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BUAD 202.101

BUAD 202.101. Spring 2014 Professor Holt Tuesday, January 28, 2014. Agenda. Attendance Review Syllabus Individual Leadership Exercise Leadership Lecture Leadership Example Individual Assignment. Attendance. Please sign –in on one of the sign-in sheets that are being passed around.

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BUAD 202.101

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  1. BUAD 202.101 Spring 2014 Professor Holt Tuesday, January 28, 2014

  2. Agenda • Attendance • Review Syllabus • Individual Leadership Exercise • Leadership Lecture • Leadership Example • Individual Assignment

  3. Attendance • Please sign –in on one of the sign-in sheets that are being passed around.

  4. Week One • Introductions • Course expectations • Learn about interviewing and resumes • Understanding corporate culture • Be an effective manager • Gain leadership skills • Learn effective communications • Business ethics • What corporate America wants from employees • Learn presentation skills • Reviewed Syllabus • Discussed Website • Began discussing leadership

  5. Individual Leadership Exercise • Take the Individual Leadership Quiz • Tally the results • Fill out the group results grid • Discuss the results

  6. Leadership Quiz • This Quiz To See How You Rate As a Leader? Have you got what it takes to get to the top? Do you have the management skills employers are looking for? Or do your talents lie in being a team player rather than a leader? Take our quiz to find out. • 1. How Important Is Status To You?a) Very important: I like to feel like I'm in the top echelon.b) Quite important: It's good to be in with the in-crowd.c) It's more about the quality of relationships than where you fall within those relationships.d) Not very important: I just want to get on. • 2. In Your Childhood What Was Your 'Gang Rank'?a) The leader: feared by all.b) The funny one: adored by all.c) The thinking one: listened to by all.d) The geeky one: noticed by none. • 3. At The Office Do You Come Up With New Ideas And Suggestions?a) All the time: I really let everyone know what I think.b) Quite often: but not at all if it would mean upsetting someone.c) Often: being careful of any personal and political issues.d) Rarely: what if it was the wrong thing? • 4. A Colleague Has Been Criticized For Shoddy Report Writing. Do You?a) Tell them why they should have known better.b) Take them out for a drink after work.c) Offer to proof read their next effort.d) Avoid them. You've got too much to do as it is. • 5. You Have Just Faced Some Negative Feedback. How Do You Respond?a) Get angry and defensive.b) Listen carefully but come away feeling disappointed.c) Consider what you could change and how you could improve.d) Sigh and think, "yeah that's me". • .

  7. Leadership Quiz Continued • 6.What Does EQ Mean To You?a) Nothing: it's a wishy washy management fad that hopefully will soon go out of fashion.b) It's an excuse to be allowed to a laugh on company time.c) It's a way of empathizing with how your colleagues may be feeling.d) That you should try to understand your boss's moods. • 7. Faced With a Problem To Solve, What Do You Do?a) Come up with one solution and pronounce it correct.b) Generate a few possible solutions and ask others what they think.c) Brainstorm with a couple of nearby colleagues.d) Seek your manager's advice. • 8. Your Boss Has Asked You To Do Something That Is Beyond Your Abilities. Do You?a) Take it on with gusto: you're up to anything.b) Give it your best shot: making a passing joke not to blame you if it all goes horribly wrong.c) Agree to do the task: but ask for further direction and assistance.d) Stress out, clam up and finally confess that you just don't think you could manage it. • 9. Is Delegation...a) A waste of time: no one else will be able to do it as well as you so you might as well do it yourself.b) An easy way to share the workload.c) An effective way to create new learning opportunities for others.d) Something I'm always on the receiving end of. • 10 Change To You Means...a) Something to be controlled.b) An opportunity where anything could happen.c) A chance to make progress.d) Something to go along with.

