the usage of; as sifatu wal mawsoof (adjective clause). There is no example better.
Why did Allah call the example of Rasoolullah PBUH َ: أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ ??? • Islamic theology promotes deductive reasoning, which allow us to observe that there are other models and examples (Uswaat) out there that are being followed. But they are not the most excellent. Michael Jordon, has an uswah that’s followed and imitated. P Diddy has an Uswah that’s followed and imitated, a simple business man has an Uswah, a corrupt senator, has an Uswah the same way a bank robber, a thief, and a prostitute. The gang bangers and terrorist have an Uswah. The idol worshippers, the Disbelievers and the hypocrites all have an uswah. The difference is their model is not : أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ . What made the example of Muhammad PBUH so excellent??
Maulana Muhammad Ali states: • This verse points to a most significant truth and a distinguishing characteristic of the Holy Prophet PBUH, viz, that he is the best exemplar and the highest model of virtue for the faithful under all circumstances. • If he had not led armies he could not have served as a general leading armies into battles; if he had not fought personally, he could not have been an example for a solider laying down his life for the cause of truth, justice and freedom; if he had not made laws for the guidance his followers, he could never have been regarded as outstanding example to a legislator ; had he not decided cases, he could have served as a light to judges and magistrates; if he did not get married , he would have left men unguided in practically half of their everyday duties and could not have shown how to be a kind and affectionate husband and a loving father ; had he not taken revenge on tyrants for the wrongs inflicted on innocent persons, if he had not overcome his persecuting enemies and forgiven them, if he had not overlooked the faults of those attached to him, he could not have been an excellent exemplar and a perfect model, as he is here pronounced to be. Indeed it is the distinguishing characteristic of his life that he not only gave practical rules of guidance in all walks of life, but by his life gave a practical illustration of those rules. Holy Quran, Mawlana Ali trans. P 804 Nt. 1980
The miracle of the Prophet’s PBUH أُسْوَةٌ • The miracle of the أُسْوَةٌ related to the messenger of Allah is that it is more relative now than any time before and it is has been imitated transmitted and maintained for over 14 hundred years. All followers of his excellent model have met success generation after generation. A common historical, yet reoccurring theme exist here; that is every time a people turned away from the excellent example of the Prophet PBUH, chaos, failure and loss soon ensued. Another known fact, the excellent model of Prophet Muhammed PBUH relates to all aspects of human existence. That his excellent example doesn't get outdated. • A brief look at the term أُسْوَةٌ • The triliteral root hamzasīnwāw (أ س و) occurs seven times in the Quran, in two derived forms: • four times as the form I verb tasa (تَأْسَ) • three times as the noun us'wah(أُسْوَة)
Verb (form I) - to grieve • (5:26:11) tasagrieveيَتِيهُونَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَلَاتَأْسَعَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْفَاسِقِينَ(5:68:27) tasagrieveفَلَاتَأْسَعَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ(7:93:12) āsāI grieveفَكَيْفَآسَىٰعَلَىٰ قَوْمٍ كَافِرِينَ(57:23:2) tasawgrieveلِكَيْلَاتَأْسَوْاعَلَىٰ مَا فَاتَكُمْ وَلَا تَفْرَحُوا بِمَا • آتَاكُمْ • Noun - example • (33:21:7) us'watunan excellent exampleلَقَدْ كَانَلَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّه أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ (60:4:4) us'watunan exampleقَدْ • كَانَتْ لَكُمْأُسْوَةٌحَسَنَةٌ فِي إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَالَّذِينَ مَعَهُ(60:6:5) us'watunan exampleلَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ • فِيهِمْأُسْوَةٌحَسَنَةٌ لِمَنْ كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّهَSee Also • Lane's Lexicon - Classical Arabic dictionary
A brief analyses of the term حَسَنَة • The eighth word of verse (33:21) is an indefinite feminine noun and is in the nominative case (مرفوع). The noun's triliteral root is ḥāsīnnūn (ح س ن).Verse (33:21) • The triliteral root ḥāsīnnūn (ح س ن) occurs 194 times in the Quran, in 12 derived forms: • three times as the form I verb ḥasuna (حَسُنَ) • 21 times as the form IV verb aḥsana (أَحْسَنَ) • 36 times as the nominal aḥsan (أَحْسَن) • 21 times as the nominal ḥasan (حَسَن) • 13 times as the noun ḥus'n (حُسْن) • three times as the noun ḥasanāt (حَسَنَٰت) • 17 times as the nominal ḥus'nā (حُسْنَىٰ) • once as the adjective ḥus'nayayn (حُسْنَيَيْن) • 28 times as the nominal ḥasanat (حَسَنَة) • 12 times as the form IV verbal noun iḥ'sān (إِحْسَٰن) • 38 times as the form IV active participle muḥ'sin (مُحْسِن) • once as the form IV active participle muḥ'sināt (مُحْسِنَٰت) • Note the 38 times the active participle is used , is the most used derivative from the root ح س ن reflect..
