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L I N K S. MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!. A World Where. Autism Every Day. STEP #ONE. Basics of Autism. Autism and Asperger Awareness. A General Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders. AUTISM & ASPERGER’S. Categories of Autism Spectrum Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorders. Asperger's Syndrome.
L I N K S MAKE A DIFFERENCE!! A World Where . . . Autism Every Day
STEP #ONE Basics of Autism Autism and Asperger Awareness
A General OverviewofAutism Spectrum Disorders AUTISM & ASPERGER’S
Categories of Autism Spectrum Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorders Asperger's Syndrome Classic Autism Rett's Disorder PDD- NOS
Definitions Tree types of Autism 1) Classic Autism 2) Aspergers Syndrome 3) PDD-NOS Rett's disorder/Rett's syndrome/RS: Belongs to a group of childhood disorders known as pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) or autistic spectrum disorders. Rett's disorder is characterized by an early-onset slowing of the infant's head growth and a reduction in brain size, as much as 30%.
Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD is more common in males than in females. ASD is a lifelong neurological disability that affects a person’s ability to communicate, understand language, play, and socially interact with others. People with ASD range from extremely high to relatively low levels of functioning which is why it’s called a SPECTRUM disorder. The autism and Asperger’s Syndrome disorders both fall in the spectrum.
A S D We use the eligibility of Autism Spectrum Disorder for both Autism and Asperger’s. Autism and Asperger’s are similar but at the same time very different. ASD affects 1 child out of every 110. Click Here for Austim Rates Per State ASD is 4 times more frequent in boys.
facts 67 children are diagnosed everyday. A new case is diagnosed almost every 20 minutes More kids are diagnosed with autism than with AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined.
United States Autism is the fastest growing serious developmental disability in the US. Autism costs the nation over $90 billion per year.This figure is expected to double in the next decade. Autism receives LESS than 5% of the research funding given to many less prevalent childhood diseases.
Medical Stats -There is no medical detection or cure. -Leukemia affects 1 in 25,000. Their funding is $310 million. -Muscular Dystrophy affects 1 in 20,000. Their funding is $175 million. -Pediatric AIDS affects 1 in 8,000. Their funding is $394 million. -Juvenile diabetes affects 1 in 500. Their funding is $130 million. -Autism affects 1 in 110. Their funding is $15 million.
A U T I S M • Every child with Autism is different. • Impairment in communication, social ability, and behavior. • There is a scattered and uneven skill development. It is not uncommon for a autistic student to excel in one or two academic areas. • Social abilities are usually very low.- Theory of Mind • May have difficulties with transition or changes to routines.
Some have challenging behaviors such as aggression. • May exhibit repetitive behaviors like rocking or repeating words. • May have problems with attention and multi-step tasks. • Difficulty generalizing learned behaviors or skills to other environments. • Difficulty with judgment and reasoning. • Autism is often accompanied with sensory sensitivities, such as to noise, smell, or touch.
In other words Students with Autism might have significant difficulty with free time, finding friends during lunch, field trips, substitute teachers, assemblies, surprises during class, task completion, organization or academic performance. However, all of these issues are not necessarily true for each individual student. Can you see why many ASD students and their parents become discouraged? Never Give Up!
What can YOU do Most teachers have a list of what to do on the board. Help your student find that list and copy it down in their planner, if appropriate. Make a general classroom schedule or order of events. Go over it at the beginning of each day. Talk about upcoming events frequently, including big changes like assemblies or field trips. Be specific, like “After Lunch…” or “After gym…” This helps prepare them.
When possible prepare the students for substitute teachers. Accommodation or modification of assignments and tests may be necessary. (Accommodation examples: time and place. Modification examples: change The structure of a test.) Structured activities are usually best.