  8. Leadership Quiz Explained • Mostly A's • You're a natural born leader just waiting for the right job to come along. You're strong, decisive, and authoritarian. Everyone around you respects you. At least that's what you'd like to think. In reality, the situation may be rather different. At best your arrogant, bullish, autocratic approach is seen as old fashioned. At worse, it's ridiculed by peers and management alike. You would be wise to be less punitive to those who do not see the world as you do, and open up more to the talents of those around you. • Mostly B's • You've got good potential. You support people. You listen to others. You are lateral. You take the initiative. All this bodes well for your future. But only if you overcome what could become a fatal career flaw - wanting to be liked. There is nothing wrong with seeking out the approval of others. • But you do this to such an extent that you want to be everyone's best friend. So, when difficult and direct words are needed you can end up just being nice instead. Try, instead, to learn to confront potential conflicts with sensitivity and honesty. People will respect you more for it. • Mostly C's • Management, here you come. If you want to move up the ranks you've probably got the ability to make that climb. You're creative, assertive and empathetic. You easily draw groups together and enjoy heading them up. Most promising though is the importance you give to bringing on the abilities of others. You have high expectations of them, higher possibly than they have of themselves. And you seem prepared to do what you can to help them realize their own potential. Out of all management skills, this is the one modern companies seek out most. Be mindful, however, not to let more superficially forceful characters conquer your position. • Mostly D's • You're smart enough to have figured out by now that your place is more likely to be in, rather than at the head of, the team. You prefer to listen to ideas, not voice them. You prefer to implement decisions rather than make them. This is not necessarily a bad thing. The world of work would not be sustainable if everyone led and no one followed. You're a solid, reliable, loyal team player. But be cautious, that in your acquiescence to others, you don't become sycophantic. At times, be prepared to do things your own way. • Thanks to Professor Beverly Alimo-Metcalfe, professor of leadership studies at University of Leeds; Dr Binna Kandola, occupational psychologist, partner at Pearn Kandola; Nita Sharma, management consultant at Global Excellence; and Andrea Westall, director of Foundation for Entrepreneurial Management.

  9. Leadership Lecture • What are traits of an effective leader? • The traits of an effective leader include the following: • Emotional stability. Good leaders must be able to tolerate frustration and stress. Overall, they must be well-adjusted and have the psychological maturity to deal with anything they are required to face. • Dominance. Leaders are often times competitive and decisive and usually enjoy overcoming obstacles. Overall, they are assertive in their thinking style as well as their attitude in dealing with others. • Enthusiasm. Leaders are usually seen as active, expressive, and energetic. They are often very optimistic and open to change. Overall, they are generally quick and alert and tend to be uninhibited. • Conscientiousness. Leaders are often dominated by a sense of duty and tend to be very exacting in character. They usually have a very high standard of excellence and an inward desire to do one's best. They also have a need for order and tend to be very self-disciplined.

  10. Leadership Lecture • Social Boldness. Leaders tend to be spontaneous risk-takers. They are usually socially aggressive and generally thick-skinned. Overall, they are responsive to others and tend to be high in emotional stamina. • Tough-mindedness. Good leaders are practical, logical, and to-the-point. They tend to be low in sentimental attachments and comfortable with criticism. They are usually insensitive to hardship and overall, are very poised. • Self-assurance. Self-confidence and resiliency are common traits among leaders. They tend to be free of guilt and have little or no need for approval. They are generally secure and free from guilt and are usually unaffected by prior mistakes or failures. • Compulsiveness. Leaders were found to be controlled and very precise in their social interactions. Overall, they were very protective of their integrity and reputation and consequently tended to be socially aware and careful, abundant in foresight, and very careful when making decisions or determining specific actions. • Beyond these basic traits, leaders of today must also possess traits which will help them motivate others and lead them in new directions. Leaders of the future must be able to envision the future and convince others that their vision is worth following. To do this, they must have the following personality traits:

  11. Leadership Lecture • High Energy. Long hours and some travel are usually a prerequisite for leadership positions, especially as your company grows. Remaining alert and staying focused are two of the greatest obstacles you will have to face as a leader. • Intuitiveness. Rapid changes in the world today combined with information overload result in an inability to "know" everything. In other words, reasoning and logic will not get you through all situations. In fact, more and more leaders are learning to the value of using their intuition and trusting their "gut" when making decisions. • Maturity. To be a good leader, personal power and recognition must be secondary to the development of your employees. In other words, maturity is based on recognizing that more can be accomplished by empowering others than can be by ruling others.