The targheeb of Imaam Dr. WD Mohammed RAH • Targheeb is an Arabic term used for encouragement, it also means to incite, to awaken. Many of the Imam's lectures, books and poems were aimed at awakening the spirit that was already in us. Targheeb also means ;awakening of a desire or longing. The Imaam said: • Allah (SWT) says that you are the best community evolved for the good of all people. That tells us; that if you are narrow and just want community excellence that will benefit you and your race, Allah is not with you. But if you want community excellence, that will represent the excellence of mankind and you to share whatever you have , that others don’t have that will help them, if you are sincere at heart, you want to share with them. That is the community Allah (SWT) evolved. Evolved means He raised it up naturally. When Allah (SWT) says that you are the best community that evolved, He is saying that he brought you out of nature. You are evolved upon the excellence of your nature. Allah (SWT) is not giving us something that is not already in our make up to have. He is only giving us something that He has already put in our makeup for us to want to have. Life The Final Battlefield p.18-19 • Motivated by research, I notice the repetitive use of the English term excellence and I wanted more. I looked at the terms used for excellence in Arabic and found the terms • 1. حَسَن good 2. أَحْسَن better 3. إِحْسَٰن excellence • I saw that The Imaam used the term excellence in the themes of many lectures: “cooperation for human Excellence” may 12th 1995 Richmond “Excellence and Achievement” Atlanta Georgia “ Our journey towards Excellence” 1997 New York may 18th “Excellence in Leadership April 16th 1995 I looked closer at the third term and realized that Imaam WD Mohammed RAH was calling for an application. The excellence that he encouraged was found in the following Hadeeth:
on the authority of `Umar (may Allah be please with Him) who said: "One day while we were sitting with the Messenger of Allah there appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly white and whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs of journeying were to be seen on him and none of us knew him. He walked up and sat down by the prophet. Resting his knees against his and placing the palms of his hands on his thighs, he said: "O Muhammad, tell me about Islam." The messenger of Allah said: "Islam is to testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, to perform the prayers, to pay the Zakat, to fast in Ramadan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so." He said: "You have spoken rightly", and we were amazed at him asking him and saying that he had spoken rightly. He said: "Then tell me about Iman." He said: "It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil thereof." He said: "You have spoken rightly." He said: "Then tell me about Ihsan." He said: "It is to worship Allah as though you are seeing Him, and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you." He said: "Then tell me about the Hour." He said: "The one questioned about it knows no better than the questioner." He said: "Then tell me about its signs." He said: "That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress and that you will see the barefooted, naked, destitute herdsman competing in constructing lofty buildings." Then he took himself off and I stayed for a time. Then he said: "O Omar, do you know who the questioner was?" I said: "Allah and His messenger know best. " He said: "He was Jibril (Gabriel), who came to you to teach you your religion."Narrated by Muslim.عَنْ عُمَر t أَيْضًا قَالَ: "بَيْنَمَا نَحْنُ جُلُوسٌ عِنْدَ رَسُولِ اللَّهِrذَاتَ يَوْمٍ، إذْ طَلَعَ عَلَيْنَا رَجُلٌ شَدِيدُ بَيَاضِ الثِّيَابِ، شَدِيدُ سَوَادِ الشَّعْرِ، لَا يُرَى عَلَيْهِ أَثَرُ السَّفَرِ، وَلَا يَعْرِفُهُ مِنَّا أَحَدٌ. حَتَّى جَلَسَ إلَى النَّبِيِّr. فَأَسْنَدَ رُكْبَتَيْهِ إلَى رُكْبَتَيْهِ، وَوَضَعَ كَفَّيْهِ عَلَى فَخْذَيْهِ، وَقَالَ: يَا مُحَمَّدُ أَخْبِرْنِي عَنْ الْإِسْلَامِ. فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِr الْإِسْلَامُ أَنْ تَشْهَدَ أَنْ لَا إلَهَ إلَّا اللَّهُ وَأَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ، وَتُقِيمَ الصَّلَاةَ، وَتُؤْتِيَ الزَّكَاةَ، وَتَصُومَ رَمَضَانَ، وَتَحُجَّ الْبَيْتَ إنْ اسْتَطَعْت إلَيْهِ سَبِيلًا. قَالَ: صَدَقْت. فَعَجِبْنَا لَهُ يَسْأَلُهُ وَيُصَدِّقُهُ! قَالَ: فَأَخْبِرْنِي عَنْ الْإِيمَانِ. قَالَ: أَنْ تُؤْمِنَ بِاَللَّهِ وَمَلَائِكَتِهِ وَكُتُبِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ، وَتُؤْمِنَ بِالْقَدَرِ خَيْرِهِ وَشَرِّهِ. قَالَ: صَدَقْت. قَالَ: فَأَخْبِرْنِي عَنْ الْإِحْسَانِ. قَالَ: أَنْ تَعْبُدَ اللَّهَ كَأَنَّك تَرَاهُ، فَإِنْ لَمْ تَكُنْ تَرَاهُ فَإِنَّهُ يَرَاك. قَالَ: فَأَخْبِرْنِي عَنْ السَّاعَةِ. قَالَ: مَا الْمَسْئُولُ عَنْهَا بِأَعْلَمَ مِنْ السَّائِلِ. قَالَ: فَأَخْبِرْنِي عَنْ أَمَارَاتِهَا؟ قَالَ: أَنْ تَلِدَ الْأَمَةُ رَبَّتَهَا، وَأَنْ تَرَى الْحُفَاةَ الْعُرَاةَ الْعَالَةَ رِعَاءَ الشَّاءِ يَتَطَاوَلُونَ فِي الْبُنْيَانِ. ثُمَّ انْطَلَقَ، فَلَبِثْنَا مَلِيًّا، ثُمَّ قَالَ: يَا عُمَرُ أَتَدْرِي مَنْ السَّائِلُ؟. قَلَتْ: اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَعْلَمُ. قَالَ: فَإِنَّهُ جِبْرِيلُ أَتَاكُمْ يُعَلِّمُكُمْ دِينَكُمْ". رَوَاهُ مُسْلِمٌ .
In the famous prophetic tradition Jabreel(AS) said : • فَأَخْبِرْنِي عَنْ الْإِحْسَانِ “inform me about excellence” • The Prophet(PBUH) said: • أَنْ تَعْبُدَ اللَّهَ كَأَنَّك تَرَاهُ، فَإِنْ لَمْ تَكُنْ تَرَاهُ فَإِنَّهُ يَرَاك “ it is to worship Allah as though you are observing Him, then if you do not observe Him, no for sure that He truly is observing you • Application: in the shahadahtain we declare and accept the personality and example of Muhammad pbuh. The concept is termed wujoobul ittibah (compulsion to follow) so the excellent example of Muhammad Pbuh is non negotioable if we want the success Allah intends for us. Following the targheeb from the Imaam was enough to further our study yet in other words what Imaam Dr, WD Mohammed said drove us right back to a discource btwn Prophet Muhammad and Jabreel AS who pointed three levels of islamic development: • 1. islaam/ muslim • 2. imaan/ Mumin • 3. Ihsaan/ muhsin • It is our goal to reach ihsaan. Our journey towards Excellence!!!!
Practical applications • Allah said, • ﴿فَلاَ وَرَبِّكَ لاَ يُؤْمِنُونَ حَتَّى يُحَكِّمُوكَ فِيمَا شَجَرَ بَيْنَهُمْ﴾ • (But no, by your Lord, they can have no faith, until they make you judge in all disputes between them,) Allah swears by His Glorious, Most Honorable Self, that no one shall attain faith until he refers to the Messenger for judgment in all matters. Thereafter, whatever the Messenger commands, is the plain truth that must be submitted to inwardly and outwardly. Allah said, • ﴿ثُمَّ لاَ يَجِدُواْ فِى أَنفُسِهِمْ حَرَجاً مِّمَّا قَضَيْتَ وَيُسَلِّمُواْ تَسْلِيماً﴾ • (and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission.) meaning: they adhere to your judgment, and thus do not feel any hesitation over your decision, and they submit to it inwardly and outwardly. They submit to the Prophet's decision with total submission without any rejection, denial or dispute • عَنْ أَبِي مُحَمَّدٍ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَمْرِو بْنِ الْعَاصِ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُمَا، قَالَ: • قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه و سلم " • لَا يُؤْمِنُ أَحَدُكُمْ حَتَّى يَكُونَ هَوَاهُ تَبَعًا لِمَا جِئْتُ بِهِ". حَدِيثٌ حَسَنٌ صَحِيحٌ، رَوَيْنَاهُ فِي كِتَابِ "الْحُجَّةِ" بِإِسْنَادٍ صَحِيحٍ. • On the authority of Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin ’Amr bin al-’Aas (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: • The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “None of you [truly] believes until his desires are subservient (inclinations are in accordance) to that which I have brought.” [Imam an-Nawawi says:] We have related it in Kitab al-Hujjah with a saheeh chain of narrators. • Reference : 40 Hadith Nawawi 41In-book reference : Hadith 41
Abu Dawud At-Tayalisi recorded that Jabir bin `Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the Messenger of Allah said: • «مَثَلِي وَمَثَلُ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ كَمَثَلِ رَجُلٍ بَنَى دَارًا فَأَكْمَلَهَا وَأَحْسَنَهَا إِلَّا مَوْضِعَ لَبِنَةٍ، فَكَانَ مَنْ دَخَلَهَا فَنَظَرَ إِلَيْهَا قَالَ: مَا أَحْسَنَهَا إِلَّا مَوْضِعَ هَذِهِ اللَّبِنَةِ، فَأَنَا مَوْضِعُ اللَّبِنَةِ خُتِمَ بِي الْأَنْبِيَاءُ عَلَيْهِمُ الصَّلَاةُ وَالسَّلَام» • (The parable of myself and the Prophets is that of a man who built a house and did a complete and good job, except for the space of one brick. Whoever entered it would look at that space and say, how good it is, apart from the space of that brick. My position is like that of that brick, and the Prophets -- blessings and peace be upon them -- end with me.) It was also recorded by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and At-Tirmidhi, who said, "It is Sahih Gharib with this chain of narrators.''