Asperger’s Characteristics • Every Child with Asperger’s is different. • Cognitive ability (IQ) isAT or ABOVEage appropriatelevels. • High verbal skills are often higher than nonverbal abilities. When you are talking with them you probably will think there is no disability. • Difficulty developing and maintaining friendships. Peer interaction can be very difficult. • Limited interests, often preoccupied with certain topics (special interests).
Difficulty understanding social language such as conversations, slang, and metaphors. • May rely on specific routines, rules, or rituals. • Often clumsy / poor motor coordination. Sports may be difficult, especially team sports. • Social behavior is often naïve, peculiar, or immature. It is not uncommon for this student to be 2-3 years behind their peers • Poor concentration and generally anxious. Aspergers and Anxiety
What Does This Mean? • Students with Asperger’s are often bright but unfortunately they typically have huge difficulties with peer relationships, social conversation, manners, socially appropriate behavior, self esteem, anxiety, staying on task, and academic performance. Remember each student is different! Aspergers and Relationships
What can we do……To make it easier? Allow short breaks when the student is getting overwhelmed. Try to use the special interest the student has in the classroom. Find a “Medium of Exchange”. Classroom rules should be clear and referred to often.
Think Differently About ASD(The following are optional viewing) • Interview teen with ASD • Male adult with aspergers • Documentary About Aspergers • Temple Grandin Autism and Aspergers
LINKS What are they all about? ?
LINKS are… • Mentors (Wise and trusted counselors) • Role Models (People who serve as models for someone to emulate) • Friends (People who are familiar, liked, and trusted)
CLASSROOM BEHAVIORCommon Classroom Rules------------------------------------- • Raise your hand if you have something to say or a question. • Limit your comments to 1-2 per class period. • Keep your questions and comments brief. • Do not talk out of turn. • Listen to the teacher. • Follow the teacher’s instructions. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Remind your student – they are likely to forget
Rules for LINKS! • Always stay with your student. Sit next to him/her. • Follow the directions from adults • Follow school rules at all times • Take a pass when leaving the room • No texting during class • Personal homework is the lowest priority • Remember: YOU ARE A ROLE MODEL • During a crisis, follow the drill • Reliability: Attendance and Punctuality • Have fun!
What does a good LINK look like? • Dressed appropriately • Excellent attendance and punctuality • Positive attitude • Willing to learn • Asks questions when not sure • Loyal to your student • Creative • Enjoys having fun • Lanyard
GRADES, ETC… • Personally sign in every morning (prior to First Hour). You can call (5915) if you are running late. • Attend Tuesday training class. • Assignments: Daily journals, Articles on-line • Attendance – This is VERY important to your student (Keep Mr. Wood informed). • Positive relationships with students and staff • If you have questions about grades, see Mr. Wood. He is the only one that manages PowerTeacher gradebook.
Daily Journals are to be completed on the LINK Class Blog. Socialization, Independence, Academics, Other • Final Exam to be announced.
Practicum Grade? Observations by Mr. Wood, Mrs. McCrumb, Mrs. Olds, Mrs. Tappen AND the classroom teacher • Observe what? • Role Model • Mentor • Friend/relationship with your assigned student • Conduct in the classroom • Outside activities
Benefits to Students Students with Disabilities LINKS • Understand disabilities • Gain organizational skills • Value diversity • Learn additional general education content • Manage responsibility • Become positive role models • Gain physical supports • Develop age-appropriate expectations • Age-appropriate behavior • Socialization • Gain academic support • Access to general education curriculum Support General Education Students • See diversity working • Understand disabilities • See value of team work • See positive role models Valuing Differences
Remember . . . • A lot of information was shared today. Don’t worry. . . • The staff is here to help you • Be yourself. . . We need you to be who you are • The staff is excited you are a LINK because you areanintegralpart of this program • We are a team! Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
A Few More Items • Pictures – Individual • Syllabus – Take one • This PowerPoint may be viewed again on the LINK Class Blog -- Beginning PowerPoint Page
Dreams THANK YOU ANDHAVEFUN! I Believe Famous Failures