  12. Leadership Lecture • Team Orientation. Business leaders today put a strong emphasis on team work. Instead of promoting an adult/child relationship with their employees, leaders create an adult/adult relationship which fosters team cohesiveness. • Empathy. Being able to "put yourself in the other person's shoes" is a key trait of leaders today. Without empathy, you can't build trust. And without trust, you will never be able to get the best effort from your employees. • Charisma. People usually perceive leaders as larger than life. Charisma plays a large part in this perception. Leaders who have charisma are able to arouse strong emotions in their employees by defining a vision which unites and captivates them. Using this vision, leaders motivate employees to reach toward a future goal by tying the goal to substantial personal rewards and values. • Overall, leaders are larger than life in many ways. Personal traits play a major role in determining who will and who will not be comfortable leading others. However, it's important to remember that people are forever learning and changing. • Leaders are rarely (if ever) born. Circumstances and persistence are major components in the developmental process of any leader. So if your goal is to become a leader, work on developing those areas of your personality that you feel are not "up to par". For instance, if you have all of the basic traits but do not consider yourself very much of a "people" person, try taking classes or reading books on empathy. On the other end, if relating to others has always come naturally to you, but you have trouble making logical decisions, try learning about tough-mindedness and how to develop more psychological resistance. Just remember, anyone can do anything they set their mind to... Adapted from http://www.gaebler.com/Business%2DLeadership%2Ehtm

  13. Business Leadership Examples • Warren Buffett Quotes - Buffett Biography - Famous stock market investor and one of the richest men in the world • Henry Ford Quotes - Ford Biography - Ford Motor Company Founder and American Philanthropist • Michael Dell Quotes - Founder of Dell Computers and wealthy American billionaire • Jeff Bezos Quotes - Jeff Bezos Biography - Billionaire Amazon.com founder and Internet Entrepreneur • Michael Bloomberg Quotes - Bloomberg Biography - Bloomberg Financial Media Company founder and New York Mayor • Sir Richard Branson Quotes - Branson Biography - Famous British Entrepreneur and founder of the Virgin brand • Sergey Brin Quotes - Google search engine co-founder and billionaire Internet entrepreneur • Oprah Winfrey Quotes - Oprah Winfrey Quotes 2 - Oprah Winfrey Biography - Billionaire Talk Show Host and Actress • Barack Obama Quotes - Barack Obama Biography - All Barack Obama - African American politician and first African American President of the United States. • Michelle Obama Quotes - Michelle Obama Biography - Wife of the African American politician of the Democratic party Barack Obama. • Dr. Freeman Hrabowski – President of the University of Maryland at Baltimore County

  14. Leadership Example • Watch the video clip and identify the • following:http://vimeo.com/33288563 • 1. Who is the leader? • 2. What leadership traits are displayed? • 3. What impact does the leader have?

  15. Break • Five minute break

  16. Leadership Lecture • Why Leadership 101? By John C. Maxwell • His book contains ideas from over 30 years of leadership experience. It defines leadership, identifies a few traits every leader should develop, and shows the impact leadership can have on your life and the lives of those you lead.

  17. Leadership 101 • Introduced Leadership 101 John C. Maxwell • Why Should I Grow as a Leader • The higher the leadership, the greater the effectiveness. • New Opportunity • Story Behind the Story • The Brothers Partner with a Leader • Success Without Leadership • To Change the Direction of the Organization, Change the Leader • To reach the highest level of effectiveness, you have to raise the lid of leadership ability.

  18. How Can I Grow as a Leader • Leadership develops daily, not in a day. • The Four Phases of Leadership Growth • Phase 1 – I Don’t Know what I don’t know • Phase 2- I know what I don’t know • Successful leaders are learners. And the learning process is ongoing. A result of self-discipline and perseverance. • Phase 3 – I Grow and Know and It starts to Show • Phase 4- I simply go because of what I know

  19. To Lead Tomorrow, Learn Today • A Man of Action (TR Story page 19.) • Traits of a Leader • How can I become disciplined? The first person you lead is you. • A Disciplined Direction • Challenge your excuses • Remove rewards until the job is done • Stay focused on results • How should I prioritize my life? • The ability to prioritize and work towards a stated goal are essential to a leader’s success.