Five Fine points to consider: • 1. Allah declares the excellent example of Rasoolullah PBUH as the only model to imitate for an excellent Islamic life. we declare his example as best in the kalimahshahadah. • 2. There are other models yet they lack excellence because they are not complete models and don’t cover all aspects of life. • 3. The excellent model of Rasoolullah is timeless and have proven to render success throughout the ages and failure to those who reject it. • 4. The targheeb of Imaam Dr. WD Mohammed RAH and the repetitive use of the term excellence as a theme motivates our research in an effort to achieve an understanding as a means to advancing our application, driving us back to the Quraan and Sunnah for resolutions. • 5. The Hadeeth of Jabreel defined 3 levels of islamic life and defined excellence as its highest level. Q.How can we reconcile the above mention five points and render our research excellent? A. By extracting an application that we can all achieve.
Applications: It is the goal of every Muslim in his or her journey toward Excellence, to reach the level of Ihsaan. We reach Ihsaan by following the excellent example of Rasoolullah PBUH. We can only do so by worshiping Allah as though we see him and if we don’t see him we know that He is truly observing us. Imaam WD Mohammed RAH left some valuable hints toward this concept. Imagine an individual, a family, a masjid, a society a business man, a leader, a world that worships Allah as they see Him. And if they don’t they know Allah is observing them. What would it be like? What would it be like if the muslimoon considered that as binding on them? To reach ihsaan. Would there be sects in islaam, terrorism, fanaticism, racism, female circumcisim. If you knew Allah was watching would we think the way we think or do the things we do? What would our unity be like? This isn't saying be holy, its simply saying be mindful of Allah. An element of this type of worship is found in the verse 33:21 وَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيراً “and remember Allah much” so in an effort to tie in this concept we can say that, this (ihsaan) is the success that Allah is calling us to, that Rasoolullah PBUH exemplified and that Imaam Dr. WD Mohammed RAH taught for 33 years is key to our advancement on any level. When we leave Allah out and forget who gave us all of this we loose the real success in this life and the next. We are entering into the 5th year of the Imaam demise RAH warithuddeen, the inheritor of the religion. Alwarith is the attribute of Allah the supreme inheritor. From the very same root we have the term wiraathah legacy and Meerath inheritance. We inherited the legacy of ImaamDr WD Mohammed RAH. What are we doing with what we inherited. Are we squandering our inheritance? Are we just talking about? Who is going to take it next?
What is the أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ? the following are a few prophetic traditions that feature the excellent example of The Messenger Of Allah PBUH his uswah if you will: • 1.On the authority of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: • I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, “Whoso- ever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” It was related by Muslim • 2. On the authority of Tameem ibn Aus ad-Daree (may Allah be pleased with him): • The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The deen (religion) is naseehah (advice, sincerity).” We said “To whom?” He (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said “To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk • 3. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: • I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, “What I have forbidden for you, avoid. What I have ordered you [to do], do as much of it as you can. For verily, it was only the excessive questioning and their disagreeing with their Prophets that destroyed [the nations] who were before you.” Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.
4. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: • The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Allah the Almighty is Good and accepts only that which is good. And verily Allah has commanded the believers to do that which He has commanded the Messengers. So the Almighty has said: “O (you) Messengers! Eat of the tayyibat [all kinds of halal (legal) foods], and perform righteous deeds.” [23:51] and the Almighty has said: “O you who believe! Eat of the lawful things that We have provided you.” [2:172]” Then he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) mentioned [the case] of a man who, having journeyed far, is dishevelled and dusty, and who spreads out his hands to the sky saying “O Lord! O Lord!,” while his food is haram (unlawful), his drink is haram, his clothing is haram, and he has been nourished with haram, so how can [his supplication] be answered? Narrated by Muslim. • 5. On the authority of Abu Muhammad al-Hasanibn Ali ibnAbeeTalib (may Allah be pleased with him), the grandson of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and the one much loved by him, who said: • I memorised from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt.” It was related by at-Tirmidhi and an-Nasai, with at-Tirmidhi saying that it was a good and sound (hasansaheeh) hadeeth. • 6. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: • The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Part of the perfection of one’s Islam is his leaving that which does not concern him.” A hasan (good) hadeeth which was related by at-Tirmidhi and others in this fashion.
6. On the authority of Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) — the servant of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) — that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: • None of you [truly] believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself. It was related by al-Bukhari and Muslim. • 7. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: • Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good, or keep silent; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour; and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest. It was related by al-Bukhari and Muslim. • 8. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him): • A man said to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), “Counsel me,” so he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Do not become angry.” The man repeated [his request for counsel] several times, and [each time] he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Do not become angry.” It was related by al-Bukhari and Muslim. • 9. On the authority of Abu Ya’la Shaddad bin Aws (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: • Verily Allah has prescribed ihsan (proficiency, perfection) in all things. So if you kill then kill well; and if you slaughter, then slaughter well. Let each one of you sharpen his blade and let him spare suffering to the animal he slaughters.” It was related by Muslim.
10. On the authority of Abu Dharr Jundub ibn Junadah, and Abu Abdur-Rahman Muadh bin Jabal (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: • Have taqwa (fear) of Allah wherever you may be, and follow up a bad deed with a good deed which will wipe it out, and behave well towards the people. It was related by at-Tirmidhi, who said it was a hasan (good) hadeeth, and in some copies it is stated to be a hasan saheeh hadeeth • عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه و سلم 11. • " لَا تَحَاسَدُوا، وَلَا تَنَاجَشُوا، وَلَا تَبَاغَضُوا، وَلَا تَدَابَرُوا، وَلَا يَبِعْ بَعْضُكُمْ عَلَى بَيْعِ بَعْضٍ، وَكُونُوا عِبَادَ • اللَّهِ إخْوَانًا، الْمُسْلِمُ أَخُو الْمُسْلِمِ، لَا يَظْلِمُهُ، وَلَا يَخْذُلُهُ، وَلَا يَكْذِبُهُ، وَلَا يَحْقِرُهُ، التَّقْوَى هَاهُنَا، • وَيُشِيرُ إلَى صَدْرِهِ ثَلَاثَ مَرَّاتٍ، بِحَسْبِ امْرِئٍ مِنْ الشَّرِّ أَنْ يَحْقِرَ أَخَاهُ الْمُسْلِمَ، كُلُّ الْمُسْلِمِ عَلَى • الْمُسْلِمِ حَرَامٌ: دَمُهُ وَمَالُهُ وَعِرْضُهُ" . • 11. On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: • The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Do not envy one another, and do not inflate prices for one another, and do not hate one another, and do not turn away from one another, and do not undercut one another in trade, but [rather] be slaves of Allah and brothers [amongst yourselves]. A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim: he does not oppress him, nor does he fail him, nor does he lie to him, nor does he hold him in contempt. Taqwa (piety) is right here [and he pointed to his chest three times]. It is evil enough for a man to hold his brother Muslim in contempt. The whole of a Muslim is inviolable for another Muslim: his blood, his property, and his honour.” It was related by Muslim. • رَوَاهُ مُسْلِمٌ [رقم:2564]. • Reference : 40 Hadith Nawawi 35
A humble challenge: • Dear faithful, I left many things open in hopes that you would take the challenge to further our research on the matter regarding the excellent example of the Messenger of Allah. Contemplate and reflect on the Quraan and the index of the Prophets PBUH sunnah (Hadeeth). Document it and come back to the this conference and share it with the community. Take time our to render an application, share it with your masajid and turn your research into action!!! • Whatever good you have found in the fore mentioned material research, know that it is from your Lord so praise Him and whatever that was said that may have been wrong, know for sere that it is indeed from me without any ill intent. • Let us develop a Commitment to Excellence