  20. The Pareto Principle : The 20/80 Principle • 20 percent of your priorities will give you 80 percent of your production. • Time 20% produces 80% of results • Counseling 20% take up 80% of our time • Products 20% bring 80% of the revenue • Reading 20% of the book has 80% of content • Job 20 % of our work gives us 80% of the joy • Speech 20% produce 80% of impact • Donation 20% give 80% of total • Prioritize your life, time, money

  21. Organize or Agonize • Choose or Lose • Leaders or Followers • Evaluate or Stalemate • Priorities never stay put • The good is the enemy of the best • To many priorities paralyze us • When little priorities demand too much • Time deadlines and emergencies force us to prioritize

  22. Too Often we learn too late what is really important • How do I develop Trust? • Tryst is the foundation of leadership. • Character Communicates • Potential • Respect • How can I effectively cast vision • Look before you lead • Vision starts within, draws on your history, meets other’s needs • Focus on Listening • The inner voice • The unhappy voice • The successful voice • The higher voice

  23. Leadership • Why Is Influence Important • True Leadership cannot be awarded, appointed, or assigned it come only from influence. • Five Myths About Leadership • The Management Myth – leading and managing are the same thing? NO leaders influence others to follow, managers manage processes. • The Entrepreneur Myth – all salespeople and entrepreneurs are leaders? NO • The Knowledge Myth – knowledge is power? Maybe but does not always equate to leadership. • The Pioneer Myth – if you are out front you are the leader? NO need to also have people intentionally following you. • The Position Myth- based on position? NO the leader makes the position. • Who’s the Real Leader? Leadership without leverage. • Followers in voluntary organizations cannot be forced to get on board. If the leader has no influence with them, then they won’t follow.

  24. Leadership • How does influence work? • Real leadership is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow. • Influence can be Developed • Levels of Leadership • Position – People follow because they have to. Limited to your job description. The longer you stay in that position the higher turnover and the lower morale. • Permission – People follow because they want to. People will follow you beyond your stated authority. Work is fun. Staying on this level too long will make highly motivated people restless. • Production – People follow because of what you have done for the organization. Success is sensed by most people. They like you and what you are doing. You can fix things easily because of momentum. • People Development - People follow because of what you have done for them. Can cause long range growth. Your commitment to developing leaders will grow the organization. • Personhood – People follow you because of who you are and what you represent. This step is reserved for leaders who have spent years developing and growing people and organizations. Few make this level. Those who do are bigger than life.

  25. Climbing the Steps of Leadership • The higher you go the longer it takes • The higher you go the higher the level of commitment • The higher you go, the easier it is to lead • The higher you go, the greater the growth • You never leave the base level • If you are leading a group of people, you will not be on the same level with everyone • For your leadership to remain effective it is essential that you take the other influencers within the group with you to the higher level • You must know the level you are on at this moment

  26. How can I extend my Influence? • The act of empowering others changes lives. • People under the influence of an empowering person are like paper in the Hands of a talented artist • Qualifications of an Empowerer • Position • Relationship • Respect • Commitment • The right attitude • When it comes down to it, empowering leadership in sometimes the only real advantage one organization has over another in our competitive society

  27. How to empower others to their potential • Evaluate Them (Knowledge, Skill, Desire) • Model for Them • Give them permission to succeed (Expect it, Verbalize it) • Transfer Authority to Them • Publicity Show Your Confidence in Them • Supply them with feedback • Release them to continue on their own • Results of Empowerment • Improve your life • Gain more freedom • Promote health of organization

  28. How can I make my Leadership Last? • A leader’s lasting value is measured by succession. • Leaders who leave a legacy of succession • Lead the organization with a “long view” • Create a Leadership Culture • Pay the price today to assure success tomorrow • Value Team Leadership above Individual Leadership • Walk Away from the organization with integrity • Few Leaders Pass it ON– this is a paradigm shift • All leaders eventually leave

  29. Assignment One • Identify 3 leaders in your life who have inspired you. • Write down those three leaders names and why they have inspired you. • Pick on in your profession or career field, a family member and a famous well-known person. • Be prepared to share one of these with the class next week. If someone picks the same one as you share a different person.

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